흥미로운 Instagram 콘텐츠를 만드는 방법: 높은 참여도를 위한 품질과 관련성 확보하기

저자 Karen Lin의 프로필 사진

카렌 린

Instagram 팁 | Feb 02, 2023

더 많은 실제 Instagram 팔로워를 원하시나요?

The most recent studies report that our average attention span has become shorter than that of a goldfish’s. It’s the time you’ve already spent reading up to this point: 8 seconds. For the average Janes and Joes who own and manage a business page on Instagram, taking this interesting trivia into account when formulating a content strategy can help them stay competitive in their niche/industry. This “8-second rule” is not the be-all and end-all of effective content planning, however. Keep reading to learn how to create interesting Instagram content that grabs, retains, and engages your audience’s attention. 

A woman creating interesting Instagram content with a laptop and phone.

Create Interesting Instagram Content to Get More Followers and Engagement

Whether you aim to inform, entertain, inspire, sell, or get clicks, knowing how to create interesting Instagram content each and every time you post will help you consistently get more followers and engagement.

Creating great content is a must if you want to stay competitive and relevant on Instagram. Doing it consistently will keep your edge over the competition sharp. Take note that if you manage to get your hook on potential followers, you should be able to reel them in with more of your great content when they check out your profile. You want to convert these curious onlookers into avid followers; if they enjoy browsing through your content, they’ll want to see more of your new posts so they’ll give you a follow.

Tips on How to Create Interesting Instagram Content

Here’s your guide to creating interesting Instagram content that meets your audience’s needs and expectations and delivers more followers and engagement to your brand.

Know Your Audience to Create Interesting Instagram Content

Identifying your target audience is one of the critical steps towards successful Instagram growth, as your ideal audience’s interests, needs, and expectations will essentially set the rules for your strategy on creating interesting Instagram content.

청중을 알아가려면 다음 질문에 답하십시오.

  • How do they use Instagram?
  • Why do they use Instagram?
  • 어떤 유형의 계정을 팔로우하고 싶은가?
  • 어떤 유형의 콘텐츠가 자주 좋아하고 댓글을 달수 있습니까? 
  • 제품/서비스를 고려할 때 중요한 요소는 무엇입니까?
  • 특정 제품/서비스에서 어떤 가치 제안/s를 기대하거나 설득력 있는 것을 발견합니까?
  • 자주 사용하는 해시태그는 무엇입니까?

The answers to these questions will help you create interesting Instagram content that will connect with your target audience. Your audience-specific content will also help boost your discoverability among users who are looking for exactly the type of content you create.

A large audience and a speaker in an auditorium to represent effective audience targeting with interesting Instagram content.

Create Interesting Instagram Content by Using Different Content Types and Mediums

다양성은 흥미로운 것들을 유지합니다. 일부 콘텐츠 유형과 매체는 다른 콘텐츠보다 더 인기가 있지만, 그것을 혼합하면 평소와 다른 것을 게시 할 때마다 청중에게 "새로운"경험을 줄 것입니다.

Your overall strategy to create interesting Instagram content should include all types of Instagram content, namely:

  • 피드
  • 이야기
  • 라이브
  • IGTV

잠재고객의 맥박을 느끼고 잠재고객과 브랜드에 가장 적합한 콘텐츠 유형을 찾아보세요. 그러나 청중에게 인기가없는 것을 사용하지 마십시오. 예를 들어 라이브 스트림을 수행하면 이미 게시한 피드 게시물에 더 많은 관심을 생성하는 데 도움이 될 수 있습니다. 따라서 실시간 스트림이 일반 피드 게시물만큼 좋아요와 댓글을 많이 받지 못하더라도 특정 게시물에 더 많은 트래픽을 유도할 수 있습니다.

Another way to create interesting Instagram content is by using different formats for each content type. For example, if Instagram Stories are your audience’s preferred mode of content consumption, you can offer a mix of the following:

  • 비하인드 스토리 액션
  • 짧은 제품 티저
  • 방법 시리즈
  • 정보 클립/슬라이드쇼 

흥미로운 다양한 콘텐츠 유형을 갖는 것과 미학과 개념적 일관성을 유지하는 것 사이의 적절한 균형을 찾아야 합니다.

A woman recording a video for an Instagram Story.

눈에 띄는 캡션으로 시청자의 시선을 사로잡으세요.

Whether or not the current 8-second attention span record is accurate, there’s no denying that most Instagram users consume content as quickly as their thumbs can scroll through their feeds. So knowing how to create interesting Instagram content also involves writing an attention-grabbing, thumb-stopping caption.

한 단어 캡션특정 게시물에 대 한 가장 펀치를 포장수 있습니다.; 다른 캡션은 좀 더 창의적인 제작이 필요할 수 있습니다. 그러나 대부분의 전문가들은 짧고 달콤한 캡션이 일반적으로 최고라는 데 동의합니다. 긴 캡션이 불가피하다면, 시청자가 중간 스크롤을 일시 중지하고 게시물에 더 많은 초를 보낼 수 있도록 첫 번째 문장을 거부할 수 없게 만듭니다 - 적어도 콘텐츠를 좋아하도록 설득할 만큼 충분히 오래 지속되기를 바랍니다!

