Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

Photo de profil de Karen Lin, auteur

Karen Lin

Instagram Tips | Oct 19, 2021

Vous voulez plus de vrais followers sur Instagram ?

There’s no single, magic formula that guarantees continuous Instagram growth. Whether you are still establishing your brand on the widely popular social media platform or have been active on Instagram for a while now, the best strategy is one that adapts to shifting trends in innovations, in user/customer preferences and needs, and within one’s industry or niche. If you’re looking for new ways to give your follower base a boost, you should explore the best Instagram followers apps to take your growth strategy to another level. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

An effective growth strategy that consistently racks up follower numbers and engagement rates requires skillful planning, careful attention to and assessment of analytics and other available data, proper use of Instagram management tools, and dedication to one’s goals. 

Chaque fois que vous créez un nouveau contenu, il doit être optimisé de toutes les manières possibles, qu'il s'agisse de son caractère unique, de sa pertinence et de sa qualité, de l'utilisation de hashtags ou de sa publication en temps voulu. Mais un contenu de qualité ne représente que la moitié de l'équation ; l'autre moitié consiste à le diffuser et à toucher le bon public. 

Using the best Instagram followers apps can definitely help you make contact with users who are most likely to be interested in your content/product/niche, become new followers, and deliver quality engagement. 

What are Instagram Followers Apps and How Do They Work? 

Il s'agit d'applications qui proposent principalement d'augmenter le nombre de followers d'un compte ; d'autres offrent également des services d'automatisation pour d'autres tâches de gestion des médias sociaux, telles que liker et commenter des posts. 

Instagram followers apps can help grow your Instagram account in a variety of ways.

With some services, you will buy Instagram followers. A lot of companies, however, don’t deliver real followers but sell fake accounts. So your follower numbers get boosted, but there are no real people behind the numbers you paid for, so there’s no increase in engagement. And when Instagram gets wind of these fake accounts, they are purged so you’ll end up losing the numbers sooner or later. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

Certaines applications font appel à un réseau d'échange. Vous pouvez gagner des crédits en suivant des comptes et en aimant des publications que l'application suggère. Vous pouvez utiliser ces crédits pour que votre compte et/ou votre contenu soit ajouté à la liste que l'application propose aux autres utilisateurs ; vous pouvez également acheter des crédits pour être inclus dans la liste. Il existe toutefois des applications qui utilisent également de faux comptes pour maintenir le cycle. 

Même si vous suivez et vous engagez avec des comptes authentiques et que ces derniers vous suivent et s'engagent avec vous en retour, le caractère aléatoire des suggestions signifie que vous ne développerez pas votre compte avec des suiveurs qui sont réellement intéressés par votre marque. Ils peuvent facilement vous retirer de la liste à tout moment et ils n'auront pas d'engagement régulier et de qualité.

N'oublions pas les applications louches et carrément malveillantes qui peuvent soit utiliser votre compte pour vendre des followers et des engagements et spammer d'autres comptes à votre insu, soit voler vos informations et pirater vos comptes. 

There are also legitimate and reputable Instagram followers apps that deliver genuine goods — authentic followers and engagement. And we have gathered the best of the best Instagram followers apps and put them into a neat list so you won’t have to sift through the many bad apples in the basket. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

Path Social

"Pas de bots. Pas de faux utilisateurs. Construisez votre communauté avec une croissance ciblée par l'IA." Sans blague ! 

Path Social is the leading Instagram social media management agency out there in terms of authenticity and quality of service. The growth service utilizes a combination of proprietary AI technology and influencer collaborations for exceptionally targeted outreach to connect with organic users who are targeted, interested, and engaged. The company partners with thousands of popular Instagram influencers, pages, and profiles — real Instagram users — to promote clients via shoutouts and drive new followers to these clients’ pages. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

Path Social only engages in organic promotion to guarantee organic growth with authentic followers. They target the right audience based on their clients’ specifications: age, gender, location, interests, and other demographics. This means that the followers they deliver will also provide quality and consistent engagement. 

