
作者Karen Lin的個人資料照片


Instagram 成長 | 9月15, 2023

想要更真實 Instagram 追隨 者?

Some people pay big money to succeed on Instagram. Whether it’s because they buy followers online or shell out money to run ads, they like to pay to play. But any social media veteran can tell you that you don’t always need to pay money to succeed on Instagram. Most of the time, all you need is a well-thought-out organic growth strategy to build a loyal, engaged fanbase successfully.

Sure, paying money can give you quick results. However, focusing on your growth strategy can set you and your Instagram account up for success in the long term. Today, we’ll talk about why organic strategies work best for Instagram. We’ll also give you our top tips for crafting your Instagram strategy. Keep reading to see all this and more!






根據 Statista 的數據,2021 年品牌在數位廣告上的支出超過 5220 億美元。預計到2026年,這一數位將增長到8300億美元以上。這表明許多品牌認為您必須付費才能在社交媒體上成長。但情況並非總是如此。通過正確的有機增長戰略,您無需花一分錢即可取得成功。

Of course, taking the organic route will take more time than using an inorganic growth strategy. Running Instagram ads can give you more reach and engagement fast. They are perhaps the most popular form of paid efforts on social media to boost your online presence.

如果您願意為即時成功付費,您可以在線購買關注者或喜歡。也就是說,許多人最終 購買了低 品質或不活躍的廉價追隨者。在這種情況下,為無機增長付費是浪費金錢,不會説明您成長。


Woman paying money for inorganic growth on Instagram.



But what are organic growth strategies in the context of Instagram, and why is it necessary to adopt them?

On Instagram, a growth strategy refers to your game plan for gaining more followers and engagements on your content. If you want an organic strategy, you should focus on methods that don’t rely on automation and money.

Basically, strategies like this aim to build a genuine connection with others authentically. It’s all about optimizing your Instagram profile and creating relevant and interesting content for your followers. That way, you can gain new followers, boost engagement, and sustain your brand’s customer retention rate.


Since you aren’t using inauthentic activity for inorganic growth, you also adhere to Instagram’s policies. So, you won’t be on the platform’s hit list for getting shadowbanned.

與快速、簡單、無機的方法相比,有機社交媒體策略可能需要一些時間。但是,您獲得的好處(例如真實,參與的粉絲群和 不掉線的追隨者)將是值得的。

Person planning their Instagram post schedules through a content calendar.

8 Social Media Strategies for Organic Growth on Instagram

There are plenty of ways to implement your organic growth strategy on Instagram. But of course, you first need to know what techniques and methods to incorporate into it. Here are eight social media strategies for organic growth you might want to add to your overall plans:

1. 定期發帖是一種簡單的有機增長策略

Posting consistently is a must if you want to grow on Instagram. If you go long periods without creating a post, some might think your account has gone cold. But if you’re regularly active and share a few posts per week, people are more likely to follow you. Why? Because the more you post, the higher the chances of posting content that is valuable to your audience.

So, how often should a brand post on Instagram each week? There’s no hard-and-fast rule on this. On average, an active Instagram brand will post on social media four times per week. If you’re worried about overexposing your audience to your brand, you can also do 2-3 times a week. If you’re a bigger brand with a substantial following, you can even do daily posts.


太忙了,無法定期在提要上發帖?提前 安排您的內容 ,這樣您就不必為此感到壓力。請記住明智地選擇發佈時間,以充分利用您的受眾參與度。

Man shooting a vertical video on his phone for an Instagram Reel.

2. Focus Your Instagram Organic Growth Strategy on Reels

There are plenty of ways to grab the attention of potential clients, customers and followers on Instagram. Regular photo feed posts aren’t the only option out there. You can also play around with other formats, such as carousels and Stories. But when it comes to Instagram organic growth, no format does it better than Instagram Reels.


Instagram has found that users spend 20% of their time on the app watching Reels. It’s incredibly popular and just keeps on growing. Since it doesn’t look like people will get sick of it soon, take advantage of its pull and impact.

因此,如果您希望更多人發現您的個人資料並可能給您關注,請關注 Reels。每周發佈其中的一些作為內容日曆的一部分。

3. 舉辦競賽和贈品,促進業務有機增長

A fun and quick way to drive organic growth in business is by hosting a giveaway on your Instagram page. On the one hand, it rewards one or more followers for being loyal to you. On the other, you can use the game mechanics to your advantage and grow your fanbase.


