타겟 팔로워 구매 Instagram: 전체 가이드

저자 Karen Lin의 프로필 사진

카렌 린

Instagram 101 | Apr 14, 2023

더 많은 실제 Instagram 팔로워를 원하시나요?

There are many ways to help jumpstart your career as an influencer, and buying targeted followers on Instagram is one of the best. This article explains why it is so important, how you can do it, and list some of the best providers. By the end, you will have all the information you need to kick-start your growth campaign.

Why Do You Need To Buy Targeted Followers on Instagram?

When you buy targeted followers on Instagram, you are proactively marketing your business or product on the social media platform. Unlike organic growth, which usually takes time and effort, these followers immediately boost your account.

Real followers give you legitimacy as an influencer. People often need that ‘social proof’ that something is worth following before they follow suit. This is a Catch-22 situation that buying targeted followers helps solve. It helps build that traction crucial to the Instagram accounts, especially in those early days.

Targeted Instagram followers also provide significant benefits to Instagram’s algorithm. As we all know, the algorithm helps determine who sees what content when scrolling through their feed. A following large base is one of the many factors considered when showing your content higher than others. Making it much easier for new people who aren’t aware of your account to get it recommended to them by users they follow.

Picture of man with arrow pointing at target, like the targeted Instagram followers we talk about buying here

이 모든 것이 다음과 같은 결과를 초래할 수 있습니다:

  • 유기적으로 더 많은 팔로워 확보
  • 더 많은 참여를 유도하고
  • 더 나아가
  • 시간이 지남에 따라 추가 성장 기회

It’s a virtuous circle that all gets set in motion by the purchase of targeted Instagram followers. It is perfectly possible to get there manually, of course. It just takes much longer.

How To Get Targeted Followers on Instagram

사이트로 트래픽을 유도하기 위한 검증된 전략이 많이 있습니다. 시행착오를 줄이고 시작하는 데 도움이 되는 몇 가지 방법을 소개합니다.

  1. Create regular content for Instagram.
    Regularly sharing content on Instagram is one of the best ways to promote your account and keep followers engaged. Use customer photos, memes, and bite-sized videos to grab people’s attention.
    If more people follow you, they’ll be more inclined to keep up with your feed and repost content when it’s interesting.
  2. Brand Ambassadors
    The brand ambassador is a loyal customer who shares your message with their friends and followers because they believe in your brand.
    Customer satisfaction is a key component of any successful brand within any market. This is why programs work well alongside more traditional methods of promoting your Instagram account.
  3. Promotions and Contests
    Social media contests and Instagram giveaways can help you attract new customers and build trust with your brand. Smaller companies can benefit from this quick and easy way to grab attention and goodwill.
  4. Use Analytics to Optimise Your Performance
    Understanding how people engage with your content is essential to a successful growth strategy. You can adjust your content by tracking Instagram analytics based on its performance. With this type of insight, you can stay on top of things, doing what works for you and refining your approach as necessary.
  5. Engage With Your Followers
    It takes more than interesting photos and witty captions to build an audience on Instagram. Responding honestly to comments, engaging with other accounts, and providing quality content can build trust and relationships and delight your followers.
  6. Buying targeted Instagram followers
    And you can know how to buy targeted Instagram followers. We’ll go into much more detail about that very subject now.
신규 고객을 확보하는 데 도움이 될 수 있는 여러 가지 트로피 사진

The Best Legitimate Sites To Buy Targeted Instagram Followers in 2023

Anyone who has tried to buy targeted followers on Instagram knows how it goes.
You are spending hundreds of dollars to buy followers to fill your count. Then the harsh reality kicks in a few months later when you realize you’ve completely wasted your money.

팔로워 수는 증가했지만 참여율은 증가하지 않았습니다.

You weren’t featured on the Explore page either, so… Your account is essentially just as active as before you got your extra Instagram followers, or worse – you were shadowbanned!

그렇다면 그 이유는 무엇일까요?

You didn’t buy Instagram followers from real people; you just bought fake bot followers.

Picture of a robot, like the bots that can harm your Instagram account

수년간 업계에 종사하면서 수많은 사기꾼을 보아왔습니다. 블랙 햇 전술로 업계에 나쁜 이미지를 심어주는 기업들. 저희는 진정한 유기적 성장을 제공하는 데 도움이 되는 기업을 제공하기 위해 거짓 약속과 가짜를 가려냈습니다.

