Instagram 民意調查:提高觀眾參與度

作者Karen Lin的個人資料照片


Instagram 成長 | 8月18, 2023

想要更真實 Instagram 追隨 者?

Do it for fun Instagram engagement or for informal research to gain specific audience insight. Instagram polls allow you to interact directly with your followers and get to know them in a more personal, albeit particular, way. You can ask anything, as long as your question is a simple yes-or-no one or offers several options for answers. How do Instagram polls work, and what are their advantages for brands? Here’s your complete guide to polling your followers on Instagram.

一 Instagram 民意調查詢問人們的一天。

The 411 on Polls on Instagram

Instagram polls were introduced in Stories in late 2017, and unlike countless IG features that have come and gone, polls are here to stay. In 2018, the platform added the emoji slider as another option to poll followers. You can also do a poll using the poll or emoji slider sticker in a regular feed post or Reels.

A poll lets you ask any yes-or-no or this-or-that question. You may need help deciding between two outfits for a date. You may want to find out if your customers like the new item on your menu. Instagram polls are a fun and innovative way to get other people’s input about almost anything!


How to Do a Poll on Instagram

You can create Instagram polls using the poll sticker or emoji slider in Stories, Reels, and regular feed posts. It’s pretty straightforward; the harder part is coming up with an interesting question that your followers won’t be able to resist. Remember that the poll and emoji slider stickers are only available when using the Instagram app.

How to Do Instagram Polls in Stories

Just follow these steps to start Instagram polls in your stories:

  1. Open Instagram, tap your profile icon, or swipe right to create a story.
  2. 您可以立即點擊「創建」,然後點擊貼紙圖示或上傳照片或短視頻,然後在選項中選擇貼紙圖示。
  3. 當您點擊貼紙圖示時,將出現新選項。選擇投票貼紙或表情符號滑塊。
  4. 對於投票貼紙,鍵入您的問題,然後鍵入您的關注者將從中選擇的答案。您最多可以新增 4 個選項。
  5. 對於表情符號滑塊,鍵入您的問題並選擇最適合您問題心情的表情符號。
  6. 點擊“完成”。
  7. 以您喜歡的任何方式編輯您的故事。您還可以為投票選擇特定的受眾。
  8. 滿意后,點擊螢幕右下角的箭頭。您還可以選擇如何分享您的投票以及與誰共用。
  9. 點擊“分享”。

Sticker options showing the Instagram poll and emoji slider.

How to Do Instagram Polls in Reels

Here’s how to create Instagram polls for reels:

  1. Open Instagram and then tap the create icon (plus sign in a box) in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. 在底部的選項中選擇「卷軸」。
  3. 開始創建新視頻或從圖庫中上傳視頻或照片。
  4. 您可以將音樂添加到卷軸中。點擊右上角的“添加”以添加另一個視頻/圖像。或立即點擊“下一步”。
  5. 點擊貼紙圖示。選擇投票貼紙或表情符號滑塊。
  6. 對於投票貼紙,請輸入是或否問題。
  7. 對於表情符號滑塊,鍵入您的問題並選擇最適合您問題心情的表情符號。
  8. 以您喜歡的任何方式編輯剪輯。
  9. 滿意后,點擊“下一步”。您還可以選擇如何分享您的投票以及與誰共用。
  10. 點擊“分享”。

Instagram reel using the emoji slider sticker for an Instagram poll.

How to Do Instagram Polls for a Feed Post

The Instagram poll and emoji slider stickers can now be used for regular feed posts, too! Here’s how:

  1. Open Instagram and then tap the create icon (plus sign in a box) in the upper right corner of the screen.
  2. 在底部的選項中選擇“發佈”。
  3. 從圖庫中上傳視頻或照片。您還可以選擇要上傳的多個圖像。
  4. 點擊右上角的藍色箭頭。
  5. 點擊貼紙圖示。選擇投票貼紙或表情符號滑塊。
  6. 對於投票貼紙,請輸入是或否問題。
  7. 對於表情符號滑塊,鍵入您的問題並選擇最適合您問題心情的表情符號。
  8. 以您喜歡的任何方式編輯您的視頻/圖像。
  9. 滿意后,點擊“下一步”。您還可以選擇如何分享您的投票以及與誰共用。
  10. 點擊“分享”。

Editing a regular feed post to add the emoji slider for an Instagram poll.

Instagram Poll Ideas

Here are 5 ideas for Instagram polls to help you get the ball rolling!

  1. Promote the spirit of competition. Use Instagram polls to ask your followers to vote for their preference or favorite. Get creative with it! Create a collage with photos from which voters will choose. Use the poll sticker to ask your question and list the options. Or create a story series and add the emoji slider to each image/clip in the series. Don’t forget to update your followers about how the votes are going so far to keep them hyped! You can also integrate a poll into an Instagram contest!
  2. 展示您的新產品。使用表情符號滑塊瞭解您的關注者和客戶對新產品的喜歡(或不喜歡)程度。
  3. 進行非正式的市場調查。例如,如果您擁有一個美容品牌,請瞭解您的追隨者喜歡在夏天穿什麼唇膏色調。如果您有家庭和生活方式業務,請讓您的關注者為他們最喜歡的調色板投票。
  4. 突出顯示特色產品。創建一個拼貼畫,顯示一條粗體顏色的圍巾搭配不同的服裝。然後開始民意調查,詢問您的關注者他們最喜歡哪一個。不要忘記鼓勵您的選民為自己獨特的合奏買圍巾!
  5. Let your followers take the wheel. Use an Instagram poll to let your followers decide what product/service you should offer at a discounted price or which photo from a shoot you should use as your new profile pic!

