Instagram Las cuentas que te siguen impulsan tu cuenta

Foto de perfil de Karen Lin, author

Karen Lin

Instagram Growth | Mar 23, 2023

¿Quieres más seguidores reales en Instagram ?

For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction. If we translate this fundamental law of physics to social media, you’d only follow Instagram accounts that follow back. So why are so many users still in the red regarding their follower count? 

We’re here to answer all of those questions. We know how to get more Instagram followers and spend your follow-back wisely. Keep reading for information on how effective this strategy’s effectiveness and where to find Instagram users that follow back.

Phone screen displaying Instagram follower numbers from Instagram users that follow back.

How to Get More Followers on Instagram: Connect With Instagram Accounts That Will Follow You Back

Before you set off on a hunt for Instagram accounts that follow back, there are a few things to keep in mind.

1. Respetar la proporción

Don’t skew your follower/following ratio so that your following numbers are way higher than your follower numbers. This adversely affects your account metrics. In these situations, Instagram’s algorithm ranks your posts lower on your followers’ feeds. Avoid following folks indiscriminately hoping that the more people you follow, the more followers you’ll earn.

2. Cuidado con los límites

Don’t exceed Instagram’s daily limit on both follows and unfollows. A follow and unfollow both count towards the same total. Doing too many of either of these actions look spammy to Instagram, especially when you hit that follow button randomly. For that, you and your account earn a penalty.

Path Social logo in bottom right corner and graphic of crosshairs overlaying room of people sitting in chairs.

3. Apuntar a un objetivo (público)

One of the true keys to success on Instagram or any social media platform is having an engaged audience. So often, influencer hopefuls focus only on numbers. They think that as long as they have a high follower count, they’re golden. But the truth is more complicated.

You could have a million free Instagram followers. But if none of them ever direct message, comment or share your content, it doesn’t matter. Instagram will lower your content in the algorithm because your posts aren’t keeping people on the app. 

Mantente centrado a la hora de construir tu audiencia y pensar en las cuentas de IG que te siguen. Sigue solo a aquellas que tengan el potencial de alimentar tu audiencia y alinearse con tu marca.

Man working on a laptop searching for Instagram users that follow back.

How Do You Attract Instagram Accounts That Follow Back Instantly?

Are you trying the follow-for-follow approach to grow your follower numbers? Do you want followers on IG fast? Then make sure you do it right and find an Instagram account likely to follow back. Here are some tips on how to attract Instagram accounts that follow back instantly.

H3: Haga pública su cuenta

Before you even think about tracking down Instagram follow back accounts, you need to make your account public. That’s the number one way to increase your follower growth. After all, if no one can see your posts, they have no motivation to follow you back. If you’re private, they won’t know what your content is.

Es cierto que algunos perfiles (especialmente los gestionados por bots) dan follow a ciegas. Pero tampoco es probable que esas páginas aumenten tu engagement. Se limitarán a recoger tu cuenta como una forma más de aumentar sus números y te dejarán tirado cuando llegue el momento.

H3: Vincule sus cuentas

If you have other social media accounts, compile a list of users who regularly interact with you. Find them one by one on Instagram. Or link your Instagram account with your other social media accounts to sync your contacts. 

H3: Sé un explorador

Use Instagram’s Search & Explore feature to find photos and videos that you might like from new accounts. These recommendations originate from your shared interests, so these Instagram users may follow you back. Tip the scale in your favor further by visiting a user’s profile and interacting with their most recent posts.  

Path Social graphic overlaying closeup of browsing Instagram for accounts that follow back with laptop in background.

H3: Aumente su compromiso

We’ve said it once, and we’ll say it again: engagement is the key to growing Instagram followers organically. Without friends actively watching, liking, commenting and sharing your posts, your page eventually stagnates.

The same goes for trying to attract  Instagram accounts that follow back instantly. If you’re consistently ranking in great engagement on your posts, your Instagram account becomes more appealing. Other users will see you have a captive audience and want to get in on that.

