
作者Karen Lin的個人資料照片


Instagram 成長 | 8月18, 2023

想要更真實 Instagram 追隨 者?

By now, you are probably familiar with the ever-growing phenomenon known as the Instagram influencer. You most likely have your go-to social stars that you follow, no matter the industry. If you’ve spent extra time scrolling through their profiles, you may have noticed a varying level of followers between them all. Have you ever stopped to wonder why this is? Turns out, there are different levels of achievement when it comes to influencers. And, in fact, there’s quite a lot of qualities that can set each content creator apart from the rest. Today, we’re talking all about the macro influencer. Of course, don’t get that confused with the nano, micro or mega influencer. If your head is spinning with all those terms, not to worry. We’re here to help and break it all down for you.

Really, these terms simply have to do with the amount of followers one has. And this number can have a huge impact on your social media success. After all, more followers often means more partnerships and business deals. Which, of course, can lead to increased fame and bigger paychecks. For many, this is the end goal when it comes to turning Instagram into a career. With this in mind, it’s helpful to learn where your follower count will place you and how to keep growing your success. Ready to start? Read on below for more.

Macro influencer filming content to post to Instagram.

What Are Macro Influencers on Instagram?

So, what exactly are macro influencers on Instagram? Allow us to explain. On Instagram, it is someone that has amassed an approximation of 500k followers all the way up to 1 million. This is considered the third tier of growing as an influencer, right above nano and micro and just under mega. Don’t worry, we will dive into further detail on those terms below. Macro influencers tend to have an extremely dedicated audience, making this tier often thought of as the sweet spot of social media. They reach a large audience and frequently get their content featured on the Instagram explore page.

In fact, many of their followers know them from somewhere outside of Instagram. This can range from acting to singing or starring in popular reality shows. Being credited with another title helps to create better recognition and a stronger connection among their followers. However, this added fame can often lead to fake followers or spam accounts being prevalent in both likes and comments. Even so, a macro influencer has a trusting and receptive audience. This can translate into loyal customers who make actual purchases of the products and services shared by the influencer.

Macro Influencer Follower Count on Instagram

Of course, the driving force behind the success of any Instagram influencer is how many followers you have. This number can have a major impact on the kinds of collaborations you can garner and, in turn, your income. As we mentioned above, the macro influencer follower count can range from 500k to 1 million. To many, this range might feel unattainable. The numbers are high and it can take time to naturally achieve this audience level. However, we promise, it’s worth the wait. It’s important to put in the work for a positive outcome.

There are many bonuses of quality over quantity when it comes to your online audience. With an organically grown Instagram following, your engagement rate will increase and strengthen. We will dive into this phrase more below, but it essentially refers to how actively involved with your content your audience is. It is just one of the analytical tools that businesses look for when it comes to potential partnerships with influencers. A higher engagement rate is extremely lucrative and often leads to more money and sponsorships.


Now that we’ve covered followers, you’re probably wondering about money. Can you be a macro influencer on Instagram and turn it into a profitable career? The quick answer? Yes, you absolutely can. However, it takes time and dedication to reach a level where you are comfortably bringing in a profit. While still starting out, many people still need to hold another full or part-time job to support them. Once you have reached the macro influencer status, you can expect to make anywhere from $2,000 to $15,000 – just for one post. Of course, that can all depend on the caliber of your content. With those numbers in mind, it’s easy to see why this is an appealing career path for many.

Of course, the end goal is to be at a place where influencing can solely support you. So, just how do macro influencers make money? Two popular streams of social media revenue for influencers are Instagram paid partnerships and affiliate marketing. Wondering what those are? The former is essentially a collaboration between an influencer and a brand or business partner. The brand is paying the influencer to promote their products on social media channels. This can include Instagram feed posts, stories, reels and live video. Sometimes, brands will also give the influencer a discount code or link to share with their followers. These are affiliate links, another popular type of social media promotion. When a member of the public buys something using the link or code, the influencer will receive a percentage of sale.

Macro influencer filming video in her kitchen for an Instagram paid partnership.


When it comes to their social media audience, some influencers are perfectly happy with a smaller following. They’ve successfully identified their target audience on Instagram and honed in on their area of expertise. This lets them better connect on a personal level with their audience and build a close-knit social community. Still, others may dream of continuing to grow their audience and level up their influencer status. And, of course, there are many who lie right in the middle.

到目前為止,我們已經正式瞭解了宏觀影響者到底是什麼。但是,您可能想知道我們簡要提到的其他層 - 從納米到巨型。我們在這裡向您解釋其中的區別。儘管主要區別之一是關注者數量,但還有其他一些事情需要考慮。想知道是什麼讓納米與微型區別開來?那麼微型影響者呢?它們如何融入等式?下面,我們將為所有不同級別的影響者設定記錄。


The first tier of an Instagram influencer is commonly thought of as the nano influencer, or your almost average Instagram user. These are people who are just starting out in the world of influencing and eager to learn more. Nano influencers have the smallest follower count, typically with under 10,000 followers. They work hard to establish themselves in the social media world and grow their brand. When they partner with businesses for collaborations, it’s often done in exchange for goods or services instead of money. Although they may have a smaller reach, nano influencers often have a very high rate of engagement. This is because their audience mainly consists of people they know in real life. This means their followers, likes and comments are typically real and authentic.