The service boasts of more than 24,000 satisfied clients; an average of 4,620 new Instagram followers per month; and a verified, overall user review score of 4.86/5. With a dedicated team that works daily, clients can experience growth within 2 days and fully ramp up within a week — or they get their money back!

With a proprietary AI audience-targeting algorithm that determines the best types of audiences for a brand, and a network of tens of thousands of influencers across hundreds of niches, Path Social tracks down real Instagram users that will be most interested in the brand’s content. 

Clients don’t have to log in with their Instagram account to use the service, and they don’t have to worry about violating any of Instagram’s policies regarding the use of third-party apps. Unlike other Instagram “growth tools”, Path Social doesn’t ask for your Instagram password and doesn’t use any automation or mass following to get you followers and engagement. They only use organic promotion through influencers, publications, and an in-house platform, so there’s no risk to your account. If you’re not yet ready to try their paid services, you can still enjoy a host of free Instagram tools:

  • Calculateur d'engagement Instagram
  • Audit Instagram
  • Générateur de hashtags Instagram
  • Générateur de nom d'utilisateur
  • Ressources


For an all-in-one Instagram management suite, AiGrow is a reliable bet. The app is more than just an organic growth service, it also provides the following tools:

  • Dedicated Instagram account manager
  • Répétition du contenu
  • Link-in-Bio gratuit
  • Planification des postes
  • Surveillance des hashtags
  • Du DM au courriel et vice versa
  • Partage de vidéos YouTube sur IG
  • Sélectionneur de concours
  • Calendrier des contenus
  • Mass Unfollow
  • Messagerie directe en masse
  • Mass Delete Instagram Posts
  • Rapport d'analyse des concurrents
  • Géo-ciblage

With AiGrow’s managed growth program that includes their built-in AI growth engine and a dedicated Instagram account manager, the company delivers real Instagram followers — between 300 and 1,000 per month. Targeting can be set based on multiple hashtags, business categories, locations, and competitors. You can try out their free services or one of their paid packages with a full-refund guarantee. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

The downside of this app, however, is the automation of Instagram tasks, such as mass unfollowing and bulk direct messaging. These automated activities can be easily flagged by the platform as spam and bot-generated — both of which are prohibited. Your account can be shadowbanned, temporarily suspended, or permanently deleted if you’re caught violating any of Instagram’s terms of use. You can still try out AiGrow’s free tools to find out if the service is worth all the risks. 


You can download Hiketop+ on the App Store or Google Play; it’s also available as a web app. The app boosts Instagram’s presence for users by providing the most suitable hashtags for a content, helping brands promote their posts organically; it claims to have the ability to deliver “500 likes in 30 seconds.” 

L'utilisation du service est gratuite et sans publicité. Cependant, il n'y a aucune garantie que vous gagnerez instantanément les chiffres promis ou une augmentation significative et immédiate. Cela vaut tout de même la peine d'essayer, surtout si vous avez besoin d'aide pour trouver des hashtags efficaces à utiliser avec votre contenu. 

Galerie des suiveurs

If you’re looking for a free Instagram followers app, you may want to check out Followers Gallery. You earn coins by completing certain tasks, such as liking posts and promoting the app to other users. It’s highly rated among users because you only have to sign up with your email and username to start using the free service; you can also get more coins by purchasing them if you want faster growth. The service also provides tools for analyzing trending IG accounts and providing relevant niche hashtags.

Vous pouvez utiliser les pièces que vous gagnez pour "acheter" des followers et des likes de personnes réelles qui utilisent également l'application. Cependant, vos nouveaux followers seront aléatoires, c'est-à-dire qu'ils n'appartiendront pas forcément à votre secteur d'activité et/ou à votre marché cible. Ils n'offriront donc pas un engagement de qualité et pourront facilement vous désappuyer à tout moment. 


Also available to both android and iOS, InPlus claims to deliver real Instagram followers within your niche instantly. InPlus matches similar accounts based on interests, sending follow suggestions and requests to all matching parties and effectively helping them build real communities. 

