Paquets d'adeptes : Votre guide pour une croissance instantanée

Photo de profil de Karen Lin, auteur

Karen Lin

Instagram 101 | 05 avril 2023

Vous voulez plus de vrais followers sur Instagram ?

Instagram offers endless opportunities for personal and professional growth. However, building a strong following can be a daunting task, requiring a significant investment of time, effort, and resources.

Policeman in the middle of a road to represent Instagram looking for fake accounts and bots.

That’s where follower packages come in… promising to give your account a boost by delivering large numbers of followers quickly and easily.

In a world of fake news and misinformation, there are lots of myths around this subject. This post gets to the bottom of them.

If you’re considering using Instagram follower packages to grow your following, this post is essential reading. We’ll:

  • explorer les différents types de forfaits disponibles
  • fournir des conseils d'experts sur la manière de les utiliser de manière sûre et efficace, et
  • propose des analyses de quelques-uns des forfaits les plus populaires sur le marché.

So, whether you’re an Instagram newbie or an experienced user, get ready to unlock the full potential of Instagram with follower packages!

What Are Instagram Follower Packages?

Instagram follower packages are services that promise to deliver a large number of followers to your Instagram account in exchange for a fee. These packages typically range from a few hundred to several thousand followers, and can be purchased from a variety of online sources.

Most packages work by using automated bots to follow accounts that may be interested in your content. The hope is that some of these accounts will follow you back. Some packages also offer additional features, such as likes and comments, to help boost your engagement and visibility on the platform.

There are many different types available, each with its own unique features and pricing structures.

Some offer a one-time delivery of followers, while others may offer a monthly subscription service that delivers followers over time. Some also offer additional services, such as targeted follower growth for specific niches or industries.

It’s important to note that not all packages are created equal- some use authentic and organic strategies; others are less scrupulous…

We’ll explore the potential risks and benefits of using follower packages in the next section. Plus we’ll provide expert advice on how to choose the right one for your needs!

Are Instagram Follower Packages Legit?

Sometimes good content and a well-thought-out marketing plan alone will not be enough to get you trending. You are still lacking the final component… Followers!

When fake accounts, bots, and the profiles that use them are discovered, Instagram quickly takes action.

Partenaires commerciaux discutant de la légitimité de l'offre de followers.

So, are Instagram follower packages legit?

The good news is that there are a number of reputable companies offering Instagram growth services, from which you can trustably purchase real Instagram followers. Providers like Path Social deliver accounts that are both legitimate and carefully targeted, ensuring that your audience is genuinely interested in what you have to offer.

Buying Instagram followers may still fall in the gray area between acceptable and unacceptable brand behavior. But if done with the right partner, it won’t be much different than paying for advertising or the services of influencers. Both of which essentially deliver the same goods!

Don’t just inflate your numbers- that’s a vanity metric that will give you little real benefit. The most important thing to remember is that this growth strategy should still be aimed at reaching your target audience. You want real followers who will engage with you in an authentic way.

What Happens When You Use Instagram Follower Packages?

Using follower packages can have both positive and negative effects on your Instagram account. On the one hand, they can provide a quick and easy way to boost your follower count and increase your visibility on the platform. This can help to attract more organic followers and increase your overall engagement on the platform.

Panneau "Follow Me" (Suivez-moi)

However, using them can also come with several potential risks and drawbacks. Less scrupulous providers use automated bots to follow accounts, which leads to a high number of inactive or spam accounts following you. This will damage your engagement rate and credibility on the platform.

To use these packages safely and effectively, it’s important to do your research and choose a reputable provider that uses ethical practices to deliver followers. It’s best to use in moderation and alongside other organic growth strategies, such as creating high-quality content and engaging with your audience.

Ultimately, the impact of using follower packages will depend on the specific package and provider you choose, as well as your individual goals and objectives on the platform. With the right approach, however, these packages can be a valuable tool for growing your Instagram following and increasing your engagement on the platform.

Commentaires sur les forfaits de suivi de la popularité

Image de cinq étoiles jaunes pour représenter les paquets de followers ayant reçu d'excellentes critiques.

Pour vous aider à prendre une décision éclairée, voici quelques revues de forfaits de suivi populaires disponibles sur le marché aujourd'hui :

  1. Path Social. In terms of authenticity and service quality, Path Social is the leading Instagram social media management agency. The growth service connects with organic users who are targeted, interested, and engaged by combining proprietary AI technology and influencer collaborations for exceptionally targeted outreach.
  2. Social Packages. A popular provider of Instagram follower packages, with a range of different packages available depending on your needs and budget. Their packages start from just $2.99 for 100 followers and go up to $199.99 for 50,000 followers.
  3. Buzzoid. Cette entreprise existe depuis un certain temps, elle a donc eu tout le temps de se forger une solide réputation, et elle l'a fait en fournissant constamment des produits authentiques et un service fiable.
  4. InstaFollowers. L'un des principaux avantages d'InstaFollowers est la rapidité des délais de livraison, la plupart des commandes étant traitées dans les 24 heures. Bien que les commentaires soient généralement positifs, ils ont également dû faire face à des problèmes de faux comptes et de comptes inactifs.
  5. Twicsy. They provides real accounts with real engagement and long-term followers. The site’s registration process is fairly simple; they offer affordable packages and quick delivery, and they may also provide Instagram engagement in the form of likes and views if you purchase the additional service.
  6. Stormlikes. Cette entreprise s'est forgé une bonne réputation. Notamment pour son service à la clientèle, bien que les délais de livraison puissent être beaucoup plus longs que ceux de ses concurrents cités plus haut.

