Cât de des ar trebui să postați pe Instagram pentru o creștere consistentă și de durată?

Fotografie de profil a lui Karen Lin, autor

Karen Lin

Instagram Creștere | 15 februarie 2024

Vrei mai mulți urmăritori Real Instagram ?

Do you find yourself wondering, “How often should I post on Instagram to gain more followers?” Or, “How often should I post on Instagram to keep my audience engaged?” Figuring out the right posting frequency is not rocket science — but it’s not easy, either. You have to account for shifting trends and algorithm updates. Then, social media fatigue – yes, it’s a real thing – and that the ideal number of posting changes over time. How often you should post on Instagram can be daunting to figure out. However, these general guidelines can help you stay on target. 

Cineva care ține în mână un iPhone care afișează postările din social media

How Often Should You Post on Instagram to Grow?

There’s no magic number that answers the question, “How often should you post on Instagram to grow?” There are a lot of variables that determine the best number for how frequently to post to your Instagram account. These variables include but are not limited to the following: The type of account you have — is it a personal account or a business/creator account? The industry you’re in and the type of audience you’re targeting. The type of content, product or service you’re posting and how many followers you have. Last, what hashtags you’re choosing that are relevant to your business, brand or industry.

Increasing your follower count for growth is the ultimate goal for most Instagram users. Knowing how many times you should post per day, week or month is a must for a successful growth strategy. Let’s take a look at what some studies and industry experts say about Instagram posting frequency.

O femeie care lucrează la laptop și învață cât de des trebuie să posteze pe platformele de socializare.

How Often to Post on Instagram: It’s All About Your Followers

Really, how often you should post on Instagram truly varies. Your follower number dictates when you should post. Don’t forget that you should always be creating valuable content. Then, post multiple times throughout the week or over weeks. Linking to other social media accounts, like your Facebook page, is a social marketing strategy that helps with engagement.

 An abacus representing various times to post a healthy mix of carousel posts, feed posts, reels and Instagram stories.

So, How Many Times Should You Post on Instagram?

The aforementioned Later study further found that how many times you should post on Instagram depends on your follower count. How often to post on Instagram factors in a want to maximize reach and engagement every week. Their recommendations are as follows:

  • Mai puțin de 1.000 de urmăritori - 14 postări pe săptămână, sau două postări pe zi.
  • Between 1,000 and 250k followers – 14 to 20 posts per week for the highest reach. One Instagram post per week for the highest engagement per post
  • More than 250k followers – one post per week for maximum reach and engagement per Instagram post.

Așadar, pe baza concluziilor lui Later, cu cât numărul de urmăritori este mai mare, cu atât ar trebui să postezi mai puțin. Vă întrebați de ce? Conturile cu mai puțini urmăritori trebuie să depună mai mult efort printr-o frecvență mai mare a postărilor pentru a-și crește reach-ul și engagement-ul. Acestea trebuie să atingă și să implice noi audiențe pentru a se dezvolta, așa că o frecvență mai mare este avantajoasă. Cu toate acestea, conturile cu mai mulți urmăritori trebuie să găsească echilibrul potrivit între reach și rata de implicare per postare.

Persoană care ține telefonul în mână și se uită la câte conturi sunt atinse prin intermediul instrumentelor de marketing de conținut și de programare.

How Often to Post on Instagram: High Reach Rates Doesn’t Mean High Engagement

Large reach doesn’t always equate to a high engagement rate. It makes sense. When an account posts too many times their audience will not engage with each and every one of their posts. In such instances, audiences will begin cherry-picking which posts they’ll like and comment on. Essentially, don’t flood your feed with multiple posts in a day. Spread your content out on your Instagram feed until you find the best posting frequency.Accounts with higher follower counts can rely on their existing community to maintain good numbers for reach and engagement. These accounts have already established themselves. Therefore, their high follower numbers practically guarantee that each post will reach a significant percentage of their target audience. In summary, how often to post on Instagram strongly depends on your follower count.

Someone holding their phone analyzing their Instagram insights and Instagram posting frequency.

How Often Should You Post on Instagram vs When Should You Post on Instagram

How often you should post on Instagram, whether daily or weekly, should also follow the established best times to post on Instagram. These times differ across niches, industries, audience types, and content types. In addition to knowing the current trends within your industry and for your type of audience, you can narrow down further the ideal posting times for your brand/business by analyzing your Instagram Insights.

Use the information from your Insights to experiment with various posting times — while also taking into consideration how often you should post on Instagram daily or weekly. Keep an eye on how your Insights data changes, i.e., did your post at a particular time reach more people and/or receive more engagement? Once you’ve figured out a posting schedule that optimizes your posting frequency for reach and engagement, just stick to it. If you notice a decline in your numbers, this could indicate a trend shift in your industry or maybe the result of an algorithm update. You’ll have to repeat your trial and error process to re-establish your solid footing on the platform.  

Phone screen displaying Instagram Insights for account activity.

