Finden Sie heraus, wer Ihre Instagram

Profilfoto von Karen Lin, Autorin

Karen Lin

Instagram Tips | Sep 14, 2021

Möchten Sie mehr echte Instagram Follower?

Instagram is a great way to stay connected — with loved ones, friends, favorite celebrities, admired content creators, and popular brands. Whether yours is a personal or business Instagram account, you also have followers who await your latest updates and have a keen interest in your posts. You might be curious to find out who’s been viewing your Instagram profile, and you won’t be alone. 

Just as you sometimes engage in some harmless, recreational online stalking, it’s only natural to wonder about who may also be stalking you. Or, perhaps, you’d like to know if a specific individual has checked you out on Instagram. “Who views my Instagram?” is one of the most commonly Googled questions relating to the widely popular social network; keep reading to find out if it’s possible to see who views your profile and how, and if other users can find out if you’ve been visiting their profile. 

Finden Sie heraus, wer Ihre Instagram

Can you find out who views your Instagram profile?

Instagram users receive notifications when other people like, comment on, and/or share their posts. But there are also those who may visit and take a peek at your profile page without engaging with you in any way; in social media parlance, this is often called “online stalking.” 

Unfortunately, Instagram’s privacy policies include the complete anonymity of simple profile onlookers. You won’t know if any of your followers or even non-followers is viewing your profile, just as other users won’t find out when you view theirs. This is true for all types of accounts: private/personal accounts, public accounts, and business accounts. 

For Instagram business accounts, however, the platform’s analytics tools can reveal the number of profile visits, alongside other relevant statistics; however, the report won’t reveal the usernames of these visitors. 

How to find out who views your Instagram stories

Instagram stories are, well, another story. Anybody who views your story can also be seen, even if they did not interact with your story. You’ll see a list of all the people who saw your story, and you can use this information to determine if you’re reaching the right people — your target audience. 

Instagram stories are “live” for 24 hours from the time of posting, and the story’s list of viewers is updated in real-time. Simply tap on your story, and then tap on the “Viewers” option at the bottom to reveal the people who have viewed your story. You will receive notifications every now and then on the number of people who have so far viewed your story. When you tap on the notification, it will also display the names of your viewers. 

Instagram stories are a great way to increase your visibility and boost engagement; it’s also an effective tool that provides invaluable insights about the types of audience you’re reaching and how many. You have the option to archive your stories so that you can access them again to review your viewers even after the stories have already expired. 

Finden Sie heraus, wer Ihre Instagram

What third-party apps provide insights into Instagram profile views?

Third-party apps that supposedly provide profile viewer insights are a dime a dozen. But keep in mind that Instagram — which was acquired by Facebook in 2012 — has rigorous and robust privacy and security protocols in place to protect its estimated 1 billion users to date. 

Man könnte meinen, dass es nicht schadet zu wissen, wer Ihr Profil angesehen hat, aber wenn ein Unternehmenskonto eine Möglichkeit hätte, die Namen all der Personen herauszufinden, die nur ihr Profil besucht haben, aber nicht interessiert genug waren, um mit ihrer Seite zu interagieren, und wenn das Unternehmen diese Daten nutzen würde, um diese Personen gezielt anzusprechen, dann wäre das ähnlich wie bei Apps, die Nutzerdaten sammeln, um sie an Unternehmen für gezieltes Marketing zu verkaufen. Und genau das ist es, was viele dieser so genannten Profilanzeiger-Apps von Drittanbietern tun. 

Seien Sie vorsichtig mit Apps, die Ihnen versprechen, Sie zu benachrichtigen und Informationen über Personen zu liefern, die Ihr Profil ansehen. Viele dieser Apps sind nicht seriös und vertrauenswürdig. Wenn Sie aber unbedingt eine Profilanzeige-App ausprobieren möchten, sollten Sie sich ausreichend informieren, um herauszufinden, ob eine App zuverlässig und seriös ist, bevor Sie sie verwenden. Hier sind zwei Apps mit einer anständigen Anzahl positiver Bewertungen, die einen Blick wert sein könnten.    

Follower Insight für Instagram, Android

This app is designed for the Android OS and most reviews have rated it as user-friendly. Its services include providing information on who visits your profile, as well as notifications when users follow, unfollow, or block you on Instagram.  

Besucher Pro App, iOS

Für iOS wurde diese App gut bewertet, da sie wertvolle Analysen zum Engagement liefert, d. h. eine Liste der Personen, die häufig mit Beiträgen und Geschichten interagieren, so dass Sie mehr Einblicke darüber gewinnen können, wer sich für Ihre Inhalte interessiert. 

Remember that most third-party Instagram apps that offer engagement insights can only gather data on people that directly engage with your profile and content. And the user information they aggregate is only limited to people who actually follow you; users who are not following you but may visit your profile can’t be tracked by these apps. 

Abschließende Überlegungen

Likes, comments, regrams, follows, and story views are tracked by Instagram and the data associated with these activities are provided to the account owner through real-time notifications and via the platform’s analytics tools. These analytics are used by Instagram to assess an account’s performance; on the account owner’s end, the insights can be used to gauge the success of the page’s content and marketing strategies. 

Instagram has the ability to track profile views, but the platform does not share the information with users as part of its user privacy policies. While you may feel that knowing who views your profile sans any interaction can help you modify your targeting marketing strategy, access to this information is construed as a privacy breach. Simply looking at a profile is not permission to gain access to user information. 

"Online-Stalking" gibt es in vielen Formen, und für persönliche Konten kann es helfen, die Privatsphäre besser zu schützen, wenn man weiß, wer das eigene Profil verfolgt. Wenn Sie jedoch einer sozialen Medienplattform beitreten, müssen Sie wissen, dass einige der grundlegenden Informationen Ihres Profils öffentlich zugänglich sind, und Sie stimmen dieser Veröffentlichung zu. Glücklicherweise können Sie Ihre Privatsphäre-Einstellungen anpassen, um festzulegen, welche Informationen für die Öffentlichkeit sichtbar sind. 

Remember that most third-party apps that supposedly provide insights about profile viewers don’t really have the ability to do so. The most that they can do is collect information on users who engage with your content — and Instagram already does this for you. So far, there are no legitimate third-party apps that have successfully breached Instagram’s security protocols to access information on profile viewers. Practice caution and good judgment before using any third-party app and giving them access to your account information. Do your research to make sure the app is trustworthy and legitimate.