Buying Targeted Followers on Instagram to Target Demographics- Path Social

What distinguishes us from our competition is HOW we get your targeted Instagram followers. No dodgy bot followers or any need for your password. Instead, we use our in-house platform of influencers and a special AI targeting algorithm to get targeted, interested and engaged users.

사람들이 틈새 시장에 관심을 보이는 한, 저희 소프트웨어가 그들을 추적하여 전달해 드립니다.

어떻게 작동하나요? 간단합니다. 타겟을 알려주세요. 타겟의 나이, 성별, 위치를 알려주세요. 그런 다음 유기적으로 콘텐츠를 홍보하여 관심을 끌 수 있도록 합니다. 24,000명 이상의 만족스러운 고객이 있으며, 리뷰를 통해 우리가 제공하는 콘텐츠가 진짜임을 확인할 수 있습니다. 허황된 지표가 아닌 유기적인 성장으로 오래도록 지속됩니다.

Buying Targeted Followers on Instagram To Increase Legit Engagement- Seeksocially

With Seek Socially, clients can buy real Instagram followers with no fake engagement, no bots, and no fake followers.

Seek Socially는 24시간 내내 서비스를 모니터링하여 페이지에서 원치 않는 활동이 발생하지 않도록 하고 향후 문제로부터 사용자를 안전하게 보호합니다. 허풍쟁이로 가득한 업계에서 신뢰할 수 있는 옵션 중 하나입니다.

Buying Targeted Followers on Instagram To Boost Overall Social Media Presence- Media Mister

Media Mister is a reliable and user-friendly website that allows customers to increase their social media presence. With Media Mister, users can purchase packages of real followers for Instagram and other platforms. These packages range from 50 followers up to 500,000, making it a solid choice no matter the user’s budget or desired number of followers.

최근 가짜 팔로워로 인해 우려스러운 문제가 발생하기도 했지만, 고객들은 서비스 속도에 대해 극찬했습니다.

Buying Targeted Followers on Instagram To Generate Natural Engagement- Kicksta

Founded in 2015, Kicksta is an innovative company that helps people grow their Instagram following naturally. Kicksta engages users likely to be interested in your content rather than relying on fake or spam accounts or costly advertising campaigns. Their experienced team connects the user’s Instagram account, using targeted strategies to interact with other Instagram users and generate natural engagement.

장기 계약에 얽매이지 않는 안심할 수 있는 환불 보장을 제공하는 경험이 풍부한 업체입니다. 일부 고객은 고객 서비스에 대해 우려를 제기했지만, 확실히 업계에서 가장 합법적인 업체 중 하나입니다.

The Risks of Purchasing Fake Instagram Followers

Buying targeted Instagram followers is an age-old practice. It has long been used to quickly increase their social proof in hopes of attracting more real, organic followers. However, buying low-quality and fake Instagram followers puts influencers at great risk. It does nothing but damage their credibility and exposes them to various security threats.

실제 활동적인 팔로워는 계정에 평생 가치를 부여할 수 있습니다. 팔로워는 내 콘텐츠에 참여하여 시간이 지남에 따라 계정이 유기적으로 성장하는 데 도움을 줍니다. 내 콘텐츠에 참여하지 않는 가짜 계정이 있으면 팔로워를 구매한 것 같은 인상을 주어 신뢰도와 공신력이 떨어질 수 있습니다.

도난당한 정보나 악성 봇 소프트웨어가 가짜 계정을 만드는 데 사용되는 경우가 많습니다. 이로 인해 계정이 해킹당하거나 피싱 공격에 사용되는 등 악의적인 활동의 위험에 노출될 수 있습니다. 적절히 대응하지 않으면 평판에 큰 타격을 입을 수 있습니다.

즉, 평판이 좋지 않은 판매자로부터 구매할 경우 발생할 수 있는 위험은 일시적인 보상보다 훨씬 더 큽니다.

Buy Targeted Instagram Followers With Free Trial

Buying targeted followers on Instagram with free trial can be tempting, but it’s important to approach such offers cautiously. Buying followers may seem appealing, as it can give your account an instant boost in terms of numbers. However, there are several potential risks associated with this practice.

Firstly, there’s no guarantee that the followers you purchase will be genuine. In many cases, these followers are often fake accounts created solely to boost follower numbers. These accounts offer little value in terms of engagement or interaction, but they can also harm your reputation if Instagram’s algorithms detect them.

또한 이 플랫폼에는 봇 및 자동 서비스 사용에 대한 엄격한 가이드라인이 있으며, 이를 위반할 경우 계정이 정지되거나 해지될 수 있습니다. 또한 팔로워를 구매한다고 해서 반드시 의미 있는 참여나 전환으로 이어지지는 않는다는 점도 주목할 필요가 있습니다. 궁극적으로 팔로워를 확보하려는 기업이나 개인에게 가장 중요한 것은 팔로워의 참여도입니다.

