
作者Karen Lin的個人資料照片


Instagram 成長 | 8月17, 2023

想要更真實 Instagram 追隨 者?

In recent years, fitness has certainly become a prominent mainstay in people’s lives and a part of their everyday routines. From group studio classes to at-home machines and virtual streaming workouts, there’s something for everyone – and at any time. Lately, a new crop of hyper-focused influencers has been popping up on our Instagram feeds and gaining serious traction.

是的,我們談論的是越來越受歡迎的 健身影響者。 這種類型似乎不會很快停止,所以讓我們學會擁抱它。我們是否激發了您對成為社交媒體健身專家的興趣?如果是這樣,您可能想知道如何成為健身影響者。這就是我們的切入點 - 教你這個新興行業利基的來龍去脈。在我們涵蓋所有內容時繼續滾動,從背景基礎知識到將其轉變為有利可圖的職業道路。


What Is a Fitness Influencer on Instagram?

Now, you most likely already know what an Instagram influencer is and, in fact, probably already follow quite a few. You may even be up to speed on how to become an Instagram influencer in general. For a quick reap, it is someone who can influence people to buy a product or service by recommending it through their social media platforms. But what is a fitness influencer, exactly? The answer is simple. A fitness influencer is one that shares content related to working out, fitness and even healthy living ideas.

There is a wide range of different and specialized focuses for fitness influencers to take. Their niche can include anything from sharing daily yoga poses to creating workout apps and launching activewear brands. In fact, you may be surprised to learn that many fitness influencers are also fitness bloggers. This means they have a separate platform away from Instagram where they share daily updates, pictures and even specialized workouts. If you crave an active lifestyle, then becoming a social media fitness influencer may just be the perfect match for you.


How Many Instagram Followers Do Fitness Influencers Need to Succeed?


You may prefer to hold a smaller, more focused following of people you know in real life. This lets you carve out a more intimate relationship in the vast world of social media. On the other hand, perhaps you have big dreams of creating a fitness empire with your name and likeness. If that sounds more like your speed, then you’ll need to focus on growing your Instagram presence and followers.

Did you know that you can be considered an influencer with as few as a couple of hundred followers? It’s true. This entry-level influencer is referred to as a nano influencer and is where many famous fitness gurus get their start. Once you achieve this, the growth opportunities are endless. To follow the natural progression of an Instagram influencer, you’ll move on from nano and right into micro status. That is, someone with approximately up to 100,000 followers.

接下來,您將進入大約 500,000 到 100 萬人作為您的受眾的 宏觀層面 。最後,您將成為超級影響者,您的粉絲數量達到數百萬甚至數千萬。雖然這個高境界似乎遙不可及(特別是對於那些剛剛起步的人來說),但這並非完全不可能。但是,這需要對您的工藝進行大量奉獻。


What Do Instagram Fitness Influencers Do?

因此,您決定學習如何成為健身影響者。恭喜,承諾是第一步。到目前為止,我們已經介紹了影響職業的確切 含義。但是,您可能仍然想知道健身影響者到底是 做什麼的。讓我們讓您對日常運營有一點瞭解。作為影響者,您的主要目標通常是內容創作,尤其是在商業交易方面。

Once you enter into brand partnerships, you’ll be responsible for making regular posts. This can be through both feed posts as well as making Instagram reels, stories and live videos. You’ll also need to prepare for long hours and constant engagement. Connecting with your audience and keeping your posts fresh, new and relative can be very time-consuming. Influencers are always ready to evolve and change, whether it’s using a new platform or a new way of sharing content.


How to Become a Fitness Influencer on Instagram

You’re officially up to speed on what it means to be a fitness influencer. Now it’s time to dive right into the how. That’s right. Let’s cover exactly how to become a fitness influencer on Instagram. Like any other career path, it is going to take a lot of time, energy and dedication. Remember, it won’t happen overnight.

