Instagram 模型:為您的廣告系列選擇合適的模型

作者Karen Lin的個人資料照片


Instagram 101 | 8月18, 2023

想要更真實 Instagram 追隨 者?

Almost anybody can claim the title “Instagram model.” But there are different breeds of Instagram models, and they are identified by how many followers they have on the platform. Are Instagram models the same as influencers? How are they similar? How are they different? Finally, who are the most sought-after IG models today?

Black and white photo of an Instagram model in front of a brick wall

IG 模型如何説明品牌取得成功

First, let’s clarify how IG models and influencers are the same and how they’re different. Instagram models are almost always influencers, but not all Instagram influencers are models. For example, fashion, beauty, and fitness models can be professional models for big or local brands. They can also be identified as influencers if they leverage their massive following and engage in influencer marketing. On the other hand, a fitness influencer can be a professional fitness trainer/coach or a bodybuilder, and not necessarily a model.

IG 模型可以通過兩種方式説明您的品牌取得成功。

  1. You can use them to promote your products online, particularly on your Instagram page, other social media pages, and website. You hire them exclusively to model your products/services.
  2. 您可以與他們合作,利用他們的受眾範圍和影響力。

Either way, your primary goal is to attract and engage more Instagram users. Your secondary objectives may be to increase brand awareness, build product awareness, gain new followers, or boost sales.

Brands that work with Instagram models can derive any of the following benefits:

  • Greater brand awareness. Working with Instagram models can help you introduce your brand to a wider audience on Instagram and other platforms.
  • Access to repurposable content for marketing and commercial purposes. If you are able to negotiate proper rights management for UGC, you’ll be able to use an Instagram model’s content for various marketing efforts.
  • 銷售額增加。無論他們只是為您的品牌建模,還是積極向他們的追隨者推廣您的產品/服務,IG 模型都可以為您的品牌帶來更多的可信度和價值。他們的影響力將有助於鼓勵更多的銷售。
A female Instagram model promoting a makeup brand.

Top Instagram Models Overall

Here are the top Instagram models to date. Unsurprisingly, real-life celebrities make up most of this list. From runways and the big screen to social media mega-influencers, let’s take a look at the most sought-after Instagram models.

  1. @Kendalljenner,276M粉絲,時裝模特
  2. @Gigihadid,76.8M粉絲,T台模特
  3. @bellahadid, 57.4M 粉絲, 跑道model@haileybaldwin, 50.540.8M粉絲, 時裝模特
  4. @Haileybaldwin,5050萬粉絲,時裝模特
  5. @caradelevingne,42.4M粉絲,時裝模特和女演員
  6. @chrissyteigen,40.8M粉絲,時裝模特
  7. @emrata,29.7M粉絲,模特,女演員和企業家
  8. @gisele,20.5M粉絲,T台模特
  9. @Ashleygraham,19.8M粉絲,大碼時裝模特
  10. @candiceswanepoel,18.9M粉絲,T台模特
  11. @realbarbarapalvin,18.7M粉絲,時裝模特
  12. @rosiehw,17.2M粉絲,時裝模特
  13. @alexisren,17.2M粉絲,泳裝模特,企業家,演員和網紅
  14. @adrianalima,15.4M粉絲,T台模特和女演員
  15. @mirandakerr,14M追隨者,跑道模型
  16. @karliekloss,11.8M粉絲,跑道模特
  17. @josephineskriver,8.1M粉絲,時裝模特
  18. @liuwenlw,5.8M粉絲,跑道模特
  19. @alexachung、5.8M粉絲、時裝模特、演員
  20. @sierraaaskyee、4.4M粉絲、泳裝模特、網紅
  21. @desiperkins,4.4M粉絲,時尚和美容模特和內容創作者
  22. @jonkortajarena,3.7M粉絲,時裝模特和演員
  23. @tashoakley, 3.1M followers, fashion and lifestyle blogger, Instagram model, and entrepreneur
  24. @luckybsmith, 2.8M粉絲, 時裝模特
  25. @chico_lachowski,1.4M粉絲,時裝模特
肯德爾·詹納(Kendall Jenner)推廣奢侈品包。

Hottest Instagram Models in Various Categories

Let’s look at the hottest Instagram models in various categories to help you narrow down the top options for different niches.

