كم يجني المؤثرون Instagram ؟

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Instagram النمو | 15 فبراير 2024

هل تريد المزيد من المتابعين الحقيقيين على Instagram ؟

Anybody can become famous these days, thanks to social media. Successful Instagram influencers are celebrities in their own right and enjoy almost all the perks of traditional celebrities. The prestige of fame, even if only within their niche, means having a significant degree of clout or influence over their followers — hence, the term influencer. Just like traditional celebrities, Instagram influencers can make good money from their popularity — this is one of the many ways to make money on Instagram. So how much do Instagram influencers make? And do you have what it takes to become a successful influencer?

A stack of hundred-dollar bills to show how much Instagram influencers can make on the platform.

How do you make money by becoming an Instagram influencer?

There’s one non-negotiable requirement to become a successful Instagram influencer: a huge following. You need thousands of followers, at the very least, whose purchasing behaviors you’ll be influencing. How much money an Instagram influencer makes largely depends on how many followers they have. The more followers you have, the more people you can influence, and the more money you can make. Here’s a quick run-through of how influencers can make money on Instagram.

  • التعاون مع العلامات التجارية الأخرى أو مع الشركات. اعتمادا على حجم التأثير الذي لديك ، يمكنك الترويج لمنتج أو خدمة مقابل هدايا مجانية أو أموال.
  • بيع البضائع الخاصة بك. يمكنك بدء علامتك التجارية الخاصة وبيع البضائع لمتابعيك.
  • Earn via Instagram Live badges. When you go Live, your viewers can purchase badges to show their support. Keep in mind that you need a professional account to enable badges for Live streams.
  • تقديم الدروس. إذا كنت خبيرا راسخا في مجال تخصصك ، فيمكنك كسب أموال إضافية عن طريق إنشاء مقاطع فيديو تعليمية يمكن مشاهدتها مقابل رسوم.
  • Take advantage of Instagram’s new monetization features for creators. These include affiliate marketing, bonuses, and subscriptions.

لاحظ أنك تحتاج أيضا إلى إنشاء مصداقية ممتازة من أجل تحقيق الدخل من تأثيرك. يجب أن يثق جزء كبير من قاعدة متابعيك في حكمك وخبرتك حتى تتمكن من إقناعهم بإنفاق الأموال على شيء ما.

A hand holding 100 US Dollar banknotes earned as an Instagram influencer.

How many followers do you need on Instagram to get paid?

If you’re worried about how many followers you need on Instagram to get paid, then you’ll be relieved to know that you have the potential to make money as an influencer with only 1,000 followers. The key is to have high engagement. The more likes, comments, and shares you get on every content you post, the greater your influence score — which is one of the things that brands and businesses look at when they consider you for a collaboration. But, again, your rate will be dictated by the size of your follower base. If you’re just starting and only have a few thousand followers, you can focus on generating consistently high engagement to convince businesses to invest in you and more followers will, well, follow soon after.

How much does Instagram pay?

Instagram (together with Facebook) recently launched new monetization features for creators. This means you have several opportunities to earn money directly from your content. The answer to “How much does Instagram pay?” via these new monetization features depends on a number of factors, including number of followers and which features you use.

Instagram does not have a minimum requirement for number of followers, but you should still prioritize how many followers you have on Instagram to make money because this will determine your financial success as an influencer. At the very least, you should have 1,000 followers and consistently excellent engagement if you want to be taken seriously for brand collaboration. Having upwards of 10,000 followers can mean a stable and decent income. So make sure to know all the best strategies to get more followers on Instagram.

Screenshot of Instagram’s new Monetization Features for creators page from their website.

How much does Instagram pay for 1k followers?

سيكون من دواعي سرورنا معرفة المبلغ الذي يمكنك الحصول عليه مقابل وجود 1 ألف متابع. إن وجود 1,000 إلى 10,000 متابع يؤهلك كمؤثر نانوي ويمكنك تحقيق ما بين 5 دولارات و 25 دولارا لكل منشور ، أو حتى أعلى. ضع في اعتبارك أنه بصرف النظر عن المشاركة الكبيرة ، فإن جودة المحتوى الخاص بك ، والتعرف على اسمك ، وديموغرافية الجمهور ، ومجموعة المهارات ستؤثر أيضا على معدلك.   