Avant de faire un achat, assurez-vous de faire vos recherches et de choisir un fournisseur réputé qui a l'habitude de fournir à ses clients des suiveurs réels de haute qualité.

Mais comment ? C'est ce que nous allons voir maintenant.

Comment choisir un fournisseur de bonne réputation

Une femme d'affaires devant son ordinateur portable réfléchit aux meilleurs fournisseurs de forfaits de suivi.

Mais comment faire le tri parmi les fournisseurs pour trouver quelqu'un de fiable ? Quelqu'un qui vous aidera à vous développer à long terme, sans mettre votre compte en péril ? Cette section vous explique comment faire.

  • Vérifiez que le site dispose d'une connexion SSL sécurisée, ce qui signifie qu'elle est correctement cryptée pour sécuriser les communications et le traitement des cartes de crédit. Une icône de cadenas vert doit apparaître juste avant l'adresse web dans l'URL de la plateforme. N'interagissez pas avec un site web qui ne dispose pas d'une connexion SSL sécurisée.
  • Optez pour une livraison lente dans un délai raisonnable. Une augmentation soudaine et significative du nombre de vos followers paraîtra suspecte et pourrait indiquer une tactique douteuse de la part du fournisseur. Choisissez un fournisseur qui propose différents forfaits de followers qui alimentent progressivement votre compte en nouveaux followers, autant que possible. Une croissance régulière et progressive vous permettra également de gagner des points auprès des algorithmes d'IG.
  • Vérifiez si le fournisseur de services de croissance offre des garanties de rétention des followers. Cela signifie que les followers qu'il fournit sont spécifiquement ciblés pour votre marque, ce qui garantit qu'ils restent et interagissent avec votre compte. Si vos nouveaux followers commencent à ne plus vous suivre, le fournisseur doit vous en envoyer d'autres pour atteindre le nombre convenu.
  • Déterminez si le fournisseur dispose d'une équipe d'assistance à la clientèle dédiée qui peut répondre dans un délai raisonnable. Cela montre que l'entreprise est soucieuse d'entretenir des relations positives avec ses clients et qu'elle ne cherche pas à prendre votre argent et à s'enfuir !
  • Comparez les prix de différents fournisseurs tout en tenant compte de la qualité du service. Consultez les avis positifs et négatifs des clients pour déterminer si vous en aurez pour votre argent. "Achetez bon marché, achetez deux fois", dit le proverbe !

Buying Instagram Follower Packages

Maintenant que vous savez de quoi il s'agit, nous répondons aux questions les plus fréquentes sur leur légalité et leur coût.

Deux hommes d'affaires devant leur ordinateur portable discutent des aspects juridiques des forfaits de suivi.

Is It Legal To Buy Instagram Follower Packages?

The legality of buying Instagram follower packages is a somewhat complex issue. From a legal perspective, there is nothing inherently illegal about purchasing followers for your Instagram account.

The bigger concern with buying Instagram follower packages is the potential negative consequences for your account’s engagement rate and credibility. Many packages use bots or fake accounts to boost your follower count, which can ultimately hurt your account’s reputation and authenticity. This is especially true if your purchased followers are not interested in your content and do not engage with your posts.

However, there are reputable companies offering packages that use organic methods to grow your following- such as targeted marketing campaigns and influencer collaborations. These methods help attract genuine followers who are interested in your content and more likely to engage with your account

If you do choose to buy packages, it is crucial to do your research and select a reputable supplier. Look for companies with positive reviews and a proven track record of delivering real, engaged followers. Make sure to read their terms of service and understand exactly what you are getting before making a purchase.

How Much Does It Cost To Buy 10K Instagram Followers?

The cost of buying Instagram followers can vary widely depending on the provider and the quality of the followers. In general, the price for buying 10k followers on Instagram ranges from around $50 to $200 or more. It is important to note that the cost of buying followers should not be the only factor to consider when choosing a provider. The quality of the followers you receive for your money, the delivery time, and the provider’s customer service should be factors you consider just as much.

Buying Instagram followers is a perfectly legitimate growth strategy IF it is done organically and authentically. Our expert team and AI targeting algorithm ensures you get followers who will genuinely engage with your content, not merely fluff up your numbers!

Start growing your Instagram following with Path Social today!