Instead of a free trial, Path Social offers a 7-day money-back guarantee. The proof is in the pudding, right? You use our service, and if you don’t see the organic growth we promise, you get your money back. A no-fuss, full refund. It’s that simple. Our tried-and-tested methods deliver authentic growth, so we can afford to take the risk off your hands with our offer.

The Advantages of Buying Country-targeted Instagram Followers

Buying country-targeted Instagram followers can offer several benefits if done correctly. Here are some potential advantages:

  • 특정 지역에서 가시성 향상: 특정 국가의 팔로워를 구매하면 해당 지역의 사용자들 사이에서 가시성을 높일 수 있습니다. 특정 지역의 고객을 타겟팅하거나 새로운 시장에서 입지를 구축하려는 경우 유용합니다.
  • 신뢰도 및 사회적 증거 증가: 특정 국가에서 많은 팔로워를 확보하면 사회적 증거와 신뢰도를 높이는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 이는 특정 지역에서 인플루언서, 브랜드 또는 사고의 리더로 자리매김하려는 경우 중요합니다.
  • Increased engagement: Buying country-targeted Instagram followers can also lead to increased engagement on your posts. Targeted followers are more likely to comment, like, or share your posts.
  • 향상된 분석 기능: 특정 국가의 사용자를 타겟팅하면 해당 지역 팔로워의 인구 통계와 선호도에 대한 더 많은 인사이트를 얻을 수 있습니다. 이를 통해 타겟 오디언스의 요구를 더 잘 충족하도록 콘텐츠와 마케팅 활동을 맞춤화할 수 있습니다.

However, it’s important to approach buying country-targeted Instagram followers with caution, as there are risks associated with this practice. As mentioned earlier, it’s important to ensure that the followers you purchase are genuine and interested in your content. Fake or low-quality followers serve only to harm your reputation and engagement rates.
If you know the area you expect your customers to come from, it makes sense to target it. We will take care of the rest if you provide Path Social with those details in your initial brief.

Can You Get Banned for Buying Followers on Instagram?

Picture of man in jail cell, like the risk of getting banned from Instagram

Instagram has strict guidelines against using bots, automated services, and other tactics that artificially inflate follower numbers or engagement rates.

Instagram’s algorithms constantly evolve to detect and remove fake or low-quality accounts. Buying targeted Instagram followers can trigger these algorithms to flag your account for violating the platform’s guidelines. This can lead to a ban on your account, decreased engagement rates, or damaged reputation among your genuine followers.

In addition to the risks of being caught and penalized by Instagram, paying for Instagram followers can harm your credibility and authenticity as an influencer, brand, or individual on the platform. Genuine followers are more likely to engage with your content and promote your brand, while fake followers offer little value in engagement or conversions.
However, Path Social does not use any methods that can lead to fake followers or Instagram penalties.

Any service that asks for your Instagram password or uses any kind of bots violates Instagram’s Terms of Service. This puts your account at risk of a permaban. We never ask for your Instagram password and only do manual, organic outreach and promotion to build real, long-lasting, highly engaging followers. Those differences are crucial and are why our growth methods are sustainable and legal.
So, let’s wrap it up.

Building the traction necessary to grow your Instagram is a tough slog. Finding suitable prospects.Then the effort that comes with engaging them, and enticing them to your brand. Building up that precious social proof. It’s a laborious process. And that is where buying targeted followers comes in.

Picture of coins in a jar with a plant growing out of them, like the growth you get from buying targeted followers on Instagram

하지만 올바르게 수행되었을 때만 가능합니다.

메모를 하고 있다면 밑줄을 긋고 형광 마커를 꺼내세요.

Buying Targeted Instagram Followers: The Final Word

타겟 팔로워를 올바르게 구매하면 성장 속도가 매우 빨라집니다. 잘못하면 봇이나 부도덕한 회사를 통해 모래 위에 집을 짓는 것과 같습니다. 계정 전체를 위험에 빠뜨리는 것은 말할 것도 없습니다.

What Path Social do is different from our competitors. Using our special AI algorithms, we can find the people who will genuinely engage with your product. Our manual outreach gets their attention. It’s up to you then to keep it.

To jump-start, your Instagram growth TODAY, get started with Path Social. Join the 24,000 Influencers and brands who trust us to deliver organic, authentic, and sustainable Instagram growth.