Instagram 일일 한도: 알아야 할 모든 것

저자 Karen Lin의 프로필 사진

카렌 린

Instagram 팁 | Aug 17, 2023

더 많은 실제 Instagram 팔로워를 원하시나요?

Like most social media apps, Instagram places a lot of importance on a safe and human-based community. It wants to foster an environment where people can connect, have fun, and avoid scams. To do this, IG and its parent company have strict authenticity measures to block out bots and other automated activity. One of these measures is Instagram’s daily limits. In this article, we’ll walk you through the definition of daily limits and the different types. We’ll even cover the other type of daily limit for the app: Instagram daily time limits. Let’s get started.

커다란 흰색 책 위에 검은색 스마트폰이 묶여 있습니다.

Instagram Daily Limits Defined

Instagram daily limits refer to the cap IG puts on certain activities per day. These cover everything from following, to unfollowing, likes, comments, and more. You’ll know you’ve hit a daily limit by one of two things:

  • Instagram blocks the action with a pop-up message reading, “Try again later”
  • Instagram temporarily or permanently suspends/bans your account

이 두 옵션 중 후자는 이것이 처음으로 최대에 도달하는 경우 발생하지 않을 것입니다. 또는 일반적으로 당신의 행동이 의심스럽지 않은 경우. 그러나 여러 작업에 대한 일일 한도에 반복적으로 도달하면 페이지가 도마 위에 놓이게 됩니다.

So why does Instagram go to such lengths to restrict what you do on the app? To avoid spammy, abusive, or fake accounts. Profiles that exceed these benchmarks tend to be bots. A bot is a nickname for automation tools that take over social media actions. Generally, there isn’t anyone real behind a bot account. They generate false activity, usually to boost a page in the IG algorithm. However, bots also function to defraud people out of their personal information or to spread false or harmful messages.

For this reason, bots are a bad idea and Instagram tries to keep out these dangerous parties at all costs. To keep your account in good standing, avoid bots or bot-like activities and stay under these caps. With that out of the way, let’s get into some of the Instagram daily limits you’ll encounter.

Hands holding black smartphone displaying Instagram profile.

What Is the Daily Follow Limit on Instagram

The daily follow limit on Instagram varies. In fact, Instagram hasn’t actually released an exact number. However, from research and testing, it appears that you can follow around 150 accounts per day. In addition to Instagram daily limits for following other people, the app also has hourly restrictions. You can only hit the blue follow button on ten accounts per hour.

There’s one thing you need to keep in mind with these daily cut-offs. They only apply to accounts older than 3 months. If your page is newer than that, your following cap is 100. Instagram holds younger accounts to a harsher standard again because of bots. Bots create fake accounts and instantly go into following sprees. However, if you’re going right to mass-following people straight out of the gate, this looks suspicious.

이러한 보류가 다음과 같은 이유에 대한 또 다른 주장이 있으며이를 팔로우 취소 방법이라고합니다. 팔로우백률을 활용해 많은 팔로워를 빠르게 확보하기 위한 전략이다. 아이디어는 당신이 많은 사람들을 따라 가면서 그들이 예의에서 당신을 다시 따르기를 바라는 것입니다. 그런 다음 며칠 후 팔로우를 취소하여 팔로워 대 팔로워의 비율이 높습니다.

This is a form of spamming and is generally looked down upon. It’s tempting to use this and other cheats to gain 1k Instagram followers fast. But ultimately, it’s better to stick to organic growth strategies.

흰색 크루넥을 입은 남성이 좋아요 아이콘에 손을 뻗고 있습니다.

Instagram Daily Limits: What Is the Daily Unfollow Limit on Instagram

Did you know that the daily unfollow limit on Instagram is the same as the follow limit? That’s because Instagram views both of these as the same action. So if you’ve already followed 150 accounts today, you’ll have to keep following them until tomorrow. Instagram daily limits are a big reason you shouldn’t use Instagram unfollow apps. It’s tempting to use these services since they take out the hassle of having to click “unfollow” repeatedly. But if you try to trim down who you follow in mass layoffs, expect a suspension or ban.

