Apps zur Gewinnung von Followern auf Instagram: Wachsen Sie Ihr Publikum

Profilfoto von Karen Lin, Autorin

Karen Lin

Instagram Wachstum | 17. August 2023

Möchten Sie mehr echte Instagram Follower?

If you are a brand, business, or even an influencer, you probably keep a close eye on your Instagram audience. After all, your follower count can significantly contribute to your overall success on the social media platform. You are most likely actively trying to grow this number.

But what if it isn’t increasing as quickly as you would hope? It turns out you can ask for a bit of assistance. That’s right. Just look to the help of third-party apps to gain followers on Instagram. Of course, you may be weary about using outside help to gain followers. After all, these are not endorsed or sponsored by Instagram.

How can you ensure you use one that delivers real followers instead of fake ones? We’re here to help. Below, we’ll cover everything you need to know about using third-party apps to gain followers on Instagram. We’ll highlight a few top options, so you can be confident to try them. Grab your phone to follow along and get ready to boost your audience.

Ein Smartphone öffnete die Anmeldeseite Instagram .

What Exactly Are Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram?

Before we get any further, let’s take a step back and cover the basics. What exactly are we talking about? Apps to gain followers on Instagram are just what they sound like; they are places where you can purchase additional followers for your Instagram account. The quantity and price will range from service to service, offering sales, promotions, or free trials.

Jedes Unternehmen hat seine eigene Methode, um Anhänger zu gewinnen und herauszufinden, wie ein Dienst funktioniert, bevor es Zeit und Geld investiert.

Sie wissen genau, was Sie bekommen. Einige Dienste vergrößern beispielsweise Ihr Publikum durch automatische Kommentare zu anderen Beiträgen. Andere senden automatisch generierte Direktnachrichten an Profile, die sie als Ihr Zielpublikum identifiziert haben.

As mentioned above, these growth agency services are not endorsed by Instagram. We suggest you take caution when signing up for any online service or app. The app includes reading accurate user ratings and reviews and privacy policies. Some free services may only give you access to limited features.

Andere haben möglicherweise versteckte Gebühren, die auf den ersten Blick nicht ersichtlich sind. Sie sollten sich auch darüber im Klaren sein, worauf Sie Zugriff haben, wenn Sie deren Dienste nutzen. Wenn Sie den Prozess im Voraus kennen, können Sie Ihr Profil und Ihre Inhalte sicher halten.

Women using her smartphone to research apps to gain followers on Instagram.

Benefits of Using Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram

You’re all caught up on what apps to gain followers on Instagram. You may wonder why brands and influencers turn to them for help. As mentioned above, your follower count can significantly impact your business plans. It is true if you are a small business or trying to become an Instagram influencer. Generally speaking, a more extensive following can lead to a higher engagement rate.

Eine der wichtigsten Detailanalysen in den sozialen Medien ist die Plattform. Sie bezieht sich darauf, wie aktiv Ihr Publikum an Ihren Inhalten beteiligt ist. Sie vergleicht die Gesamtzahl Ihrer Follower mit der durchschnittlichen Anzahl von Likes, Reaktionen, Shares und Kommentaren pro Beitrag. Im Wesentlichen ist dies ein Maß dafür, wie gut Ihre Inhalte funktionieren.

However, it can take months or even years to grow your Instagram audience and increase your engagement rate. It is where many people get extra help. Using resources to help expand your reach and audience can be a great account management tool. It can also free up hours of your day, allowing you to focus on other vital parts of your business.

Two friends comparing options of apps to gain followers on Instagram

Best Apps to Get Followers on Instagram for Free

Now, you may have researched and found that some apps to gain followers on Instagram cost money. However, many small brands and up-and-coming social stars don’t have the budget for this. Don’t worry; all is not lost.

There are many free resources you can take advantage of.
Keep reading below if you are interested in the best apps to get followers on Instagram for free. We will highlight a couple of top picks for you that promise to deliver followers quickly – and for free. Not only this, but they also offer other social media insights, such as follower trackers. It can help you keep tabs on your audience, ensuring it grows in the right direction.

