Come convincere le persone a condividere i vostri contenuti su Instagram: Più condivisioni equivalgono a più coinvolgimento

Foto del profilo di Karen Lin, autrice

Karen Lin

Instagram Suggerimenti | 15 febbraio 2024

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Want to build a strong and looming presence on social media for your business? If so, you should know how to get people to share your content on Instagram. Today’s Instagram content shares are like yesteryear’s word-of-mouth hype. It’s organic publicity that speaks volumes about a brand’s authenticity and value. Therefore, can help rake in more followers and higher engagement.

If you want to keep gaining followers and sustain your growth on Instagram, aim to score high on post shares. This should be one of your Instagram business goals. To get people to share your content on social media it must reach your target audience and be relevant/useful. These tasks are already difficult individually, so accomplishing both means double the challenge. Add this how-to guide to your content strategy arsenal to help your posts spread far and wide through shares.

Instagram logo representing how to get people to share your content on Instagram.

How Do You Share a Post on Instagram?

First things first, you’ve got to figure out how to share your content. Why? Because it’s one of the first steps in how to get people to share your content on Instagram. If you are putting it out there on the platform, and it appeals to others, they’ll want to share too. In the meantime, you can only repost to your IG stories. However, you can also screenshot and post to your feed. Curious how do you share a post on Instagram? Well, in a few easy steps, you’ll be on your way to sharing all the content you want. 

  1. Una volta deciso cosa condividere, verificare se il proprietario consente la condivisione del contenuto. Toccare l'aeroplanino di carta. Se il contenuto è condivisibile pubblicamente, verrà visualizzata l'opzione "aggiungi post alla mia storia". Se non è condivisibile, sarà possibile condividerlo solo con gli amici tramite messaggi diretti. 
  2. Se il contenuto è condivisibile, toccare l'opzione "aggiungi post (o reel) alla mia storia". 
  3. You’ll be able to make edits to add a caption, stickers or music. You can also add a link to your Instagram story
  4. Toccate "La tua storia" e poi la freccia bianca in fondo allo schermo. 
  5. Il contenuto viene ora condiviso nelle storie di Instagtam.

Keep in mind that Instagram stories are only active for 24 hours. For non-video content posts, you can screenshot and share them on your Instagram feed. Don’t forget to caption and add relevant hashtags for more reach and engagement. Last, make sure your settings allow visibility into your Instagram accounts. You might have limited access to who views your Instagram posts. However, you can hide posts from certain followers to keep things private

Una persona con una penna che scrive la parola audience per rappresentare la strategia dei contenuti per i social media.

Uno dei modi migliori per convincere più persone a condividere i vostri contenuti: Avere una strategia di contenuti

Think you got Instagram’s algorithm and the tricks for how to get people to share your content figured out? Maybe not. The platform likes to pull the rug from under you and change the rules of the game constantly. But there are best practices that continue to be effective despite algorithm updates and evolving social media trends. We have put together a list of the best ways to get more people to share your content. These tips help you optimize your content strategy for high post shareability.

Someone holding their phone taking a photo of the beach for Instagram content.

How to Get People to Share Your Content on Instagram: Create Share-Worthy Content

This is always a given but it also bears repeating. How to get people to share your content is more about the value your content delivers to your audience. Ultimately, your content’s shareworthiness will be decided by your audience. These types of posts almost always get shared and populate on the Instagram algorithm:

  • Messaggi che fanno sorridere o ridere
  • Messaggi che ispirano o scaldano il cuore
  • Bellissime immagini sovrapposte a citazioni che promuovono positività e benessere
  • Infografiche puntuali
  • Messaggi che promuovono la consapevolezza di una causa o di un movimento
  • Messaggi che ispirano nostalgia

While using the aforementioned ideas for inspiration, remember when creating shareable and interesting Instagram content always stay on-brand. If you must jump on the latest trending bandwagon, make sure it’s relevant to your business. Additionally, users love when you create content that is original. This helps maintain your credibility.

La parola "didascalia" scritta in tessere dello Scarabeo.