An Instagram poll asking people to vote for their favorite meal.

Instagram Poll Questions

Need inspiration for some engaging Instagram poll questions? We got you covered! Check these out!

  1. 哪個名人會是完美的?
  2. 你願意做/有嗎?
  3. 這個還是那個?列出同一事物的兩個版本,例如「陽光面朝上或炒雞蛋」。。
  4. 如果您可以終身供應我們的一種產品,您會選擇哪一種?
  5. 你想和哪個名人一起被困在一個島上?
  6. 你寧願輸哪個?
  7. 您最喜歡哪個社交媒體平臺?
  8. 你有多喜歡這個產品/服務?
  9. When do you spend the most time on Instagram? (Provide up to 4 times to choose from.)
  10. 你更喜歡哪個?1. 聊天;或 2.電話
  11. 我們應該在下一次創作中使用哪種面料印花?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  12. 您如何評價此產品?
  13. 你用這個產品做什麼?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  14. 如果您從我們這裡贏得了價值 1,000 美元的禮券,您會購買哪種產品?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  15. 你喜歡這所房子的哪個外觀?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  16. 你會為這個廚房使用哪種油漆顏色?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  17. 誰更能搖滾這種風格?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  18. 什麼金光閃閃最適合這套衣服?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  19. 接下來我應該去哪家餐廳?(最多提供 4 個選項。
  20. 應該吃哪種食物?(最多提供 4 個選項。

How to See Poll Results on Instagram

Seeing the results of your Instagram polls is as important as raking in high engagement from your followers. You and your voters can see real-time poll results and determine which answer is leading or how the majority feels about the post. When your poll is over, here’s how you can see the final results for your Instagram polls in your Stories, Reels, or regular feed post.

  1. 對於故事,使用投票打開故事。向上滑動或點擊左下角的「查看方式」 選項。您可以在投票的詳細資訊頁面上找到與關注者或特定群組分享結果的選項。請注意,快拍中的投票結果也會在24小時後消失。
  2. 對於捲軸和帖子,請打開帶有投票的捲軸/帖子。點擊底部的「查看結果」 按鈕。


Blocks with smiley faces showing Instagram poll results.


You can also create Instagram polls in group chats with 3 or more participants. But first, you need to upgrade to Messenger features on Instagram. Just follow these steps:

  1. 點擊右上角的信使圖示。
  2. 選擇要為其創建投票或創建新群組的群聊。
  3. 點擊右下角的加號,然後選擇貼紙圖示。
  4. 點擊「投票」並輸入您的問題和答案選項。
  5. 點擊「創建投票」。。

You can tap “View Poll” to add answer options or change your vote while the poll is active. Other participants in the group chat can do the same. To view your Instagram poll results:

  1. 點擊信使圖示。
  2. 選擇您發送投票的正確對話線程。
  3. 您將能夠直接在投票下方看到群聊參與者的投票情況。



Instagram Poll Hack

Looking for an Instagram poll hack? A legit poll hack you can try is basic but fun: changing the color of your poll sticker or emoji slider background. You can do this by simply tapping on the color wheel above the poll you’re creating.

Another poll hack brands may be interested in is getting additional votes for Instagram polls. You can find many services online that offer this poll voting hack for a price. But the more important question you need to ask is: Should you do it?

Keep in mind that faking a boost in your Instagram numbers in any way goes against the platform’s guidelines. Your account can get suspended, and you’ll lose credibility among your followers.

If your Instagram polls are not getting as much engagement as you’d like, you can try other things to increase your reach and make your poll more appealing to your followers. Experiment with various posting times, for example.


當然,您擁有的關注者越多,您的民意調查就會吸引到越多的人,您的民意調查將獲得的參與度就越高。歸根結底,讓更多真正對您提供的內容感興趣的 關注者將 為您的所有帖子提供積極的參與度。

A group of people in front of a laptop studying the results of Instagram polls.


Instagram polls are a fun and effective way to heighten your followers’ interest, encourage them to engage with you, and remind them of your presence on the platform. But if you want to reach more followers with your polls to get more votes, engagement, and insight about your audience, you need to gain more followers first!

Creating amazing content for your Instagram brand may already take too much time. Finding ways to reach a wider audience and get additional followers is a task that’s most suitable for a social media expert. You can team up with an Instagram growth service company, like Path Social, that has the necessary know-how and experience to help you grow your brand the right way.

More than 20 thousand Instagram brands trust Path Social. Take advantage of their precise audience targeting capability, made possible by their proprietary AI targeting technology, to reach real users who are right for your brand. Path Social’s in-house social media specialists and their vast network of Instagram influencers will then do the hands-on work of organically promoting your content to your target audience.

跟 Path Social 作為您的合作夥伴,您可以期待持久而有意義的有機增長! 開始成長和收穫 Instagram 今天的追隨者!