While there isn’t a way to get around the daily max for unfollowing on Instagram, there are alternatives:

  1. 계정 음소거. 누군가가 게시하는 내용을보고 싶지 않다면 언제든지 음소거를 누를 수 있습니다. 이렇게 하려면 무음으로 설정하려는 계정으로 이동합니다. 프로필에서 파란색 "팔로잉" 버튼을 탭합니다. 팝업 메뉴에 계정을 음소거하는 옵션이 표시됩니다. 나중에 언제든지 음소거를 해제할 수 있습니다 .
  2. Blocking accounts. When you’ve hit your Instagram daily limit for unfollowing but you need to cut off another user completely, block them. Blocking an account means that the user will no longer be able to interact with you at all. Just go to their profile, click on the three small dots in the upper right-hand corner and hit “block”.
  3. 팔로워를 의도적으로 사용하십시오. 실제로 아는 사람이나 진정으로 좋아하는 계정만 팔로우하세요. 팔로우를 위해 팔로우하지 마십시오. 이렇게하면 장기적으로 시간을 절약 할 수 있습니다.

빈 타일 위에 '좋아요' 철자가 적힌 스크래블 타일을 붙입니다.

Instagram Daily Limits: Understanding the Daily Like Limit for Instagram

Next on our list is the daily like limit for Instagram. Likes are a way to show your support for a content creator’s image or video. It’s also an indication of how popular or well-liked (pun intended) a post is. Due to this, some people fall into the temptation of buying likes. This is unnecessary since there are plenty of great, organic ways to get more likes on Instagram. But because these automated issues still pop up, Instagram daily limits exist as well.

Again, the app doesn’t provide an exact guideline for Instagram Daily Limits. However, as of 2022, it appears that Instagram restricts users to 120 likes per hour or 300-500 per day. It seems like these rules apply no matter the age of your page. However, accounts 3 months or newer should wait 30-50 seconds between liking photos. If you go on a liking spree without leaving any breathing room, you’re more likely to get your profile flagged.

All that said, Instagram does not limit how many people can like any post. There’s no rule saying only 80-100 users or 175-200 users can like a post per day or anything like that. So don’t worry that your content won’t reach its full potential because of these restrictions.

Beige envelopes on top of each other to represent daily like limit for Instagram.

Instagram Daily DM Limit

So far, the actions with limits that we’ve touched on have all been public. They’re all linked to stats others can see or activity that unfairly boosts users in the algorithm. But it doesn’t stop there. The app also has an Instagram daily DM limit. Why? Because of the social media’s stance of protecting users from spam or abuse.

Instagram knows that some malicious users take to badgering other accounts through repeated, constant direct messaging. This kind of activity is a form of online harassment or bullying. It can cause distress for the person on the receiving end.

Similarly, if a user is messaging hundreds of accounts one after the other, they’re likely sending unsolicited spam DMs. In an attempt to cut back on this unwanted activity, Instagram has a direct message limit of 50-70 per day. This is much more effective than just leaving it to the individual to have to delete unwanted Instagram DMs.

그러나 DMing이 팔로워와 의사 소통하는 주요 방법 중 하나라면 어떻게해야합니까? DM을 많이 받은 경우 불이익을 피하기 위해 취할 수 있는 조치는 다음과 같습니다.

  • 최대한 많은 정보를 하나의 다이렉트 메시지로 통합하세요. 때때로 우리는 친구에게 문자 메시지를 한 줄씩 보내거나 새로운 생각이 별도의 메시지로 우리에게 일어날 때 보냅니다. 그러나 답장 할 메시지가 많은 경우 단일 텍스트 풍선을 낭비 할 여유가 없습니다.
  • 하루 종일 응답을 보내는 것을 분산하십시오. 특히 새 계정의 경우 단기간에 너무 많은 작업을 수행하면 의심 스럽습니다. DM을 퍼뜨림으로써 IG는 이를 자연스러운 활동으로 인식할 가능성이 더 큽니다.

