Vizualizați conturile private Instagram : Cum se face

Fotografie de profil a lui Karen Lin, autor

Karen Lin

Instagram Tips | Mar 20, 2023

Vrei mai mulți urmăritori Real Instagram ?

We’ve all been there. You’re scrolling through IG, checking out other profiles, when you run into a private Instagram account. You want to know more about this person’s account or posts without sending a follow request. Now you’re wondering, “Is there another way to view private Instagram accounts?”

Luckily, we’ve got all the answers to your question. Keep reading to learn about private Instagram pages, how to view them, what not to use, and more.

Path Social Logo and red overlay over a phone on a patterned table showing a private Instagram profile.

What Is a Private Instagram Profile?

Instagram’s private mode is available to all personal accounts, whether you’re a regular Jane/Joe or a well-known personality. When you set your profile to private mode, only your followers can view, like, and comment on your posts.

 You also control who follows your account since you confirm or reject follow requests. Additionally, you can switch to public mode at any time. With a public Instagram account, anybody on the app can view and freely follow your posts. 

Business accounts, however, are always public. Any Instagram user can follow you and see, like, and comment on your posts. If you wish to make your account private, switch it back to a personal account.  

Unlike Facebook, Instagram’s private or public mode applies to the entire account, not individual photos or posts. If you have a private account, you can’t set the visibility of specific posts to the public. If you have a public profile, you can’t make the visibility of select posts private. 

Înainte de a vă plasa profilul în modul privat sau public, luați în considerare avantajele și dezavantajele. Iată câteva întrebări pe care trebuie să vi le puneți:

  • Cât de serios îți iei viața privată?
  • What’s the purpose of your Instagram account?
  • Îți pasă dacă persoane total străine sau oameni pe care abia îi cunoști te urmăresc și îți văd și/sau reacționează la postările tale? 

Acestea fiind spuse, nu este un capăt de lume dacă alegeți o opțiune și doriți să schimbați mai târziu. Puteți comuta cu ușurință între cele două moduri oricând doriți. Încercați-le pe fiecare dintre ele pentru a vedea ce funcționează cel mai bine pentru dumneavoastră.

Path Social logo and red filter over close up of viewing a private Instagram account.

Why Make Your Instagram Account Private

Making your Instagram private is the best way to protect your content. By selecting private mode, you know who sees your photos, videos and other media. Putting up this wall lowers the chances of your information falling into the wrong hands. This is especially important for protecting young adults and teens from predators or other bad actors.

Acestea fiind spuse, nu toată lumea dorește să își privatizeze contul. Dacă doriți să obțineți 1.000 de urmăritori în 5 minute, de exemplu, va trebui să vă păstrați contul deschis. În acest fel, este mai ușor pentru alții să vă descopere conținutul.

Reasons to View Private Instagram Accounts

Before we get into the fine details of how to view private Instagram accounts, let’s talk about the “why.” Why would someone see a private Instagram account and want to dig deeper? Sometimes, the answer is simple. 

You recently joined Instagram, or you just saw a profile of someone you know. IG is a social platform; you want to connect with that person and their content. But let’s say this isn’t the case. If you’re the one trying to gain access to someone’s Instagram feed, here are some questions to ask yourself:

  • Vizualizarea acestui cont privat este esențială pentru siguranța sau liniștea mea?
  • Vreau să verific pagina acestei persoane pentru că mă interesează cu adevărat?
  • Cunosc această persoană și vreau să fiu prietenul ei în aplicație?
  • Este important pentru munca mea să văd acest conținut privat?
  • Will viewing private Instagram profiles benefit the account owner or me?

Why Shouldn’t You View Private Instagram Pages 

Let’s look at the other side of the coin. What are the scenarios in which you should leave an Instagram profile private?

  • Nu cunoști persoana. Dacă nu aveți o legătură cu această persoană, lăsați pagina sa așa cum este.
  • Many people create a private Instagram account because they don’t want the public to see their photos and videos. If they haven’t asked you to look at their page, respect their wishes.
  • Viewing the private Instagram will hurt your mental health or the mental health of the other person.
  • Proprietarul profilului v-a cerut să nu-i vizualizați pagina sau să nu trimiteți o cerere de urmărire.