Además, el algoritmo de IG favorece a las páginas con alto engagement. Así que si tu cuenta está activa, es más probable que aparezcas en la página de exploración de alguien y que te recomienden seguirle. 

Some of the best ways to increase Instagram engagement are:

  • Utiliza las herramientas de encuesta o "reacciona" en IG Stories 
  • Pon un pie de foto con una pregunta o una llamada a la acción.

Both actions transform your Instagram profile from another post wall to a real person connecting with others. Instagram users feed off parasocial relationships, so why not give them something to satisfy their appetites?

H3: Eche un vistazo a la competencia

Echa un vistazo a los seguidores de tus competidores porque estas personas están realmente interesadas en tu campo. Además, comprobar cuántos seguidores tienen te ayudará a fijar un objetivo de seguidores. Selecciona seguidores a los que les gusten y comenten activamente las publicaciones de tus competidores.

Para dar a conocer tu marca, visita el perfil de cada seguidor e interactúa directamente con él dándole a me gusta y comentando sus publicaciones. Evita la autopromoción descarada y agresiva. Si te responden, es probable que te sigan. 

Track your target audience by searching hashtags relevant to your niche, industry, and location tags. Review the results and find people matching your target audience’s profile. Again, try to engage with them first; those who respond are most likely Instagram users that will follow you back.

Create an Instagram profile and content that appeals to your competitors’ followers. Create searchable Story Highlights that pique interest. Pin your most popular post to make a good first impression on curious would-be followers. Craft a unique and fascinating bio to make your Instagram account worth following.

H3: No descuide los hashtags

Sabemos que los hashtags tienen algo increíble en 2014. Pero aunque ya no son el aderezo de moda a mitad de frase que solían ser, siguen siendo vitales para aumentar tu exposición online.

If you’re struggling to rope in an Instagram follow-back community, try adding hashtags to your social media routine. You can place them at the bottom of your caption on a feed post or as the first comment. You can also sprinkle a few carefully curated hashtags into your IG stories.

Sólo asegúrate de añadir hashtags relevantes para que no parezca que estás publicando spam. Nadie quiere desplazarse por una página de "#tbt #mondaymotivation #vibes".

H3: Optimice su perfil

La primera impresión lo es todo en el mundo real y en Internet. Alguien que se desplace por su teléfono no dedicará más de una fracción de segundo a una página desconocida. Así que tienes que aprovechar al máximo ese milisegundo. Para ello, optimiza tu perfil. 

Asegúrate de tener una foto de perfil clara y de alta calidad. Si se trata de una página personal, asegúrate de que sea tu mejor foto o la que mejor te represente a ti y a tus publicaciones. Si es una página de marca, que sea un logotipo limpio y estético.

 Además, asegúrate de que has elegido un nombre y un apodo que se correspondan con tu presencia en Internet. Por ejemplo, no pongas un montón de letras y números al azar. Sé breve y conciso. 

Finally, spruce up your bio. This is the place to give someone the Instagram equivalent of your elevator pitch. Use short sentences and appropriate emojis to quickly capture the attention of potential followers. Then, pop in a link in your Instagram bio so viewers can learn more about you with just a tap.

Tablet screen showing various social media platforms to demonstrate linking of accounts to find potential Instagram followers.

Should You Use Apps to Find Instagram Follow Back Accounts?

Many third-party apps promise to deliver Instagram Accounts that follow back or just one-way-street followers. A couple of these apps offer free IG followers, free Instagram views, and free followers on other apps. Others offer follow-backs for a price instead of free Instagram followers services.

Algunas aplicaciones venden directamente seguidores o intercambian créditos por seguidores. Otras ofrecen un conjunto de servicios de gestión de redes sociales. Estos servicios incluyen la segmentación de la audiencia, la promoción de contenidos y la participación de la cuenta para conseguir seguidores "orgánicos".