음식 그릇을 표시하는 검은색 휴대폰을 들고 있는 손.

Maximum Posts on Instagram per Day

At this point, you may be wondering about a maximum of posts on Instagram per day to stay under. As of right now, Instagram daily limits do not apply to posts. There are also no rules for the number of posts per week. You can post as many photos or videos on your grid as you’d like. Of course, this only applies to content that follows Instagram’s other community guidelines and terms of service. If you run afoul of those guidelines, don’t be surprised if you end up in Instagram jail.

While there aren’t any daily posting caps, there are IG character limits for the captions on your posts. Here’s the good news: you have up to 2,200 characters to use per caption. This is plenty of room to communicate with your followers or hype up your friends. Now let’s get back to the parts of Instagram that do have daily limits, like comments and stories.

Hands holding white smartphone with Instagram comments on the screen

Instagram Daily Limits for Comments

IG에서 다른 사람들과 상호 작용할 수 있는 주요 방법 중 하나는 댓글 섹션을 이용하는 것입니다. 댓글을 남기는 것은 대화를 시작하거나 의견을 공유하는 좋은 방법입니다. 동시에 댓글은 봇과 악의적인 행위자가 만연한 분야 중 하나인 경향이 있습니다. 인증된 페이지의 댓글 섹션을 스크롤하면 돈을 약속하거나 사기를 판매하는 댓글을 복사하여 붙여넣는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 그리고 물론, 모든 빛나고지지적인 댓글에 대해 당신은 12 개의 비열한 댓글을 보게 될 것입니다.

To clean up this situation, Instagram moderates the number of comments per day you can post. The consensus on Instagram daily limits for comments appears to be 200. For most users, this is more than enough for engaging with others on the platform. But if you’re coming up short, you can use other interactions such as likes or DMs in place of commenting.

또는 다음 날까지 기다렸다가 생각을 공유하십시오. 이러한 규정은 확실히 사기성 또는 불쾌한 활동을 포착하는 데 도움이 되지만 완벽하지는 않습니다. 밝은면에서는 뉴스 피드 나 정신 건강을 방해하는 댓글을 언제든지 삭제할 수 있습니다.

Girl holding and taking Instagram story.

Instagram Daily Limits for Stories

That last Instagram daily limit imposed by the platform that we’re going to touch on is the one for Stories. From what we know, you can post up to 100 stories per day. However, we would discourage you from using the full 100 in one day.

In general, most users won’t have the attention span, interest, or patience to go through that many clips or photos. Instagram Stories are meant to be quick, current, and bite-sized. They’re great for showing people what you’re up to for the day, sharing posts, asking questions, or sharing links.

If you’re adding over 20 stories a day, that’s a good sign that that content might belong elsewhere. For example, say you’ve taken a bunch of video clips and all put together they come out to 15 minutes long. Instead of overwhelming your stories, turn that into a YouTube video. Then, you can add your YouTube channel link to your Instagram bio and use stories to advertise it.

올바른 콘텐츠를 올바른 플랫폼에 일치시켜 소셜 미디어를 사용하는 방식에 전략적이어야 합니다. 더 나은 수익을 제공하고 청중을 행복하게 할 것입니다. 마침내 우리는 IG 자체의 모든 일일 한도를 통과했습니다. 이제 자신과 앱에 부과할 수 있는 제한에 대해 이야기할 차례입니다.

"쉬어가세요!!"라는 문구가 적힌 녹색 포스트잇 주위에 노란색 구겨진 포스트잇이 붙어 있습니다.

Instagram Daily Limits: Cutting Back on Your Phone Time

We’ve talked a lot about understanding Instagram daily limits. But putting a daily time freeze on your Instagram app is just as important. The average person spends 147 minutes a day on social media. Every year, more and more people discover an addiction to these apps and the very real-life consequences. That’s why in recent years smartphone companies and Instagram itself have introduced usage limit options.

