與您的互動 Instagram 追隨者以提高品牌績效

作者Karen Lin的個人資料照片


Instagram 成長 | 8月18, 2023

想要更真實 Instagram 追隨 者?


It’s essential to keep in mind that engagement is a two-way street. It’s a give-and-take relationship. So you need to engage with your Instagram followers to motivate them to engage with you more. Let’s look at how you can foster healthy and rewarding engagement.


Instagram Engagement: The Basics


  • 您正在覆蓋合適的受眾
  • 您的內容吸引您的受眾
  • 您的策略必須符合他們的興趣和需求
  • 您的關注者對您的品牌真正感興趣或充滿熱情

On Instagram, engagement comes in the following forms:

  • 喜歡
  • 評論 
  • 股票
  • 提到
  • 節省
  • 私信
  • 點擊率
  • 使用您的品牌標籤

Why is it essential to engage with your Instagram followers to stimulate higher engagement? Because it’s a ranking signal used by Instagram’s algorithm to determine how relevant a piece of content is. The earlier you get likes or comments for a post, Story, or Reel, the higher your chances of having your content placed in front of more people. And with more people seeing it, the more engagement you’ll get.

Instagram app icon displaying number of notifications.


Your engagement rate lets you view your brand performance on Instagram from a strategic perspective. By keeping an eye on your engagement rate, you can figure out where and how to make changes to your content strategy so you can better engage with your Instagram followers.


參與率 =(與帖子的互動次數/帳戶關注者數量)x 100

這個經典公式為您提供了一個數位,您可以使用該數位將您的表現與行業平均水平進行比較。但是,此公式假設您的關注者 100% 看到您的內容。如果您希望根據內容的實際覆蓋面獲得更準確的參與率,請將“帳戶關注者數量”替換為“覆蓋的關注者數量”。您可以在成效分析中找到有關內容覆蓋面的數據。

5 Tips for How to Engage Followers on Instagram

Let’s get right down to business. Here are surefire ways to engage followers on Instagram.

1. Level up Your Reels Game to Engage With Your Instagram Followers

Catching people’s attention is crucial if you want to have the opportunity to engage with your Instagram followers. It will help if you give them something that will make them stop scrolling. It’s hard to do that with still images these days. But with Instagram Reels, users are compelled to pause and watch.

當然,獲得觀看次數並不是您唯一的目標。您希望觀看者通過點讚、評論和分享來獎勵您。確保使用以下 Reels 功能來創建視頻,讓您的觀眾著迷並讓他們參與其中:

  • 轉換。這些使您可以從一個場景平滑地剪切到下一個場景。 
  • 時標文本。使用此功能可識別卷軸中的特定元素或時刻。 
  • 熱門音訊。選擇熱門音訊以優化您的 Reel 以獲得更廣泛的受眾範圍。
  • 畫外音。此功能對於操作方法或敘事卷軸很有説明。 
  • 範本。使用範本簡化編輯過程並創建完美同步的卷軸。 

Person recording a video for a Reel to engage with Instagram followers.

2. Engage With Your Instagram Followers Through Informative Content

Another highly effective way to engage with your Instagram followers is by delivering helpful information they want to save and share. The more shares a post gets, the more people it reaches. Infographics, valuable tips, and other fact-based content relevant to your brand and your audience’s interests will help you generate more interest and engagement. 


3. 激發使用者生成內容的更多參與度

Remember that engagement is a give-and-take relationship, not a one-way broadcast. You need to take the initiative and actively engage with your Instagram followers. Sharing user-generated content (UGC) serves this purpose in many ways.



4. Engage With Your Instagram Followers With Interactive Content

Instagram has many features designed to promote lively interaction. The most popular ones are interactive stickers, a fun way to engage with your Instagram followers. Try these interactive stickers in your regular feed posts, Stories, and Reels to start real-time conversations and learn more about your audience:

Person typing on a phone to answer an Instagram poll.

5. 創建真實且相關的內容以邀請高質量的參與

On a platform where “perfection” is the norm, showing raw authenticity is more likely to foster engagement with your Instagram followers. Stories and Reels are the ideal content formats to give your audience a peek into some unedited and behind-the-scenes content.


How to Get Engaging Followers on Instagram

If there’s one rule for how to get engaging followers on Instagram, it’s this: Find followers who are already interested in what you have to offer.


  • 掌握您的標籤策略。嘗試著名的、通用的、利基的主題標籤組合,直到找到最適合您的內容的組合。
  • 使用位置標記。始終標記您的營業地點(如果有)或與您的品牌和目標受眾相關的營業地點,以優化您的內容以進行本地搜索。 
  • 遵循定期發佈時程表。無論您是使用內容計劃工具還是手動發佈內容,一致性對於保持受眾的可見度和相關性至關重要。 
  • Know the optimal posting times for engagement. Find out when your audience is most active on the platform so you can perfectly time your engagement with your Instagram followers. Your Instagram Insights will give you the data you need to identify the best times to post on Instagram.  
  • Get to know your audience. Make sure to find out your followers’ latest interests, so you can create content that will appeal to them and help you engage with your Instagram followers. 
  • 及時回復評論和私信。 留出一個專門用於回復收件匣中帖子和郵件評論的時程表。並努力製作個人化和友好的回復,尤其是在處理負面評論時。 


How to See Your Most Engaged Followers on Instagram

Many tools help you see your most engaged followers on Instagram. The platform’s native tool, Instagram Insights, is “only available to businesses and accounts with high levels of engagement.” And you can only use it on the Instagram mobile app. Instagram Insights allow you to view metrics for your organic and boosted posts.


  1. 轉到您的 Instagram 輪廓。
  2. 點按您要查看的帖子。
  3. 在圖片下方,點按查看成效分析。

You can also use a third-party tool to see details about your engagement, which you can use to enhance your strategy when you engage with your Instagram followers. Try this free Engagement Rate Calculator, which will measure your engagement rate based on posts, likes, and comments. You can use the Instagram Profile Analyzer for reliable and more in-depth analytics. The free AI tool collects and analyzes valuable and publicly available profile data, including:

  • 關注者數量
  • 互動率
  • 平均用戶活動
  • 發佈頻率 — 每天、每周和每月
  • 熱門發佈時間
  • 上傳次數
  • 使用的熱門話題標籤
  • 字幕中使用的熱門關鍵字
  • 讚最高的帖子
  • 評論最多的帖子
  • 受眾興趣

手機屏幕顯示 Instagram 見解。

How to Go From 0 to 1000 Instagram Followers

You need a decent follower count to engage actively with your Instagram followers. Going from 0 to 1000 Instagram followers is often the most challenging part of Instagram growth.

您可以跟隨購買追隨者的趨勢來快速解決問題。但在你這樣做之前,請確保您 知道為關注者付費時所涉及的風險。如果您仍然熱衷於走這條路線,請查看 Insta 先生以試水而不會被騙。

Steady growth with real people genuinely interested in your content should always be your priority. If you need expert help to guarantee that you’re growing the right way and to free up more time for you so you can focus on creating amazing content, you should team up with Path Social.

Path Social has a proven track record in Instagram growth. The company tracks down real followers suitable for your brand with the help of their proprietary AI technology designed for precise audience targeting.

Path Social also has an in-house team of social media specialists that employs established content promotion strategies. It means a group of real people does all the heavy lifting in putting your content in front of the right audience. It ensures that you’ll get consistent and quality engagement.

受到2萬多人的信賴 Instagram 所有利基市場和行業的品牌, Path Social 是您實現持久和有益增長的最佳選擇。 開始成長和收穫 Instagram 今天的追隨者!