Instagram Giochi: Scoprite questi giochi interattivi preferiti

Foto del profilo di Karen Lin, autrice

Karen Lin

Instagram Tips | Feb 08, 2023

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These days, it seems like Instagram can do it all. From posting vacation pictures to connecting with old friends and promoting businesses, the options are endless. Long gone are the days of using the platform to simply share your favorite photos with the world. Now, you can have even more fun with stories and posts by utilizing Instagram games. Wondering what we are talking about? Allow us to fill you in. These games are interactive ways to boost your engagement on the social media app. They include challenges, dares and choices that require you to tag friends and publicly share your answers. The key to success? Utilizing Instagram story feature to participate.

Whether you want to play creative games with friends or boost your brand’s engagement, there’s a game to spark your interest. If you’re not sure where to start, don’t worry. Below, we’ll cover everything Instagram games related to get you up to speed. Keep reading to learn how to play some of the most popular social media activities. And if your idea of gaming is more video-game related? We’ve got that, too.

Women holding a smartphone, ready to log into Instagram and play Instagram games.

I giochi offrono nuovi modi per connettersi con i propri follower

Simply put, Instagram games are a fun way to interact with and challenge your followers. From everyday Instagram users to brands and social media influencers, anyone can participate. The best part? They are quick and easy to learn. Below, we will break down how to play a few of our favorite up-and-coming games. And don’t forget to tag and mention other people. These games depend on participation from your followers, with questions, choices and more.

Instagram Games: Games for Your Instagram Story With Questions

First up, a straight-forward question and answer game. What can be easier than that? This virtual game on Instagram is all about using the built in questions sticker feature for stories. You can add this sticker to any Instagram story, whether you prefer pictures or videos. Let’s take you through a quick story refresher and learn how to use this feature.

  1. Grab your phone and open the Instagram app. Tap the plus sign icon in the top left hand corner of your screen. You can also swipe right anywhere in your feed.
  2. Guardate verso l'angolo in basso a destra e selezionate Storia.
  3. Toccare l'icona circolare del pulsante di registrazione in basso al centro dello schermo per scattare una foto. Oppure, toccare e tenere premuto questo pulsante per registrare un video.
  4. È anche possibile scegliere di utilizzare una foto o un video già salvato sul telefono. È sufficiente scorrere verso l'alto in un punto qualsiasi dello schermo o selezionare l'icona del rullino fotografico nell'angolo in basso a sinistra. È necessario assicurarsi di aver dato all'applicazione l'autorizzazione ad accedere al rullino fotografico.
  5. From here, swipe up to access stickers as well as the ever-popular selection of GIFs and emojis. Select the questions sticker to add it to your story and play this Instagram game. It will auto-populate with the title, ask me a question. Want to change the wording or color? No problem. Simply click into the questions box to type your desired title and choose your hue.
  6. Selezionare la freccia successiva nell'angolo in basso a destra dello schermo. Potrete scegliere dove condividere la vostra storia.

Congratulations. You’ve successfully created a game for your Instagram story with questions. Now, all that’s left is sharing the answers you receive.

Sfondo blu con numeri bianchi confusi.

Instagram Games: Pick a Number Instagram Story Games

Pick a number, any number. That’s right. Pick a number Instagram story games are a great interactive tool for individuals and businesses alike. They are easily customizable to fit any needs or scenarios and they have a wide virtual reach. All you need to do is think up a series of questions. You can make your game have a theme, like get to know me or have I ever. Alternatively, feel free to keep it random and use whatever comes to mind. The questions will be aimed at yourself and your followers will direct message (DM) you a number of their choosing. Then, you’ll answer them either through DM or by posting your response to your story.

To play the pick a number Instagram story game, simply think up some questions. Share your questions to your story by either using a premade template from the internet or creating your own. Just add text over an Instagram story of your choice. Need a few question suggestions to get your creative juices flowing? We’re here with help. Keep scrolling to get inspired with some of our top picks to play this Instagram game.

Tema della domanda: Conoscermi

  1. Quando è il mio compleanno?
  2. Qual è il mio luogo di vacanza preferito?
  3. Quanto sono alto?
  4. Qual è il colore dei miei occhi?