이러한 기능을 사용하면 장치 사용량이 어떻게 보이는지 확인하는 동시에 줄일 수 있습니다. 앱마다 또는 때로는 전체 휴대전화 사용에 대해 다른 제한을 설정할 수 있습니다. 이는 앱에서 하루에 활용할 수 있는 일정 시간을 제공하여 작동합니다. 그런 다음 도달하면 다음날까지 앱에서 닫힙니다.

Daily time limits are also useful parental controls. Guardians or parents can monitor how much time their kids spend on their phones and where. This is especially important since social media has a stronger negative effect on developing brains. With a time maximum, parents can avoid potential health risks or crises. Below we’ll cover the benefits of reducing your time on Instagram as well as how to set time limits.

웃는 여자 옆에 웃는 얼굴 풍선을 하세요.

Instagram Daily Limits: The Benefits of Reducing Your Time on the App

Taking a break from Instagram is easier said than done for many people. But that’s often a sign that you could benefit from a break. Though the benefits of stepping back from social media vary from person to person, there are a few universal upsides. Here are our top three:

  1. 눈 건강. 두통으로 소셜 미디어 폭식에서 나온 적이 있습니까? 아니면 흐릿한 시야로 어려움을 겪고 있습니까? 화면을 보면서 방해받지 않고 시간을 보내면 눈이 피로해지기 때문입니다. 그들은 우리의 눈이 만들어지지 않은 강렬하고 부 자연스러운 빛을 투사합니다. 소셜 미디어에서 보내는 시간을 줄이면 눈에 합당한 휴가를 줄 수 있습니다.
  2. Improved sleep. Too much Instagram can disrupt your sleep partially because of the screen light as well. The blue light from our phones throws off our natural ability to know when to go to sleep. Another reason why reducing your time on social media improves your sleep, is because you get to sleep faster. If you’re not distracted by scrolling through your feed or getting stressed by information overload, your body can better relax.
  3. 기분 개선. 휴식에 대해 말하자면, 휴대 전화 사용을 지배하는 것의 큰 이점은 더 행복하다는 것입니다. 우리 모두는 소셜 미디어에서 우리를 우울하게 만드는 것을 보거나 경험했습니다. 우리 자신을 다른 사람과 비교하든 둠 스크롤을 하든 소셜 미디어에는 많은 부정적인 것이 있습니다. IG 사용에 제한을 두고 기분과 에너지가 어떻게 향상되는지 확인하십시오.

Phone displaying Instagram login screen for how to set a daily limit on Instagram

How to Set a Daily Limit on Instagram

Ready to take control of your Instagram usage? This is how to set a daily limit on Instagram within the app.

  1. Open Instagram and go to your profile. In the top right-hand corner, you’ll see three lines. Tap that button and then press “Your Activity”.
  2. 여기에서 검색, 데이터 및 백로그된 콘텐츠에서 모든 것을 관리할 수 있는 다양한 방법을 볼 수 있습니다. 메뉴에서 "소요 시간"을 선택하십시오.
  3. 시간 사용을 관리하기 위한 두 가지 옵션이 표시됩니다. 가장 적합한 옵션에 따라 하나 또는 두 옵션을 모두 선택할 수 있습니다.
    • 옵션 1: "휴식을 취하도록 미리 알림 설정". 그러면 선택한 증분에 대해 휴식을 취할 수 있는 전체 화면 알림이 나타납니다. 현재 옵션은 10분, 20분 또는 30분마다입니다.
    • 옵션 2: "일일 시간 제한 설정". 이 옵션을 선택하면 천장에 도달하면 하루 종일 앱이 종료됩니다. 현재 사용 가능한 증분은 30 또는 45의 분 제한 또는 1, 2 또는 3의 시간 제한입니다.

Congratulations! You’re all set to use Instagram in the best way for you and your life.

Now that you’re an Instagram daily limits expert, why not continue upgrading your social media presence? At Path Social, we’ve built an in-house platform of influencers and a proprietary AI targeting algorithm over the past decade. That’s how we can reach targeted, engaged, and organic users to boost your following. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.