通過專注於讓您與眾不同的地方,制定增長戰略並學習如何正確突出您的內容,您將走得更遠。繼續閱讀下文,我們將分解您可以採取的各種步驟來實現健身影響者的地位。從入門到 提高您的參與率,我們將涵蓋所有內容。隨意記筆記並讓輪子運動。

1. How to Become a Fitness Influencer on Instagram: Identify Your Area of Expertise




2. How to Become a Fitness Influencer on Instagram: Develop a Strategy

Next step on the journey of how to become a fitness influencer? You’ll want to develop a strategy to achieve your goals. A popular first step is to think up a catchy and creative Instagram handle that your followers will easily remember. Try to make sure it’s closely related to your fitness focus. It’s also important to keep consistent branding throughout all your social media channels. Take the time to do a little research on availability before you commit.


Once you have your actual strategy set, it’s time to put the wheels in motion. You’ll want to create a dedicated Instagram business page for your career. With this, you can start to share content and gain followers. Remember, it’s hard to achieve immediate success and growing an organic following can often take time. This is where your carefully curated content, target audience and engagement rate come into play. Keep reading our list as we dive into those next.

3. How to Become a Fitness Influencer on Instagram: Get Your Content Noticed



Another way to get your content noticed? Utilize hashtags, account tagging and other Instagram features. Adding hashtags to your posts that are relevant to your industry can increase your visibility on the social media app. It can even lead to your content being featured on the Instagram explore page. This will give your posts a fresh new audience. When you tag fitness companies, activewear brands or even other influencers, your content will show up under their tagged posts. The more visibility your profile can achieve, the better.

4. How to Become a Fitness Influencer on Instagram: Increase Your Engagement Rate

如果不說明您的 參與率,我們就無法完成如何成為健身影響者的步驟。如果這個術語對您來說是新的,讓我們瞭解您的定義及其重要性。網紅的參與率是企業在尋找潛在網紅合作時尋找的分析工具之一。


When planning how to become a fitness influencer, a higher engagement rate is extremely important and can be very lucrative. In fact, a good rate can help lead to more money and additional brand sponsorships. Wondering how to increase your Instagram engagement? As you start out as an influencer, experiment with different types of posts. This will help to identify what your audience reacts strongly to – both good and bad. Do they prefer feed posts or stories? You can even use the Instagram sticker options in your stories to find out. Additionally, lean into popular hashtags and trends.


小眾健身影響者的具體提示:3 個熱門類別


Below, let’s take a look at a couple of the most popular fitness topics in the social media world. Hopefully, this list will help to get your creative juices flowing. Feel free to mentally jot a couple down and continue your research on them. With our tips and tricks, you’ll be an Instagram fitness influencer in no time.

1. How to Become a Weight Loss Influencer on Instagram



2. How to Become a Yoga Fitness Influencer on Instagram

瑜伽仍然是世界上最受歡迎的健身實踐之一。事實上, 根據最近的報導,據估計,超過 2800萬 美國人在該國大約40k工作室練習瑜伽。因此,很明顯,在如何成為健身影響者時,將其作為您的重點是一個好主意。


3. How to Become a Competitive Fitness Influencer on Instagram







Another great way to create monetary gain is by becoming a fitness brand ambassador for activewear brands. Seek out these brands through email or direct messaging on Instagram. These partnerships typically work by receiving gifted clothing from the brands, as well as a set rate for your work. You are responsible for creating and sharing content. Remember, you’ll have to abide by the stipulations outlined in your contract. This can sometimes mean there are certain aesthetics to follow or formats to capture. Always remember to review and agree upon contract terms before signing any deals.

在 Path Social 我們已經建立了一個內部平臺 Instagram 在過去十年中,影響者和專有的 AI 定位演算法。這就是我們接觸有針對性、感興趣和參與的自然使用者的方式。這就是為什麼沒有人可以複製我們的結果,這意味著您將構建一個 Instagram 持久的社區! 開始成長和收穫 Instagram 今天的追隨者。