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Margene Beaver

Margene era un'artista in difficoltà che ha guadagnato più di 500 clienti e aumentato il coinvolgimento del 363% in soli 6 mesi.

  • 23 posti
  • 7,943 seguaci
  • 435 di seguito
Margene Beaver


  • 84 posti
  • 20.1k seguaci
  • 781 di seguito
Margene Beaver


Margene Beaver

11k seguaci guadagnati

950+ Avg. Mi piace/Post

  • 263% Aumento delle impressioni
  • 159% Aumento della portata
  • 392% Aumento totale del coinvolgimento


Margene has a different perspective and eye when it comes to art. Path Social worked quickly to put his Instagram on the right path, and put his art on the map.


La strategia

Path Social knew they had to work quickly. They also embraced the challenge of catapulting Margene onto the art scene. Their approach was to generate as much buzz about his art posts and make people want to view his profile and art.

Not only did Path Social promote his unique, they pushed individuals to view the process. By exposing the painstaking yet beautiful process he takes to create each piece, more individuals were interested in learning more about Margene’s art.

With the quick addition of followers in his niche, his posts were reaching more and more individuals exploring art on Instagram, leading to a monumental boost to his Instagram and art. At this point Path Social’s team of experts nailed the perfect audience and Margene was getting thousands of followers interested in his art.

Di conseguenza, in soli 6 mesi Margene ha venduto oltre 500 pezzi in più rispetto al periodo di 6 mesi precedente e ha visto la domanda per la sua arte aumentare ogni giorno di più.

11k seguaci guadagnati

950+ Avg. Mi piace/Post

  • 263% Aumento delle impressioni
  • 159% Aumento della portata
  • 392% Aumento totale del coinvolgimento

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