However, most apps use bots, fake accounts, or both. Any automated activity on Instagram, such as automated follows and auto-generated likes and comments, go against the platform’s terms of use. They’ll put your account at risk of getting suspended or permanently banned.

Además, muchas empresas que ofrecen "servicios gratuitos" son fraudulentas. Puede que no le cobren dinero por adelantado. Pero es probable que estén recopilando tu información privada o incluso podrían robarte tus credenciales de acceso.

Incluso si consigues algunos seguidores genuinos, es probable que estos usuarios sean aleatorios y no estén interesados en tu contenido. No te aportarán engagement y, por tanto, desajustarán tus métricas. ¿Por qué? Porque el aumento del número de seguidores no se corresponde con un aumento de la participación. Además, estos seguidores aleatorios pueden dejar de seguirte cuando quieran.

If you use the wrong app and boost your numbers with fake accounts, it’ll backfire. Instagram users quickly spot spam or bot-like activities and fake users. Whether or not you’re aware that the followers delivered to you are fake, their mere presence will affect your credibility, and you may lose your existing followers.

Como regla general, si ves alguna de las siguientes afirmaciones extravagantes en una aplicación, aléjate:

Path Social logo and graphic of verified blue check overlaying hands browsing Instagram accounts that follow back.

Are There Verified Accounts That Will Follow Back on Instagram?

Yes, there are verified accounts that will follow back on Instagram. However, the list of accounts changes constantly, so it’s impossible to give a detailed list. One interpretation might have a blue check one day and lose it the next. Or a user may stop following back random accounts to preserve their verified status. While earning a follow from a verified account is exciting, it’s not the end all be all.

What to do about Instagram Accounts That Don’t Follow You Back

We’ve been talking a lot about IG accounts that follow back. But what about those Instagram accounts that don’t follow you back? For one thing, it’s inevitable. Not everyone abides by the “follow for follow” courtesy. Some just reap all the benefits without sharing the wealth. If this happens to you, you have a couple of options.

  • Unfollow them. Once you discover which Instagram account doesn’t follow you back, you can scrub them from your list. They don’t actively contribute to your profile’s growth, so say bye-bye.
  • Continue to follow them.  On Instagram or other platforms, keeping tabs on successful pages in your field is beneficial.
Path Social graphic overlaying tapping like on an Instagram account that follows back with coffee in the background.

How To See Who Doesn’t Follow You Back On Instagram

Knowing who doesn’t follow you back on Instagram is essential for anyone streamlining their online presence. You can cut the fat from your “Following” list and focus on valuable relationships. But here’s the bad news: there’s no quick way to see a long list of every follower you’ve lost. 

We know what you’re thinking. “I can search ‘how to see who doesn’t follow back on Instagram.’ I find loads of services ready to help.” The truth is most of those sites are direct or indirect scams.

They’ll either immediately steal your personal information without offering valuable insights, or they’ll mine your personal data. On top of that, giving one of these sites access to your accounts puts you on Instagram’s firing line for bot-driven accounts.

En última instancia, lo más seguro es ir uno por uno en tu lista de seguidores y ver quién no te sigue.

Primer plano de la pantalla del teléfono con el icono de la App Store.

Un Follow por un Follow: ¿Cuál es el veredicto final?

If you know how to find legit Instagram users that follow back, then the follow-for-follow strategy can give you the numbers boost you need. But always keep an eye out for fake or bot accounts; never hit that follow button unless you’ve checked out the user’s profile and verified that they’re a real person.

If you need help growing your brand on Instagram, you may also partner with a reliable growth service, such as Path Social. Unlike third-party followers apps, we won’t rope you in with a fake free Instagram followers trial. Path Social will help you gain real followers who are genuinely interested in your content so that you can also expect quality engagement. Take advantage of Path Social’s proprietary AI targeting technology and in-house team of experts, and start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!