Asian Instagram Models

Known for their svelte physique and exotic features, these Asian Instagram models are also conquering the international modeling industry.

  1. Priyankachopra,85M粉絲 印度模特、選美皇后、女演員和歌手
  2. davikah,17.5M粉絲,泰比模特和女演員
  3. aum_patchrapa, 15.5M粉絲,泰國模特和女演員
  4. piawurtzbach,1400萬粉絲,菲律賓裔德國模特,選美皇后和女演員
  5. catriona_gray,13.4M粉絲 菲律賓裔澳大利亞模特、選美皇后、女演員和歌手
  6. Nohastyleicon,12.3M粉絲,科威特社交媒體時尚模特
  7. Ivanaalawi, 9.3M followers, Filipino-Moroccan sexy Instagram model, and actress
  8. 克蘿拉基爾,8.9M粉絲 印尼-德國模特、演員和歌手
  9. solenn,8.6M粉絲,法裔菲律賓模特,畫家,歌手和主持人
  10. 羅拉官方,8.5M粉絲,日本模特,電視名人,演員和歌手
  11. 劉文樂,5.8M粉絲,中國國際T台模特
  12. 於延鵬,4.9M粉絲,臺灣模特、演員、歌手
  13. 明熙11,1.8M粉絲 中國國際T台模特
  14. Margaretzhang,1.8M粉絲,澳籍華裔模特,造型師,攝影師,《Vogue》中國版主編
  15. 明喜, 1.8M粉絲, 中國國際時裝模特
Priyanka Chopra登上英國Vogue封面。

Black Instagram Models

Excluding Tyra Banks, Naomi Campbell, and Tyson Beckford, here are today’s most followed black Instagram models.

  1. 溫妮哈洛,10.2M粉絲,時裝模特
  2. 卡西,9.5M粉絲,時裝模特
  3. realberniceburgos, 6.9M followers, American model, and Instagram sensation
  4. Jastookes,6.7M粉絲,T台模特
  5. Evamarcille,4.9M粉絲,時裝模特和女演員
  6. jenafrumes, 4.8M followers, American model, and Instagram celebrity
  7. Jourdandunn,3.6M粉絲,英國模特和女演員
  8. 查內利曼,3.3M粉絲,時裝模特
  9. adutakech, 1.8M粉絲, 南蘇丹-澳大利亞模特
  10. Temiotedola,1.6M粉絲,模特和女演員

Instagram Fitness Models

Whether you’re looking for fitness inspiration, ideas for collaboration, or tips on becoming a fitness influencer and model, here are the hottest Instagram fitness models worth checking out.

  1. Sommerray擁有26.3M粉絲,她是一名健身模特和專業健美運動員。
  2. anllela_sagra,擁有 16.4M 粉絲,她是一名健身模特、健身教練和健美運動員。
  3. kayla_itsines擁有 15.5M 粉絲,分享激勵練習、鍛煉計劃和食譜。她是健身和膳食計劃應用程式Sweat的聯合創始人。
  4. michelle_lewin,擁有15.2M粉絲,她是T台健身模特,泳裝模特和專業健身競爭對手。
  5. Jenselter擁有13.6M粉絲,分享健身內容和健康食譜
  6. Anacheri擁有12.6M粉絲,分享有關她的生活,鍛煉程式和丈夫健美計劃的內容。她擁有運動服品牌Cheri Fit。
  7. UlissesWorld擁有8.8M名粉絲,是一名私人教練和時裝模特。
  8. eva_andressa,擁有6.2M粉絲,她是一名健身模特,也是多項健身比賽的獲勝者。
  9. lazar_angelov_official,擁有6.2M粉絲,他是一名模特和健身教練
  10. Sergiconstance,擁有5.6M粉絲,他是一名健美運動員和健身模特
  11. 裘莉婭吉拉斯(Juliagilas)擁有4.5百萬粉絲,她是健身行業的偶像,分享運動和健康膳食建議。
  12. 伊莎貝爾古拉特(Izabelgoulart)擁有4.5M粉絲,她是一名健身和泳裝模特。
  13. jeff_seid,擁有4.5M粉絲,他是一名健美運動員,健身模特和社交媒體影響者。
Instagram fitness model Sommer Ray promoting a workout outfit.