Is There a Legitimate Way To View an Instagram Private Profile?

You can view an Instagram private profile by becoming a follower — given that they approve your follow request. Following a private account is the only legitimate way to view and interact with their posts. Whether or not they confirm your follow request will depend on two factors:

  • Cât de bine vă cunosc.
  • Cât de mult țin la intimitatea lor. 

Să spunem că vă consideră doar o cunoștință ocazională. Contul dorit vă poate acorda acces dacă nu sunt prea precauți în ceea ce privește protejarea intimității lor. Dacă sunteți un străin și persoana respectivă își limitează cercul la familie și prieteni, nu vă va confirma cererea de urmărire. Asta înseamnă că nu veți avea nicio modalitate de a vedea postările lor private. 

Some celebrities, for example, create one account for public consumption and another just for people they know. This second account is a “Finsta” or Fake Instagram account. If you’re a fan, you can only follow them via their public profile. Their private Instagram profile is off-limits to the public. You may have to find other ways to take a peek to learn more about their private life. 

Path Social logo and red filter overlaying image of how to view a private Instagram account.

Other Methods To View a Private Instagram Account

Vom fi cinstiți cu tine. Știm că, dacă faceți o căutare pe Google despre cum să vedeți instagramele private, nu vreți să apăsați "Follow". Sau nu puteți, ceea ce înseamnă că vreți o modalitate de a ocoli acest lucru. Aici intrăm pe teritoriul hărțuirii online.

Hărțuirea online poate fi omniprezentă în această zi și în epoca social media, dar nu este un comportament adecvat. Personalitățile celebre, desigur, înțeleg că invadarea intimității lor face parte din pachet. Cu toate acestea, accesarea conturilor lor private prin mijloace creative și înșelătoare este inacceptabilă. Acest lucru este valabil și pentru conturile private ale persoanelor obișnuite. 

That said, there are other ways to view a private Instagram account. With few exceptions, we don’t recommend that you try most of these methods. Why? Because some of them directly violate Instagram’s terms of service. 

Urmarea unora dintre aceste modalități de a vedea fotografiile private ale cuiva vă poate aduce o suspendare, o interdicție sau o blocare. Iată care sunt cele mai frecvente trucuri. 

Crearea unei identități noi pentru un cont IG temporar

The most common solution for viewing private Instagram profiles is to create a fake account. Use this method when you know the person you want to follow won’t approve a follow request from you.

They might let you in if they’re not sensitive about strangers seeing their private Instagram photos and Instagram stories. However, creating a fake IG account won’t work if they’re highly cautious about who they let view their private Instagram.

Crearea unui cont duplicat

Another type of fake Instagram profile that you can create is a duplicate account. I.e., impersonating another user. Disclaimer: we highly discourage this method. Nevertheless, countless individuals engage in this practice to view private Instagram accounts. 

Cum funcționează această strategie? În primul rând, identificați-vă contul țintă. Adică, contul privat pe care doriți să îl vizualizați. Apoi, cercetați rețeaua și activitățile acestuia pe toate conturile de social media. Acestea sunt like-urile și comentariile pe care le fac la postările altor persoane sau chiar la fotografiile publice în care sunt etichetați. 

Second, identify the desired Instagram profile you want to impersonate. This profile should be someone they know and interact with but who isn’t their best friend. You want to pick someone your target won’t immediately text to confirm the identity of your duplicate account.

Pick your candidate and save their profile picture to your device. Then, use this photo to create a new profile. Copy and paste anything in their bio to this fraud account’s bio. Once you complete the identical profile, send a follow request to the targeted private Instagram account.

Uneori, acest truc funcționează. Dar numai pentru o perioadă scurtă de timp. În cele din urmă, utilizatorul inițial la care doreați să obțineți acces se prinde. Probabil că vă va demasca, vă va bloca și vă va raporta atunci când se întâmplă acest lucru. Acest lucru ar putea avea implicații semnificative pentru viața dumneavoastră în afara lumii online. Dar, înainte ca toate acestea să se întâmple, puteți să vă uitați bine la profilul și la postările persoanei respective.