  • “跟著我們進入贈品。”——這帶來了更多新的關注。
  • “在下面的評論中標記朋友!”- 提高知名度併為頁面帶來潛在的新關注者。
  • “Share this post on your Instagram Story for a chance to win.”—The post shows up on their followers’ feeds, which can lead to more entries and new followers.



4. 在您的有機增長戰略中使用相關的主題標籤

想吸引對某些利基感興趣的新關注者嗎?在帖子標題 中使用相關的主題標籤 是一個很好的方法。


如果您想提高帖子的知名度,請添加您知道人們喜歡流覽的相關主題標籤。如果您要發佈旅行照片,請在標題中添加 #instatravel 或 #wanderlust。你和你的另一半一起發佈一個有趣的卷軸嗎?使用 #couplegoals 和 #relationships 來點擊那些可能喜歡潛伏在這些主題標籤頁面中的人。

這種有機增長策略非常適合那些考慮利基受眾的人。與其花錢在定位廣告上以達到特定的人群,不如使用他們感興趣的主題標籤來吸引他們。它具有成本效益 可以為您提供所需的結果。


5. 社交證明是影響者驅動品牌的有效有機增長策略

In this day and age, people are more trusting of Instagram influencers and content creators than traditional digital ads. Because real people are recommending distinct products and their benefits, it seems more authentic, credible and believable.

讓受眾最喜歡的創作者向他們介紹您的品牌,可以向他們提供社會證明, 證明 您的產品值得嘗試。它使您看起來值得信賴和可靠。當他們看到他們欽佩的思想領袖與您的品牌互動時,可能會鼓勵他們這樣做。


6. 使用多平臺、交叉促進有機增長策略

Not every social media user is on Instagram 24/7. Most people switch from platform to platform. They could be liking a cute OOTD on Instagram one minute and then watching a video on TikTok the next. These other platforms present opportunities to reach them when they’re not on Instagram. So, try to make your brand present on those platforms as well.

Cross-promoting your brand on multiple social media channels isn’t as simple as cross-posting identical photos and videos on each one. It’s better to curate posts that fit the platform to make each piece of content relevant. That way, your organic growth strategy works not just on Instagram but for other social media sites you’re present in.

Let’s say you’re a beauty brand selling makeup products. On Instagram, you might want to post glamorous photos of women wearing your bestselling products.

但是如果你在 TikTok 上交叉推廣,內容應該會有所不同。在該平臺上,考慮製作一個影響者使用您的產品的“與我一起做好準備”視頻。這兩個帖子都適合他們所在的平臺,但推廣相同的獨特產品和品牌資訊。

7. 與其他品牌合作的協作帖子

If you’re working on a partnership with another brand, don’t forget to use collaborative posts on Instagram. These posts allow your content to show up not just on your feed but that of your partner brand, too.



8. Use an Organic Instagram Growth Service Like Path Social

If you’re still not seeing any growth, perhaps it’s time to hire an organic Instagram growth service to see results. That way, you can leave the social media growth to the experts while you concentrate on creating fabulous, relevant content.

Not sure where to start looking for these services? We’ve got you. Path Social is a trusted service that can help you implement your organic growth strategy.

At Path Social, we don’t use automation tools to give you inactive bot followers. Instead, we help you determine your niche target audience that will most likely respond to your content. Then, we’ll organically push out your posts for them to see. As a result, you get genuine engagement on your content and tons of new followers.

With our basic packages, you can see an uptick of 2,000-3,000 new followers in as fast as two days. And you never have to worry about these being fake followers. The fans you get through Path Social’s services are always real, authentic and engaging.


Don’t rely on inorganic growth and paid efforts to succeed on Instagram. Instead, use the platform how it was meant. Grow your account organically with high-quality content, relevant hashtags, exciting giveaways, cross-platform promotion and more. These strategies will help you reach new fans and even potential clients and customers to grow your brand.

When you craft your Instagram organic growth strategy, make sure you incorporate the elements we listed above. If you stick with these strategies instead of relying on automation tools, you’ll be rewarded with more real, authentic followers.

Speaking of authentic followers, don’t forget to check out Path Social’s growth service packages. Our proprietary algorithm focuses on organically putting your content out there to get you real followers, never bots. Ready to amass your genuine, engaging fanbase? Start organically growing your Instagram community today with our help!