How to Get People to Share Your Content on Instagram: Write a Scroll-Stopping Caption

Users view a blur of images as they quickly scroll through their Instagram feeds. How to get people to share your content, really depends on your content. Try posting a photo or video with a caption that stops them in their tracks. Captions are also useful when posting to your Instagram stories.

La didascalia deve essere un'occasione per convincere il pubblico a premere il pulsante di condivisione. Può trattarsi di un'osservazione spiritosa, di un'affermazione che fa riflettere o di un sentimento positivo. Le didascalie sono particolarmente importanti quando si pubblicano video. Le didascalie rendono i post video facilmente accessibili anche quando i video sono silenziosi. Non dimenticate di includere hashtag popolari e un forte invito all'azione. Una volta catturata l'attenzione del pubblico, aggiungete una didascalia ben scritta. Questo assicura che il vostro post valga il loro tempo e la loro condivisione.

Qualcuno con in mano un cellulare che registra video da condividere sui social media.

How to Get People to Share Your Content on Instagram: Prioritize Content Formats

Creating content in formats that are preferred by users is another way how to get people to share your content. Beautiful images are a dime a dozen on Instagram. Give your audience something different by posting short video tutorials. Try a behind-the-scenes clip or even a bite-sized video ad for your brand. These content formats hold the viewer’s attention longer. 

Carousel Instagram posts are another popular format as viewers have to stop scrolling to view your photo series. Infographics allow you to present a collection of data in a more appealing and easily digestible visual.

Più a lungo riuscirete a trattenere l'attenzione del pubblico, meglio sarà. Avrete maggiori possibilità di convincerli a condividere i vostri contenuti. Assicuratevi quindi di fornire contenuti di qualità che vorranno pubblicare sulle loro bacheche e condividere con i loro follower. Offrite loro qualcosa di nuovo, interessante, sorprendente o educativo in un formato che rompa la monotonia delle immagini fisse.

Qualcuno al laptop che controlla un post del blog per tenersi al passo con le ultime tendenze.

Come convincere le persone a condividere i vostri contenuti: Tenere il passo con le ultime tendenze

Thanks to the fast-paced “turnover” of information on social media, most trending topics have a limited lifespan. Wondering how to get people to share your content on Instagram? Don’t get left behind with outdated content. Stay up-to-date on the latest trending hashtags (particularly within your niche/industry), memes and issues. Accounts with the most followers on Instagram are a great source for the latest trends.

When riding a popular wave to score shares, remember to create trend-based content appropriate for your brand and audience. Not sure what are the latest trends for your niche? Look no further than your recommended IG feed. The Instagram algorithm will highlight what’s trending for your brand based on what you’ve been researching. 

iPhone con 5:19 visualizzato che rappresenta il tempo in cui i contenuti generati dagli utenti dovrebbero essere condivisi sui social media.

How to Get People to Share Your Content on Instagram: Nail Your Timing on the Head

One of the best ways to get people to share your content is to get your timing right. You won’t get people to share your Instagram content if your timing is off when posting. This is one of the common reasons why posts get minimal or even zero engagement. Plus, more engagement is better for the Instagram algorithm.

It will take trial and error to determine the best times to post your content and reach your target audience. Keep an eye on your posts’ performance through Instagram Insights. You’ll see when your target viewers are most active and when your posts get the most engagement. Do some research to find out the recommended best times for your industry and audience type. Experimenting with how to get people to share your content? You’ll need to maximize your content’s reach and visibility by posting at the right times. Getting your timing right increases the likelihood that it will get shared.

Cercasi aiuto significa aumentare la condivisione sui social media chiedendo ad altri utenti.

How to Ask Someone to Share Your Post on Instagram

You can get people to share your content on Instagram by simply asking them to do it. Start with a strong call to action as part of a promo for your business. This is the first step to take when deciding how to ask someone to share your post on Instagram. 

Qualcosa di semplice come: "Se ti è piaciuto questo post, per favore condividi!". Oppure: "Per favore, metti un like e condividi questo post per diffondere #positivevibes!" può fare la differenza.