Up to two or three, straightforward sentences should be enough to reinforce the message of your photo or video post. And make sure you’re familiar with Instagram’s character limits for captions and other text content.

Two women in front of a laptop writing a catchy caption to create interesting Instagram content.

How to Create Interesting Instagram Content With User-Generated Content

User-generated content definitely makes for interesting Instagram content. UGC is word-of-mouth, an organic endorsement that delivers authenticity to your brand and product/service.

UGC 를 공유하는 것은 게시물 및 스토리 피드에 다양성을 추가하고, 콘텐츠 라인업을 보완하고(특히 원본 콘텐츠에서 부족할 때) 더 많은 잠재 팔로워에게 도달할 수 있는 쉬운 방법입니다. 가능한 한 게시물을 공유하기 전에 콘텐츠 소유자의 권한을 요청하십시오. 당신이 그것에 있는 동안, 공유 된 게시물도 그들의 추종자에 게 표시 될 수 있도록 그들을 태그 하는 것도 괜찮은 지 그들에 게 물어.

Instagram 성장 가이드

기업과 크리에이터가 최신 팁을 활용하여 Instagram 계정을 성장시키는 방법을 무료로 알아보세요!

사용자가 생성한 콘텐츠를 어떻게 찾을 수 있습니까? 그냥 플랫폼에서 모든 브랜드 멘션에 대한 검색을 수행. 항상 고객이 자신의 계정이나 DM을 통해 피드백을 제공하고 회원님에게 태그를 제공하도록 요청하십시오. 태그된 게시물을 즉시 공유하거나 나중에 사용할 수 있습니다.

A man sitting in a restaurant, holding his phone, and looking at a client’s feedback on Instagram.

틈새 시장 내 인기 브랜드에서 배우기

Knowing how to create high-quality and interesting Instagram content may be challenging if you’re an Instagram rookie. So learn from those with more experience. Do some research on your more successful competition and perform a thorough competitive analysis of their strategies.

가장 인기 있는 대부분, 즉 좋아요, 댓글 및 공유 수가 가장 많은 것을 찾으십시오. 이러한 게시물 사이에 패턴이 있습니까? 콘텐츠가 효과적인 이유는 무엇입니까? 이러한 게시물은 어떤 필요, 기대 및 선호도를 다루고 있습니까? 인기 있는 게시물에 자주 사용되는 해시태그는 무엇입니까?

이러한 군중을 기쁘게 하는 콘텐츠를 사용하여 영감을 주지만 콘텐츠는 여전히 독창적이어야 하며 브랜드를 대표해야 한다는 점을 기억하십시오. 타겟 타겟과 경쟁에 의해진지하게 받아들여지고 싶기 때문에 인기 있는 것을 모방하지 마십시오.

A man sitting in front of a laptop and taking notes on how to create interesting Instagram content.

Create Interesting Instagram Content With Template

Keep in mind that high-quality, tasteful, and balanced aesthetics are a big deal on Instagram. Using templates to create interesting Instagram content will make it easier for you to maintain the quality of your posts and preserve your Instagram portfolio’s aesthetic consistency and harmony. Your templates can be Instagram filters that you feel best represent your brand’s identity; customized frames with your logo; or customized backgrounds. You can start playing around with Instagram’s photo editing tools, and then explore more creative options using Instagram-approved third-party apps.

An Instagram picture using a pastel pink filter featuring a white cup filled with liquid and sitting on a white saucer.

콘텐츠 참여도 유지

Creating interesting Instagram content does not always guarantee high engagement. You can generate more interest in your content by actively engaging with your audience in the comments section. The more activity there is in your post’s comments section, the higher your post’s visibility will be and the more likely it that more people will like or comment on it. Ideally, you should promptly reply to all the relevant comments on your post; doing so increases the likelihood that the commenter will read your reply right away and respond to it. Regularly engaging with your commenters can also lead to eager engagement in your future posts.

A man sitting on a couch reading and replying to Instagram comments.

How to Create Interesting Instagram Content With the Help of Instagram Insights

Consistently creating interesting Instagram content will become easier over time. Use Instagram Insights to evaluate the performance of each of your posts and determine a content formula that works best. Once you’ve figured out what types of content appeal most to your target audience, all you have to do is replicate the concepts that work.

Perfect timing is also an essential factor in an optimized content strategy. Use the data from your Insights to determine the best times to post on Instagram, i.e., the times when you can reach most of your target audience. You should also perform some industry research to find out the ideal times for your business; use this information as a baseline when evaluating your content scheduling strategy.

Instagram 인사이트가 표시되는 휴대폰 화면.

How to Create Interesting Instagram Content: Deliver Value and Make an Impact

Your content is the beating heart that pumps life into your Instagram existence. When you know how to create interesting Instagram content that delivers value to your target audience and makes an impact time and time again, you can be assured of productive growth on the platform.

If reaching the right people with your amazing content becomes a laborious and frustrating challenge, you may want to consider finding a reliable growth partner that’s an expert in Instagram growth strategy — a company like Path Social. Your Instagram journey can greatly benefit from Path Social’s proprietary advanced AI targeting algorithm and the expertise of their in-house team of strategists. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!