Când ar trebui să postezi pe IG?

Now you know how often you should post on Instagram let’s tackle when you should post on the platform. You should follow the established best times to post on Instagram. These times differ across niches, industries, audience types and content types. For most industries, Wednesdays are a sure bet as well as posting first thing in the morning. Typically around 6-7 AM for maximum exposure. In addition, knowing the current trends within your industry and for your audience narrows down your ideal posting time. For a deeper dive into specifics for your brand/business analyze your Instagram Insights.

Folosiți informațiile de la Insights pentru a experimenta cu diferite ore de publicare. Luați în considerare cât de frecvent ar trebui să postați săptămânal sau zilnic. Urmăriți modul în care se modifică datele din Insights. Postarea dvs. la un anumit moment a ajuns la mai multe persoane și/sau a primit mai multă implicare? Odată ce v-ați dat seama de o strategie de postare care optimizează frecvența de postare pentru reach și engagement, doar respectați-o. Dacă observați un declin în cifrele dvs., acest lucru indică o schimbare de tendință în industria dvs. Sau, poate că este rezultatul unei actualizări a algoritmului. Va trebui să repetați procesul de încercare și eroare pentru a vă restabili o poziție solidă pe platformă.  

Someone writing on post-its coming up with a posting schedule for Instagram.

How Often Should a Business Post on Instagram?

If you are a business account wondering how often you should post on Instagram, consider your competition. A key consideration is your competition’s posting frequency. The most recent reports indicate that businesses post an average of 1.56 times per day. Hootsuite’s recommended strategy is to post feed content 2 to 3 times per week, and the same number for stories. If you want to stay competitive, you have to match this number.

În cazul nișelor specializate și al industriilor mai mici, efectuarea unor cercetări asupra concurenței vă va oferi informații mai valoroase. Vizitați paginile celor mai mari concurenți ai dvs. și parcurgeți postările lor din feed. Luați notă de următoarele:

  • De câte ori postează pe zi și pe săptămână. 
  • Ce ori ei postează de obicei. 
  • Momentele și zilele în care postările lor au primit cea mai mare implicare.

Pe baza acestor informații, veți putea să înțelegeți frecvența de publicare. Puteți opta să vă potriviți cu frecvența și programul de postare al concurenților. Acest lucru este util mai ales dacă numărul urmăritorilor dvs. nu este prea departe de al lor. Sau postați de una sau două ori mai mult decât ei, dacă sunteți încă mult în urmă în ceea ce privește numărul de urmăritori. Nu uitați doar să luați întotdeauna în considerare momentele optime de postare și asigurați-vă că postați în mod constant.

An artist getting ready to post content on Instagram.

How Often to Post on Instagram if You’re an Artist

We have good news if you’re an artist wondering how often you should post on Instagram. Artists can enjoy a bit more flexibility with their posting frequency. Two to three times a week is a good place to start with your social media marketing strategy.

O frecvență a postărilor care să fie atât consecventă, cât și ușor de gestionat este cea mai importantă pentru artiști. Comportamentele online ale publicului lor și practicile de cont ale concurenței joacă un rol mai puțin important în strategia de planificare a conținutului unui artist. Aveți nevoie de un program de postare consecvent, astfel încât să rămâneți relevant pentru publicul dumneavoastră. Cu toate acestea, cadența de postare trebuie să vă permită, de asemenea, să vă concentrați asupra activității mai importante - care este arta dumneavoastră. Aveți un eveniment care se apropie sau o nouă piesă pe care doriți să o promovați? Prin natura sa, veți posta mai frecvent în săptămânile premergătoare acestuia. 

It’s okay to take a break from social media so you can devote your time and attention to your work. Or, if you need to look after your mental well-being. Before going off the grid, take some time to inform your followers via a post. Don’t forget to log out of your Instagram account to keep it secure while you’re off the platform. If you don’t want to quit Instagram altogether, schedule posts in a regular cadence to minimize your time on social media.

Pietrele stivuite reprezintă un echilibru în strategia ta de social media pentru postări.

Final Thoughts on How Often to Post on Instagram: Find a Balance

How often should you post on Instagram for consistent and lasting growth? What works for others may not work for you. But, knowing the current trends overall and within your industry will put you on the right track. Plus, it’s something you can add to your multitude of social media management tools.

Remember that posting too many times may do more harm than good if it causes your engagement rates to fall. It might also make some of your followers want to see less of you. Posting not enough times, on the other hand, will most likely put you “out of sight, out of mind.” Instagram’s algorithm will also give your posts a low relevance score. A low score lowers your post reach if you have minimal account activity.

Once you’ve figured out the ideal posting frequency for your business, you have to post consistently. Of course, you also have to make sure that you’re posting high-quality and interesting Instagram content each and every time. 

At Path Social we’ve built up an in-house platform of Instagram influencers and a proprietary AI targeting algorithm. That’s how we reach organic users who are targeted, interested and engaged. You’ll build an Instagram community that lasts. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!