Tema della domanda: Ho mai?

  1. Ho mai vissuto in un paese straniero?
  2. Ho mai mangiato un insetto?
  3. Ho mai fatto paracadutismo?
  4. Mi sono mai esibito su un palcoscenico?

This version of an Instagram game for your story is fun and allows you to be creative with the information you share. Just remember to keep the questions simple, exciting and, above all, engaging.

Man holding smart phone to play Instagram games.

Instagram Games: This or That

Another popular pick when it comes to Instagram games? A little thing called this or that. This is an interactive way to challenge your followers to share their preferences. It can be especially helpful if you are a brand or business, looking to introduce a new product or service. Why? It lets your followers make a choice between two options. Essentially, you are polling your audience to gauge which of two things is more popular. This way, you can create your new product with your target audience’s preferences in mind.

Wondering how to play? It’s easy. Find or create a game template. There’s plenty available online, both blank and with options already included. You’ll want to have two columns, with a choice in each one that correlates to each other. For example, white or black? Ocean or mountains? Share the template to your Instagram story and add some text to encourage your followers to play along. They’ll be able to screenshot your story and indicate their choice by using the draw tool or even an emoji. Next, they can share the completed template to their own stories and tag your account. Make sure to repost their story to create an engaging atmosphere around Instagram games. You’ll also want to make a record of or screenshot your follower’s favorite answers. This way, you can reference them later if you want to utilize your findings.

I giochi preferiti portati nel mondo virtuale

Come dice il proverbio, tutto ciò che è vecchio è nuovo. Ebbene, abbiamo buone notizie per voi. Se avete un gioco preferito della vostra infanzia, è probabile che ora ne esista una versione online. Lasciatevi trasportare da un po' di nostalgia e date un'occhiata a tutti questi giochi vintage che stanno tornando in auge virtualmente. Siete curiosi di sapere quali sono i nostri preferiti? Continuate a leggere per scoprire quali sono stati selezionati.

Fiches da bingo su una cartella da bingo.

Instagram Games: Instagram Bingo

That’s right. Fan-favorite game bingo has officially made its way to Instagram. And in the virtual version, everyone’s a winner. Creating your own Instagram games bingo card is easy. First, you’ll need to find or make your own bingo card. If you’re looking for a premade template, just search the hashtag #bingo on Instagram or pop over to Google. Want to create your own? Pick a topic (we’ll suggest popular ones below) and fill your squares with activities or statements related to the topic. So, instead of the traditional letters and numbers, you’ll have words and phrases.

To start, share a copy of your bingo board to your Instagram. You can either post it on your story or feed. Tag friends and followers to encourage them to play along. They’ll be able to take a screenshot of your bingo board and mark off things they’ve completed. If you are a business, this is a great way to run a giveaway or contest among your audience.

Popular Instagram bingo topics include:

  1. Lo avete mai fatto?
  2. Lettura
  3. In viaggio
  4. Cura di sé
  1. Lo avete mai fatto?
  2. Lettura
  3. In viaggio
  4. Cura di sé
  5. Fitness/Allenamento

If you’re participating in someone else’s bingo game, all you need to do is take a screenshot of their Bingo card. From here, get to work to earn your ability to mark things off. You can use the Instagram stories text or drawing tool to record your progress, You can even mark off completed boxes with fun emojis related to the topic. Once you’ve hit bingo, share your completed board back on your Instagram story or feed. Remember to tag the person or business you got the board from, as well as other friends and family. This will create a domino effect and encourage others to play along.

Young adult looking at a smartphone and playing Instagram games.

Instagram Games: Instagram Dare Games

Remember playing truth or dare you played as a kid? Well, Instagram dare games are the virtual version. Just with a little more dare and a little less truth. The premise is simple, really. Post a story featuring your chosen Instagram games dare challenge and tag others to participate. When your followers choose to accept, they will need to perform the dare and provide photo or video proof, of course. Next, they’ll have to post the proof and pass the dare along to their followers to keep the streak going. Just make sure to keep your challenges entertaining but also safe and legal. For example, dare others to bark instead of talk or balance a book on their head while walking.