Smartphone highlighting the Instagram app icon.

Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram: Use Crowdfire to Increase Your Reach for Free

First up on our list of best apps to gain followers on Instagram for free is CrowdFire. This app offers a promised increase in followers and an overall management plan for your social media.

Zusätzlich zu den Followern können sie helfen, das Engagement der Nutzer, soziale Trends und relevante Hashtags zu verstehen. All dies führt zu einer größeren Reichweite und einem wachsenden Publikum. Aber verlassen Sie sich nicht nur auf unser Wort. Sehen Sie sich die vorgestellten Fallstudien an, um weitere Informationen zu erhalten.

When it comes to CrowdFire, they offer a variety of plans – including a free version. That’s right. You can test the app for free to see if it is the type of help you need. With this version, you can link up to 3 social media accounts – including Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook.

The free plan also offers unlimited content recommendations that contribute to your Instagram growth. Monthly and even yearly plans are available if you’d like more resources.

Eine Person verwendet Instagram auf ihrem Smartphone.

Websites and Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram: Free Followers Trial With Instafollowers

A service called InstaFollowers is next on our list of websites and apps to gain followers on Instagram. They cater to both individual Instagram users and businesses alike. It makes social media growth attainable for everyone.

In addition to followers, they also offer their customers increased Instagram likes and views. As you have learned, this can lead to a higher engagement rate. You’re in luck if you use other social media outlets besides Instagram. Instafollowers operates on many top platforms, including Tiktok, Facebook, and Twitter.

Friends discussing the benefits of using apps to gain followers on Instagram.

InstaFollowers offers a free trial to get you started with their services. You can sign up to receive ten free Instagram followers. It allows you to try them out and see how the results work. Then, you can pick from various pricing plans, with their 10k followers’ package being trendy. Remember to take advantage of the free trial; your Instagram profile needs to be public.

Man looking up options of apps to gain followers on Instagram.

Best Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram That Cost Money

Für einige Marken und Unternehmen ist die Investition in eine langfristig herunterladbare Insta-Follower-App ihr Geld wert. Viele sehen darin einen Schlüssel zu ihrer kontinuierlichen Reichweite und ihrem allgemeinen Erfolg. Schließlich können diese Wachstumsdienst-Apps auch echtes Engagement und andere Social-Media-Management-Tools bieten.

Not only do brands use these apps to gain followers on Instagram, but they can also buy likes and video views. That means that all aspects of your account are getting a boost. So, perhaps investing a bit of money into an app that will deliver is an intelligent business move. If this interests you, read on as we highlight a couple of top choices to try.

A person using their smartphone to download apps to gain followers on Instagram.

Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram: Use Hashtag Expert to Gain Content Visibility

With Hashtag Expert, you can grow your complete social media presence. It’s clear to see why they are a top choice when it comes to apps to gain followers on Instagram. Their process is a little different than just simply purchasing followers. With Hashtag Expert, you are (you guessed it) using hashtags.

Their algorithm identifies the best-trending hashtags you can add to your content to grow your social media. All you need to do is copy and paste the generated hashtags into your user-generated content. It helps give your posts more visibility, leading to increased reach and large followers gain. Proper use of hashtags can also highlight your profile as one of the feature accounts on Instagram’s explore page.

Natürlich bietet Hashtag Expert auch In-App-Käufe von Plänen an. Diese reichen von wöchentlich bis jährlich und können von ein paar Dollar bis zu ein paar hundert Dollar reichen. Sie haben die Wahl, die Optionen zu finden, die am besten zu Ihren Zielen passen.

A person about to open the Instagram app on their phone.

Websites and Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram: Reach Your Goals With Path Social

If you want to invest money into websites and apps to gain followers on Instagram, check out Path Social. It is one of the leading Instagram management agencies out there, focusing on the quality of service. They utilize a combination of AI technology and influencer collaborations. The result is target outreach to connect with organic users that are interested and, most importantly, engaged.

The company partners with thousands of top Instagram profiles, pages, and influencers to promote its clients. Path Social only engages in organic promotion and growth with authentic followers. For them, it’s all about understanding their client’s specific Instagram target audience. This includes characteristics like age, gender, location, and interests. This narrow focus leads users to contribute quality and consistent engagement with your Instagram account.