إذا كنت مؤثرا صغيرا - مع 10,000 إلى 50,000 متابع - يمكنك جني 40,000 دولار إلى 100,000 دولار سنويا. تستمر الأرقام في النمو بشكل كبير حيث تصل أعداد متابعيك إلى 6 أرقام وما بعدها.

How much do Instagram influencers make from sponsored content?

Here are some examples of how much Instagram influencers make from sponsored content. How rates are determined vary, but number of followers, engagement metrics, niche, usage rights, exclusivity, and other factors come into play.

  1. يمكن للمؤثر النانوي الذي لديه 1,000 إلى 10,000 متابع أن يكسب حوالي 901 دولارا لكل منشور أو بمتوسط 1,420 دولارا شهريا.
  2. A swipe-up on an ad on Instagram Stories can earn $100 to $1,500.
  3. يمكن للمؤثر "العادي" أن يكسب 2,970 دولارا شهريا.
  4. يمكن للمؤثر الضخم الذي لديه أكثر من 1 مليون متابع أن يكسب حوالي 15,356 دولارا شهريا.

And here’s how much the biggest celebrity influencers on Instagram make, according to a 2022 Hootsuite report:

  1. كريستيانو رونالدو ، 475 مليون متابع. متوسط سعر تقديري قدره 1,604,000 دولار لكل منشور.
  2. دواين جونسون "الصخرة" ، 334 مليون متابع. متوسط سعر يقدر ب 1,523,000 دولار لكل منشور.
  3. أريانا غراندي ، 328 مليون متابع. متوسط سعر يقدر ب 1,510,000 دولار لكل منشور.
  4. كايلي جينر ، 365 مليون متابع. متوسط سعر يقدر ب 1,494,000 دولار لكل منشور.
  5. سيلينا غوميز ، 341 مليون متابع. متوسط سعر يقدر ب 1,468,000 دولار لكل منشور.

How much do Instagram influencers make via other monetization tools

As an influencer, you’re no longer limited to brand partnerships to make money on Instagram. Here are other monetization tools you can explore and how much you can make as an Instagram influencer when you use them. 

  • Affiliate marketing. A native affiliate tool will soon be available to creators so they can earn commissions from the purchases they drive within the Instagram app. How much you earn will depend on the affiliate program.
  • Instagram badges. You can get paid when you go live with Live badges, which works as a tipping option for your viewers. How much can an Instagram influencer make from Live badges? Your viewers can purchase multiple badges during your Live in $0.99, $1.99 and $4.99 increments. You need a Professional account and be eligible for monetization to enable badges.
  • المكافات. يمكنك كسب مكافآت من المحتوى المذهل الخاص بك من خلال Reels Play ، وهو برنامج مكافآت يتيح لك كسب المال من عدد المسرحيات على بكرات الخاص بك . برنامج المكافآت هذا مدعو فقط لمنشئي المحتوى الأمريكيين الذين لديهم أقل من 1 مليون متابع.
  • الاشتراكات. تتيح لك الاشتراكات الحصول على دخل شهري متكرر عبر المحتوى الحصري المقدم لمتابعيك الأكثر تفاعلا. سيدفع المشتركون رسوما شهرية ، والتي ستقوم بتعيينها ، حتى يتمكنوا من عرض المحتوى المجدول بانتظام الحصري لهم.

Screenshot of Instagram Live Badges page from their website.

ابدأ في رحلة المؤثر الناجحة ماليا

Knowing how much Instagram influencers make can be a great motivation to pursue the influencer path. Bear in mind that even with more than 1 billion active users per month, growing your Instagram account and building your sphere of influence is not going to be easy. Employing all the best practices for Instagram growth will be of great help, but having the guidance of an expert in Instagram growth strategy will take you even further along on your journey to financial success.

A company like Path Social can deliver accelerated growth — in follower numbers and engagement numbers — to give an edge as an Instagram influencer. Take advantage of Path Social’s advanced AI targeting capability to find real and genuinely interested followers, and let their in-house team of social media specialists put your content in front of the right audience to generate quality engagement. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!