If the person is shrewd, they may spot the fake account immediately, and the faker’s mission would fail. Their target will block the account and report it to Instagram.

Path Social logo and red filter overlaying Google search logo.

Efectuarea unei căutări Google

Did you know you can use Google Images to view private IG pages? If the target profile used to have a public account, then you can find it on Google. Google indexes public Instagram posts. So when you do a Google Image search, you may find some old, public posts. Just Google search your target’s current username and/or real name. 

Efectuați o căutare pe alte platforme de socializare

Sometimes, you have to move on to another app. If you can’t view private Instagram accounts of your choosing, check out the rest of their online presence. Usually, Instagram users also have accounts on other social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, and TikTok. If you are still looking for your target on IG, you can hunt for their other social media accounts. Hit the search bar of these other apps with their IG username or real name.

Bineînțeles, există întotdeauna posibilitatea ca acestea să fi restricționat și celelalte pagini sociale. Dar merită să încercați această metodă. Este posibil să puteți totuși să aruncați o privire în viața lor fără a folosi o metodă la limita eticii. 

Aruncă o privire prin intermediul contului unui prieten

Not every Instagram account ends up on the wrong side of a private Instagram profile. What do we mean by that? We mean, ask your friends. If you and your target have mutual friends and these friends already follow your target, you’ve got an in. Try asking your pal if they let you view your target’s profile using their account.

If you and this individual are close, ask them to send you screenshots of your target’s Instagram content. A word of caution: make sure your friend won’t tell your target about your plan. You don’t want to blow your cover.

Path Social logo and red filter overlaying hand holding a phone with Instagram in front of a laptop.

Vorbiți direct cu proprietarul contului

Call us old-fashioned, but if you want to view private Instagram profiles, you should talk to the people behind them. We know, we know. You probably have your reasons for not wanting to communicate with the private Instagram owners. But if it’s not a risk to your safety, try reaching out in person. Talk out your issues with them or get to know them in real life. That’ll give you more insight than anything on their IG.

Utilizarea aplicațiilor terțe

Here we come to the last way to view private Instagram accounts: the private Instagram profile viewer. An Instagram viewer app promises to grant you complete, confidential, undetectable access to another IG user’s page. There are a lot of third-party apps that offer “Instagram private profile viewer tools.”

You should be wary of these apps, as most do not work as advertised. Just like with Instagram story viewer apps, web viewers for Instagram, and apps to see who views your IG. Scammers design them to infect devices with malware or ransomware. Others may just take your money if you’re lucky or, worse, steal your data.

Path Social logo and red filter overlaying gloved hands with magnifying glass coming out of a laptop screen.

Top 10 Private Instagram Viewer Apps

Still interested in private Instagram viewer apps? Here are some of the most popular private Instagram viewers. Please note that we do not endorse any sites or services on this list. What you choose to do with your personal data is up to you. However, we urge you to proceed with caution.


To see content on private Instagram accounts without them knowing, try mSpy. This private Instagram account viewer app lets you see everything from someone’s content to their follower/following lists. You can also use it on other social platforms like Tinder, Facebook and Viber. The only downside is the app isn’t free. You’ll have to invest a good chunk of change for all that power.


Want a private viewer app that does more than IG? Check out Glassagram. This service doesn’t stop at showing you private Instagram stories and content. You can also use it to track and monitor phone calls, cell activity and GPS. This app is popular with parents to ensure their kids stay safe online and IRL.


IGLookup is IG’s most widely used private profile viewer. How does this private Instagram viewer work? You simply go to the IGLookup website, click the “Spy now” button, and enter your target’s username. The process usually takes a bit of time before the app displays the private posts of your target. 


Next on our list of third-party tools to view private Instagram accounts? PrivateInsta. This app is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows, and OSX. The app doesn’t require users to sign in to view private accounts. However, you will have to complete a survey first. After that, all you have to do is enter the username of your target on the app’s website. Hit submit, and you’re in business.

Path Social logo and red filter overlaying a view of a private Instagram account.