Creating content specifically for an awesome and limited-time promo that requires sharing the post almost always delivers amazing results. Regularly schedule Instagram contests and other special offers. In turn, your followers will always be on the lookout for another opportunity to score cool stuff. As a result, you can always expect to get tons of shares.

If you’re wondering how to get people to share your content on Instagram, start with these basics. Over time you’ll watch your follower count grow as well as your engagement reach.

Influencers taking a selfie for user generated content to share in an Instagram post.

How to Get More Shares on Instagram: Enlist the Help of Influencers

Not all shares are created equal. Some influencers’ shares are better than your average user’s or compared with other influencers. When your content is shared by an influencer, you can reach a much larger audience. Plus, you’ll gain an abundance of followers who are genuinely interested in what you have to offer. So if you’re wondering how to get more shares on Instagram? Enlist the help of influencers. 

Ideally, you should choose an influencer within your niche/industry who has a higher follower base than you. Make sure they’re getting a decent level of engagement on their posts. Sharing your content can be the first step towards building a productive and long-term collaboration with an influencer. Here are some tips to help you cultivate a mutually-beneficial relationship with an Instagram influencer. It’s also a noteworthy way how to get people to share your content on Instagram. 

  • Chiedete all'influencer se potete taggarlo nel vostro post. Il post dovrebbe fargli abbastanza "pubblicità". Anche se avete una base di follower minore, vorranno ripubblicarlo. 
  • Condividete i loro contenuti e aggiungete una didascalia accattivante. Fatelo più volte per farvi notare. Mettete "mi piace" e commentate regolarmente i loro post. 
  • Andate dritti al punto e chiedete loro di condividere i vostri contenuti. Inviate loro un DM per presentare il vostro marchio. Potete anche suggerire la possibilità di una collaborazione.
  • Chiedete all'influencer se è interessato a creare contenuti insieme. Può trattarsi di un'intervista, se si tratta di un esperto di qualcosa legato alla vostra attività. Oppure, fare un video o un live stream congiunto in cui parlerete di un argomento correlato al vostro settore.

Tre donne che guardano il cellulare e visualizzano contenuti generati dagli utenti da condividere.

Perché dovresti preoccuparti delle azioni

For digital ad campaigns, one way that success is measured is through the number of shares. Not all posts that go viral, however, actually deliver value or can be considered quality content. If you want to increase your follower count and engagement organically you need tools. One of which is learning how to get people to share your content on Instagram. But, it should be for the purpose of achieving your growth goals on the platform. This means people should want to share your content because it has value.

If your post gets hundreds of shares, you should also get an increase of new followers and engagement. If you need a boost in followers, try a service that will automatically start you with 1000 free Instagram followers. Once you have a follower base, shares are sure to follow suit. Your post shares should benefit your overall metrics. To achieve this, your content should not only be share-worthy but also be aligned with your Instagram business goals.

Le condivisioni dei post sono un importante indicatore di successo. Soprattutto se uno degli obiettivi principali della vostra attività sulla piattaforma è la brand awareness o il coinvolgimento della comunità. Una moltitudine di condivisioni indica anche una strategia di contenuti efficace. D'altro canto, un numero minimo di condivisioni è spesso indice di una scarsa qualità dei contenuti, di un cattivo tempismo e/o di una strategia generale poco ispirata.

Tavoletta circondata da icone di condivisione dei social media, come cuori e pollici in su.

Knowing how to get people to share your content on Instagram can take your business farther up the growth ladder. The tricky part is figuring out what piques your core audience’s attention. Be sure to check your Instagram insights to ensure your content equates to follower growth and shares. Once you figure it out, you can keep creating the kind of high quality content that they’ll eagerly share. 

Organic growth on Instagram may oftentimes feel like an uphill battle. Despite your best efforts to create amazing content, you may not see the numbers you should be getting. Getting noticed on Instagram is usually the problem. The solution you need may be a growth partner with reliable experience in Instagram growth strategies, like Path Social. Take advantage of Path Social’s advanced AI targeting algorithm and in-house team of experts and start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!