These male Instagram models must work hard to look as good as they do! Here are the hottest ones on IG today.

  1. Camerondallas,擁有25.2M粉絲,時裝模特,Vine和YouTube名人,百老匯演員
  2. nick__bateman,600萬粉絲,黑桃品牌創始人
  3. Jonkortajarena,3.7M粉絲,西班牙模特和演員
  4. Lukasabbat,擁有3.8M粉絲,時裝模特和Hot Mess的所有者
  5. Pietroboselli,擁有3.2M粉絲,時裝模特和健身愛好者
  6. Luckybsmith, 2.8M粉絲, T台模特
  7. IblameJordan, 2.8M粉絲, 時裝模特
  8. neels,擁有2.2M粉絲,時裝模特和在線商店的所有者,Living Regal
  9. matthew_noszka,擁有1.1M粉絲,時裝模特
  10. Johanneshuebl,擁有100萬粉絲,時裝模特
  11. davidgandy_official,擁有100萬粉絲,T台模特,David Gandy Wellwear的創始人兼創意總監
  12. Zachmiko擁有103k的謙虛粉絲,他以大碼T台模特的身份上榜
Instagram model at a Fendi fashion event.

How To Choose the Right Instagram Model for Your Brand

Only big-name brands with massive advertising budgets can afford these top Instagram models. Your budget is, obviously, a key factor when shopping around for potential candidates. Other essential factors you’ll need to consider include:

  • 您的營銷目標。您是否需要説明向更廣泛的受眾介紹您的品牌或新產品/服務?還是您想增加銷售額?
  • 您的目標受眾。例如,您可能要為新產品系列定位到唯一的受眾特徵。
  • 您的品牌標識和使命。您是零殘忍和純素食產品的宣導者嗎?您是否在推廣某種生活方式?您想將您的品牌定位為可持續的時尚供應商還是嬌小或大碼款式的知名品牌?
  • The Instagram model’s online performance. Checking a candidate’s track record in promoting similar brands and products/services and engaging their followers is a must. Make sure their credibility is well-established within their niche and among their followers. Choose a model with the persuasive power you’re looking for.

多少錢 Instagram 模特製作?

As with Instagram influencers, how much Instagram models get paid depends on their audience size and experience. Normally, the more massive your number of followers, the higher the fee you can charge for a collaboration. If you have more than 100k followers but low engagement, you can’t charge as much as another model with the same number of followers but with a high engagement.

Here’s an estimate of how much Instagram models can get paid based on their number of followers:

  • 6,000 到 10,000 名關注者:每個帖子約 88 美元
  • 10,000 到 100,000 名關注者:每個帖子或多或少 200 美元
  • 在 100,000 到 100 萬粉絲之間:每千名關注者約 10 美元,如果您擁有超過 650k 的關注者,則每個帖子高達 500-500 美元
  • 超過100萬關注者:您基本上可以說出您的價格,特別是如果您還有經過驗證的徽章(藍色複選標記)。


Instagram models can lend you their powers of persuasion and stunning looks to make your brand more appealing. A beautiful model wearing your clothes or using your beauty products can instantly frame your brand as the “hottest” or “trendiest” pick among consumers.

You can use an Instagram model as a brand ambassador. Or you can collaborate with a model/influencer and ask them to give your company or product a shout-out on their page. There are a lot of ways that working with Instagram models can help you build your desired brand image. And you have an overwhelming number of IG models to choose from.

However, you may need more than a model’s considerable audience reach and influence to achieve lasting and rewarding growth on Instagram. You should consider teaming up with an expert in Instagram growth strategy, a company like Path Social.

Path Social delivers precise audience targeting through its advanced AI technology. This means you’ll reach the right audience with each and every post. And if you’re keen on tapping into the popularity of Instagram models/influencers, you’ll also get access to Path Social’s wide network of influencers. Finally, working with Path Social means you’ll benefit from the marketing expertise of their in-house team of social media specialists.

Path Social 確保您會從真正對您所提供的產品感興趣的人那裡獲得關注者和喜歡。受到2萬多人的信賴 Instagram 所有利基市場和行業的品牌, Path Social 是您實現持久和有益增長的最佳選擇。 開始成長和收穫 Instagram 今天的追隨者!