Are you interested in a private Instagram viewer that doesn’t require a download? Then welcome to InstaLooker. Go directly to their website, click “Spy now,” enter your target’s username, and then hit “Start Viewer.” The app also offers an export option to download your target’s photos and videos. 


Pentru a vizualiza conținut privat pe IG cu hacking, încercați InstaRipper. În primul rând, trebuie să descărcați aplicația. Este compatibilă cu Android, iOS, Mac OS și Windows. Apoi, introduceți numele de utilizator al țintei dvs. Vei primi un link pentru a vedea conturile private ale țintei tale. 


Want a new way to view private accounts? Download InstaDP. This app works differently than other private profile viewer apps. It will ask you to copy your target’s Instagram username and paste it into the input text box. Next, you’ll click on the “Download” button. The private Instagram profile picture will appear. Right-click on it to save it to your device. And then you’ll be able to view it any time you want. 

Vizualizator privat de fotografii

Of all the private Instagram viewers, this is the most well-known. It’s easy to see why: it’s all in the name. This Instagram Private account viewer works like the other apps. You must visit the app’s website and provide your target’s username. The app asks to verify if the profile it comes up with is correct. Once you’ve confirmed it, you can view your target’s account without them knowing. 


You don’t need to log into your IG to view private Instagram accounts. Use WatchInsta instead. Just visit the website and provide your target’s username. Choose the type of content you want to view: photos, videos, text files, or all of them. Click “View Profile.” You also have the option to export any or all of the files in .zip format. 


Last on our list is this Instagram Private account viewer: Insta-Downloader. This app only allows you to download your target’s profile photo. Go to the app’s website, paste the profile photo’s link into the download box, and click “Download Photo.”

Path Social Logo and red filter overlaying hands holding a phone with a private Instagram account in front of a laptop.

How To Make Your Instagram Account Private?

Dacă țineți la confidențialitatea dvs. și doriți să restricționați accesul la profilul dvs., setați vizibilitatea contului dvs. la privat. Întotdeauna vor exista persoane care ar putea găsi o modalitate de a trece de setările de confidențialitate. (Adică, ar putea încerca una sau toate metodele menționate mai sus. Fiți foarte atent înainte de a aproba noi cereri de urmărire). Dar acest lucru filtrează majoritatea persoanelor și vă oferă controlul asupra celor care vă vizualizează, comentează, apreciază, partajează sau vă trimit mesaje directe.

Pentru a comuta contul la privat, trebuie doar să urmați acești pași:

  1. Lansați aplicația Instagram . 
  2. Atingeți pictograma mică a imaginii dvs. de profil din colțul din dreapta jos. 
  3. Odată ajuns pe pagina de profil, apăsați pe cele trei linii orizontale din partea de sus a paginii. Atingeți "Settings" (Setări).
  4. Din opțiunile de setare a contului, atingeți butonul "Confidențialitate". 
  5. În partea de sus, veți vedea "Account Privacy" (Confidențialitate cont) și opțiunea "Public/Private Account" (Cont public/privat) imediat sub aceasta.
  6. Your account is public if the button is gray (set to the left). Tap on the button to put it to the right. It will turn blue, which means you’ve turned your Instagram account private 

Path Social logo and red filter overlaying a hand holding a phone viewing private Instagram account.

What To Do Instead of Trying To View Private Instagram Accounts

Trying a private Instagram viewer or other shady methods to view private Instagram accounts is tempting. But here’s what we recommend instead: focus less on the profiles you can’t see and more on those you can. Even better, direct your attention to your own page and growth. This way, you’ll get more out of the app and might even find a new source of business.

Gânduri finale

If your Instagram account is personal, it’s always best to keep it private. If you want to know what someone’s posting, send them a request. If you can’t do that, search for them on Google and other social media platforms. 

Other methods are deceptive and unethical. Remember that any unethical behavior can get you blocked by your target individual and even banished from Instagram. 

Are you interested in something better than trying to view private Instagram accounts? Partner with Path Social to transform your IG scrolling into an IG strategy. At Path Social, we’ve built up an in-house team of experts and a proprietary AI targeting algorithm. 

Why? To build up your Instagram presence. That’s how we reach organic, targeted, interested, and engaged users. No more worrying about private accounts! Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.