Man in red polo shirt having a good thought about what Instagram Games.

Instagram Games: Two Truths and a Lie

This Instagram story game is another great get to me tool used by both individuals and businesses alike. The premise for two truths and a lie is simple. Just come up with three statements about yourself or your brand⸺two that are true and one that is a lie. From here, your followers will have to guess which one is the lie. The more ridiculous choices you can include, the better. The goal is to really stump your followers and get them excited for you to reveal the answer.

To take this into the virtual world of Instagram games, the hardest part will be thinking up your statements. The easiest part? Creating this game. You’ll want to use the built-in poll sticker on Instagram stories. This way, your followers can easily cast their vote to guess which one is a lie. Follow the instructions we mentioned above for adding the questions sticker to your story but select poll instead. Make your title something catchy and let your audience know they need to identify the lie. Next, type in your statements. To display three choices, you’ll need to select add another option. Your followers will be able to vote on which one they think is the lie. After they’ve made their choice, they will also see which percentage of others voted for which. Just remember to go back and reveal the truth⸺and the lie.

Two people playing Instagram games on a smart phone.

Squid Game on Instagram

The breakout Netflix series, Squid Game, took the streaming world by storm in 2021. You may have wondered if you can virtually play Squid Game on Instagram. The answer is sort of. The easiest way to immerse yourself into the show is with Instagram filters. Filters put a virtual lens on your camera, letting you manipulate your surroundings or appearance. We’re here to help you locate and use these fun tools. Ready? Grab your phone and follow the easy steps below for fun Squid Game-inspired Instagram games.

  1. Open the Instagram app. Tap the plus sign icon in the top left hand corner of your screen. You can also swipe right from anywhere in your Feed.
  2. Guardate verso l'angolo in basso a destra e selezionate Storia.
  3. Prima di scattare la foto, è necessario applicare il filtro. In basso al centro dello schermo, scorrere il dito verso sinistra dal pulsante di registrazione per scorrere i filtri disponibili.
  4. Quando si arriva alla fine, selezionare l'icona con la dicitura Sfoglia effetti. Una volta entrati nella galleria degli effetti, cercate l'icona di ricerca in alto a destra dello schermo. Digitate " squid game" o frasi legate a show popolari come "red light green light " per accedere a una pletora di opzioni di filtro.
  5. Seguite le istruzioni sullo schermo per immergervi immediatamente nel mondo virtuale di Squid Game.
  6. Dopo aver scattato la foto o registrato il videoclip, terminate la pubblicazione della storia selezionando il pubblico e toccando Condividi.

Of course, you’ll want to be sure to follow the official Squid Game Instagram page. You’ll also want to check out and follow the individual pages for the stars of the show. Make sure to tag them when you share interactive Instagram games. After all, you never know when you’ll get a like or repost.

Man playing Instagram games on smart phone controller.

Come diventare un giocatore IG

If your idea of Instagram games is actual video games, not to worry. There’s a virtual space on social media for you as well. The IG gamer community is huge but there are plenty of ways to find your niche among the masses. First, you’ll want to hone in on one game or series of games and identify your area of expertise. Having a deep understanding and knowledge will help you stand out and be highly regarded. Some ideas to get your playing noticed? Record and share your games. Make sure to use gaming-related hashtags and tag or mention popular gaming influencers and companies in your posts. You can also leave comments on other accounts to attract new followers to your page.

Have you found your calling as a gamer on Instagram? You may be wondering how to make money on Instagram from this hobby. We’re here to tell you that it’s possible, but you’ll have to put in the work. The main goal is to promote your account and build a large, loyal following. From here, you’ll be able to monetize on your gaming popularity with possible sponsorships and collaborations. Target partnerships with top gaming companies and potentially get paid to play, post and share.

Noi di Path Social abbiamo costruito negli ultimi dieci anni una piattaforma interna di Instagram influencer e un algoritmo di targeting AI proprietario. È così che raggiungiamo utenti organici che rimarranno interessati e coinvolti. Ed è per questo che nessuno può replicare i nostri risultati, il che significa che costruirete una comunità Instagram che dura nel tempo! Iniziate a crescere e a guadagnare follower Instagram oggi stesso.