InPlus promotes organic growth; it does not use automation, so your account will be safe from the Instagram police. The app also does not require you to input your Instagram password, so it belongs to the trustworthy side of the spectrum. The two biggest drawbacks of this service, however, are that your increase in follower numbers won’t be as fast as you may want it to be and your reach will be limited to other InPlus users. 


This is another service that delivers organic growth by analyzing trending accounts on IG and sending the most effective hashtag suggestions for your content. You can grow your follower base with real Instagram users within your niche by earning coins through a game (which you have to win); you can earn additional points by watching ads. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

L'application est gratuite mais uniquement disponible sur android. Si vous avez un peu de temps libre pour jouer à un jeu et regarder des publicités, cette application vaut peut-être la peine d'être essayée. Le processus de croissance est naturel mais lent, et la seule façon de le maintenir est d'utiliser l'application régulièrement.   


This app lets you increase your follower base and content likes more naturally, mostly by providing the best hashtags for your content. You won’t be cheating by using bots, and you won’t have to earn coins or trade follows and likes to gain follows and likes; therefore, you won’t be gaining random or fake followers and/or risking getting flagged by Instagram for spam activities.

L'utilisation de l'application est gratuite, mais il existe des fonctionnalités plus avancées qui sont payantes. Vous devrez être patient car vous ne pouvez pas espérer une croissance rapide. Nous vous suggérons d'utiliser ce service dans le cadre d'une stratégie de croissance à plusieurs volets. Cette application est disponible sur Google Play et l'App Store.


We don’t recommend it, but if you’re looking to buy Instagram followers, Famoid is among the widely used services out there. The app also offers packages for increasing content likes and views. 

Keep in mind that buying Instagram followers violates the platform’s policies; growing your brand organically is always the safest and most surefire way to go.  


This is an automated follow app, so you’ll be risking going over Instagram’s daily/hourly limits if you use it. Like all other automated follower apps, the bot automatically follows accounts, likes, and comments on posts, and/or views stories to invite other accounts to give you a follow back. You can also use the app to schedule posts and send automated DMs. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

You will have complete control of the auto-follow tool, but the app comes with a monthly fee. There is also no guarantee that you will gain reciprocal follows, and there is a high risk that Instagram will catch your automated activities and suspend your account. 


Si vous recherchez une application capable de vous fournir des informations supplémentaires sur les comportements de vos followers, Metricool est l'une des plus fiables du marché. Cette application de gestion des médias sociaux est très appréciée des utilisateurs en tant qu'outil de planification et d'analyse du contenu. Elle dispose d'un programmateur de contenu facile à utiliser (que vous pouvez également utiliser pour vos autres comptes de médias sociaux, ainsi que sur LinkedIn et Google My Business), et fournit des rapports et des analyses sur les performances de vos publications. 

Meilleures applications Instagram Followers

Il ne s'agit cependant pas d'une application de service de croissance. Son utilisation est entièrement gratuite, ce qui vaut vraiment la peine d'être vérifié. 

Réflexions finales

There are different types of followers apps that can help you grow your account on Instagram (and other social media platforms). The choices can be overwhelming, and many of these apps offer very tempting promises of “instant growth” with “hundreds” or “thousands” of followers. 

N'oubliez pas que, même avec l'aide d'une agence de gestion des médias sociaux ou d'un service de croissance, la meilleure stratégie de croissance est celle qui assure une croissance durable, à long terme et organique. 

We strongly advise against buying Instagram followers or using automation tools. You should be extremely wary of apps that require you to log in with both your Instagram username and password. Make sure you’re familiar with Instagram’s Terms of Use; you will have to make sure any third-party app you’ll use will not violate the platform’s policies and put your account at risk in any way. 

If you’re willing to invest in a service to help you grow your brand on Instagram, you might as well do it with a growth partner that has built a reputation on reliability, authenticity, and quality of service. Give Path Social a try for organic growth that lasts.