Path Social bietet derzeit eine Vielzahl von Tarifen an, die Ihren Bedürfnissen am besten entsprechen. Und mit einer 7-Tage-Geld-zurück-Garantie ist das Risiko gering. Mit über 24.000 zufriedenen Kunden und durchschnittlich 4.620 neuen Instagram -Followern pro Monat wissen sie, was sie tun.

A person liking a photo on Instagram.

Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram Depending on Your Phone Type

Natürlich hat jeder seine Vorlieben, wenn es um den Telefontyp geht. Einige Leute bevorzugen Android-Geräte, während andere nur Apple-Produkte kaufen werden. Jedem das Seine. Allerdings laufen diese Produkte jeweils mit einem völlig anderen Betriebssystem. Da ist es nur logisch, dass sich auch einige Apps unterscheiden.

Women researching options of apps to gain followers on Instagram.

Luckily, third-party apps dedicated to Instagram growth are available through the Apple App Store and the Android Google Play store. While some may be device-specific, many can use either type of product. No matter how you access social media, you’ll be able to choose from various apps to gain followers on Instagram.

A smartphone laying on a notebook, opened to the Instagram app.

Best Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram for Android Users

Android users, you are up first. A quick search of the Google Play store will alert you to all your options of apps to gain followers on Instagram. You’ll also be able to see user ratings and read genuine reviews, which can be extremely valuable when making decisions. We always recommend researching all available information before downloading any app, especially one you need to pay for.

Regarding the best apps to gain followers on Instagram for Android users, we are partial to Real Followers & Likes Via Tag. This app focuses on increasing your followers and the likes on your feed posts. What is the way to achieve this? You can add coins to your account and then use these for followers. They offer free and paid services through their app, making it attainable for all.

Woman using her smartphone to download apps to gain followers on Instagram.

Best Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram for Ios Users

For iOS and Apple users to research the best apps to gain followers on Instagram for iOS users, head to the App Store. Similarly to Android users, you can see various options, ratings, and reviews. Many apps will also feature a general overview, alerting you to the price range of their in-app services.

One of the top-rated apps to gain followers on Instagram in the App Store is Likes Booster. With over 1,000 reviews, it’s easy to see that this app works. Their method?

Sie helfen dabei, Ihre Likes und Follower zu steigern, indem sie virale Hashtags, Bildunterschriften und Emojis für Ihre Inhalte generieren. Das hilft, Ihre Sichtbarkeit und Reichweite in der Social-Media-App zu erhöhen, was zu mehr Followern führt. Die Abonnements für Likes Booster reichen von monatlich bis jährlich und werden automatisch über Ihr iTunes-Konto erneuert.

Best Apps to Gain Followers on Instagram Without Following Back

What if you try increasing your Instagram follower growth – without increasing your following count? After all, many people also keep a close eye on the number of people they follow and their followers. Some even like maintaining a specific ratio and having their followers heavily outweigh their following. For them, it’s all about the numbers. If this is your mindset, you may wonder if you can still use the help of an Instagram followers app.

The answer is yes. As we mentioned, you can quickly and safely use third-party website apps to gain followers on Instagram. These growth agencies can target the best followers for your account – and get them on board with your content. These apps often do not require you to follow the accounts back. Although the gain is undoubtedly one-sided, it is working in your favor.

So, if you are looking for apps to gain followers on Instagram without following accounts back, you are in luck. Tap into all the resources outlined above – both free and paid services. These third-party apps can increase your follower count without affecting your following count. The best of both worlds.

Bei Path Socialhaben wir eine Inhouse-Plattform von Instagram Influencer und einen KI-Targeting-Algorithmus in den letzten zehn Jahren. So erreichen wir organische Nutzer, die interessiert und engagiert sind. Und deshalb kann niemand unsere Ergebnisse replizieren, was bedeutet, dass Sie eine Instagram Gemeinschaft, die Bestand hat! Beginnen Sie zu wachsen und zu gewinnen Instagram Follower heute.