讓我們進入下一層。想知道微觀影響者與宏觀影響者有什麼區別嗎?微型影響者是擁有大約 20,000 到 100,000 名關注者的人。他們非常致力於他們的受眾,並擅長通過品牌夥伴關係和合作來識別潛在的追隨者。就像納米影響者一樣,他們通常具有很高的參與率。他們通過對觀眾保持真實和極其透明來實現這一目標。對於微型影響者,他們的內容大多是自己創造的。他們還花時間在真誠的對話中回應並與他們的追隨者互動。





Person looking at smartphone, watching content from her favorite macro influencers on Instagram.

How to Become a Macro Influencer on Instagram

如果您著眼於獲得宏觀影響者的地位並想瞭解更多資訊,那麼您來對地方了。您可能對 如何成為有影響力的人 有一些疑問,我們在這裡回答所有這些問題。首先,您需要確定您在社交媒體世界中的利基市場。要找到最適合您的內容,請考慮您的興趣、愛好或最喜歡的消遣。從這裡開始,磨練並確定是什麼讓您與眾不同。您是否有讓您與眾不同的特殊才能或技能?或者也許是對某個主題的深入瞭解,例如時尚行業或健身?當您對自己的手藝充滿熱情時,您的追隨者會很清楚。這將有助於獲得他們對您的整體品牌的信任和忠誠度。


Grow Your Instagram Target Audience

For the first step in leveling up your social media status, you’ll want to make sure you are appealing to your target audience. By the time you reach macro influencer status, you should have your intended following identified and well-achieved. As you continue to grow, you will want to make sure that you are gaining followers who are truly interested and invested in your content. This can have many bonuses, including higher levels of engagement on your shared content. A dedicated and engaged following will help to boost your authenticity to businesses with the same vision. Brands and influencers that share a similar followers list are a match made in Instagram heaven.

Another part of growing your Instagram target audience is making sure you are posting the right content – and enough of it. If you are anywhere from a nano to macro influencer, you may be wondering how often you should post to Instagram. If you post too little, your content might get lost in the algorithm and not seen by your audience. And if you post too much, you risk oversharing and losing some of your hard-earned followers. You can identify  this ideal frequency by analyzing your Instagram insights, a feature available to users with high levels of engagement. This information will help you to identify trends across your audience and your content’s performance and reach.

Increase Your Instagram Engagement Rates

Next, it’s all about engagement rate for macro influencers. This metric measures the average number of interactions your content receives per follower. It compares your total number of followers to your average numbers of likes, reactions, shares and comments per post. Essentially, it’s a measure of how well your content performs. A strong engagement rate can help to justify an influencer when it comes to companies looking for partnerships. It shows that you are interacting with the right audience and can properly campaign for their brand. So, what target engagement rate do companies look for when it comes to Instagram paid partnerships? According to recent reports, anywhere from 1% to 5% is the sweet spot.

Wondering how to increase your Instagram engagement? As you start out as an influencer, experiment with different types of posts. This will help to identify what your audience reacts strongly to – both good and bad. Do they prefer feed posts or stories? You can even use the Instagram sticker options in your stories to find out. Additionally, lean into popular hashtags and trends. Adding hashtags to your posts that are relevant to your industry can increase your visibility on the social media app. It can even lead to your content being featured on the Instagram explore page, bringing in a flurry of new viewers.

Two macro influencers filming content for a joint Instagram post.

Macro Influencer Examples on Instagram

Need a little inspiration on your quest to become a macro influencer? When it comes to macro influencers examples, the best place to start is your own following list. Take a peek through your feed and tap through a sampling of profiles. Check out their follower count, as well as their typical number of likes and comments per post. This will give you a broad idea of their engagement rate. You can also see what type of content they are primarily sharing with their audience. This can give you ideas on where to center your attention. It’s also helpful to track their follower gain, seeing the time it takes them to level up. Additionally, do research and see if they are currently working with an influencer agency. If so, consider reaching out if they would be a good partner for you. A little self-promotion can go a long way on Instagram.

如果您對 如何成為時尚影響者感興趣,請考慮關注艾米傑克遜(@fashionjackson)。她分享日常服裝和家居裝飾——兩全其美。為了滿足你對旅行癖的渴望,看看琪琪(@theblondeaborad)。她會讓你想通過她完美策劃和度假的內容成為旅行影響者。尋找有趣和輕鬆的東西?看看松鼠吉爾(@this_girl_is_a_squirrel)。是的,吉爾是一隻 10 歲的松鼠,他在社交媒體應用程式上俘獲了許多人的心。

在 Path Social 我們已經建立了一個內部平臺 Instagram 在過去十年中,影響者和專有的 AI 定位演算法。這就是我們接觸有針對性、感興趣和參與的自然使用者的方式。這就是為什麼沒有人可以複製我們的結果,這意味著您將構建一個 Instagram 持久的社區! 開始成長和收穫 Instagram 今天的追隨者。