Acheter des followers IG 2021

Photo de profil de Karen Lin, auteur

Karen Lin

Instagram Conseils | 20 oct. 2021

Vous voulez plus de vrais followers sur Instagram ?

For quality content, aesthetics excellence and variety, and innovative creativities, Instagram is the platform of choice for billions of social media users — including the biggest celebrities, personalities, and brands. 

There are literally over a billion proverbial fish in the Instagram sea; establishing a brand presence on the platform to tap into its massive market is just good business sense. Not everyone automatically gets an equal share of the pie, however. You have to work hard to make your presence known; and the more competition you have in your industry, the harder you have to work to stand out. 

Un contenu unique, créatif, pertinent et engageant est la clé qui ouvrira les portes des opportunités pour votre marque. Mais ce que la plupart des entreprises trouvent très difficile, c'est de faire passer leur message aux bonnes personnes afin qu'elles franchissent ces portes pour consulter le profil de la marque et, avec un peu de chance, devenir des adeptes qui s'engagent constamment avec le contenu de la marque.   

Acheter des followers IG 2021

There are times when even the combination of solid content and a carefully designed marketing strategy is not enough to push your brand/content far enough to reach trending status because you’re still missing the last piece of the puzzle: a significant number of followers. Would you consider buying IG followers? Is it possible to buy IG followers who are real Instagram users that can deliver genuine and quality engagement? Let’s break down the process and look at the most trusted sites for buying IG followers to date. And then you can decide if this option is something you should explore. 

The Best Sites to Buy Instagram Followers

If you decide to explore the option of growing your follower base through an Instagram growth service, make sure to work with a trusted provider who will deliver authentic followers and genuine engagement. Here are our top picks. 

Path Social

Path Social has built itself as one of the top sites that deliver genuine and reliable growth for Instagram users, whether they’re managing personal or brand accounts. The platform uses a team of real people who are experts in the industry, plus an AI targeting algorithm that seeks out authentic followers who are most likely to be interested in your brand and content and deliver high levels of engagement. Path Social is proud of its ability to reach organic users that meet the targeting specifications of their clients so that they can successfully build a community that lasts. 

And as Path Social delivers organic followers that genuinely like what the brand has to offer, they stick around even after the brand’s partnership with Path Social ends. Organic promotion is the company’s key strategy in getting quality followers for their clients. 


Acheter des followers IG 2021

Buzzoid a eu le temps de se forger une bonne réputation ; il existe depuis des années et a surpassé de nombreux autres fournisseurs en proposant des produits authentiques et un service de qualité. Buzzoid utilise une approche unique de croissance manuelle pour aider les comptes à augmenter leur base de followers aussi naturellement que possible. Ce fournisseur cible les utilisateurs les plus susceptibles d'être intéressés par ce que vous avez à offrir, maximisant ainsi leur potentiel à devenir de nouveaux adeptes ; et lorsqu'ils deviennent des adeptes, vous pouvez être sûr qu'ils fourniront un engagement de qualité. 


Acheter des followers IG 2021

This growth service is another good option to help you achieve your growth goals. Twicsy delivers real accounts that will deliver real engagement and will become long-time followers. The registration process on the site is pretty straightforward; they offer affordable packages and quick delivery, and they may also provide Instagram engagement in the form of likes and views, should you wish to purchase the additional service. 


Acheter des followers IG 2021

This site uses custom targeting tools to make sure that they’ll deliver exactly the kind of followers you’re looking for. The company’s automated services deliver followers gradually so as not to alert the Instagram police to bot activities. You may also pay for content and story views. iDigic’s customer support is available 24/7. 

Est-il sûr et conseillé d'acheter des followers IG ?

Because you’ll be investing real money to boost your Instagram profile’s growth, you need to make sure you’ll get real people delivered to your doorstep, so to speak. 

There are still unscrupulous providers out there that use bots and fake accounts to deliver the goods — counterfeit goods, to be exact. They will make your follower numbers skyrocket, but these numbers are just that: numbers with no real users behind them. If you know what’s good for your business, you wouldn’t want to have fake Instagram followers occupying any space in your account. 

Instagram users are now more than familiar with bot-like activities and are quickly suspicious of inflated follower numbers that have no corresponding levels of follower interactions. You’ll soon lose credibility, as well as both existing and potential followers when you’re caught buying fabricated IG followers. 

Acheter des followers IG 2021

And don’t forget that Instagram polices the platform and is also quick to act when they spot fake accounts and bots and the profiles that use them. 

Fortunately, there are a number of Instagram growth service providers that are trustworthy and from whom you can safely buy IG followers that are legit. Providers, such as Path Social, deliver accounts that are not only legitimate but are also specifically targeted so that you’re sure that they’re genuinely interested in what you have to offer. 

It’s definitely safer to buy IG followers in 2021 than it was before. Purchasing Instagram followers may still fall in the gray area between what’s considered acceptable and unacceptable brand behavior, but if you do it with the right partner, it won’t be much different from paying for advertising or the services of influencers — both of which basically delivers the same goods.

Ne vous contentez pas de gonfler vos chiffres. L'essentiel est de comprendre que cette stratégie de croissance doit toujours viser à atteindre votre public cible, afin de gagner des adeptes authentiques qui susciteront très probablement un engagement de qualité.   

How to Pick the Right Platform to Buy Real Instagram Followers

When choosing the best sites to safely buy legitimate Instagram followers, do your due diligence and find out as much as you can about the provider’s background, what people have to say about their services, what their growth service is based on (bots or AI and organic followers), what type of customer support team they provide their clients, and even if they have a money-back guarantee. Small businesses, in particular, should make sure they get their money’s worth; any Instagram account should practice caution and good sense when selecting a growth partner.

Acheter des followers IG 2021

Voici quelques lignes directrices pour vous aider à choisir un fournisseur de bonne réputation. 

  • Vérifiez que le site dispose d'une connexion SSL sécurisée, ce qui signifie qu'elle est correctement cryptée pour sécuriser les communications et le traitement des informations relatives aux cartes de crédit. L'URL de la plateforme doit comporter une icône de verrouillage verte juste avant l'adresse Web. Ne vous engagez pas avec un site qui ne dispose pas d'une connexion SSL sécurisée. 
  • Optez pour une livraison lente sur une période raisonnable. Vous ne devriez pas demander ou accepter la livraison instantanée d'un grand nombre de followers ; une augmentation soudaine et significative de votre nombre de followers sera suspecte et pourrait également indiquer des tactiques douteuses de la part du fournisseur. Autant que possible, choisissez un fournisseur qui propose différents forfaits de followers qui alimentent lentement votre compte en nouveaux followers. Une croissance constante et progressive vous fera également gagner des points auprès des algorithmes d'IG.
  • Assurez-vous que la société de services de croissance offre également des garanties de rétention des followers. Cela signifie que les adeptes qu'elle fournit sont spécifiquement ciblés pour votre marque afin de garantir qu'ils resteront dans le coin et s'engageront réellement avec votre compte. Si vos nouveaux followers commencent à vous quitter, le fournisseur doit vous en envoyer d'autres pour atteindre le nombre convenu. 
  • Vérifiez si le fournisseur dispose d'une équipe d'assistance clientèle dédiée, disponible à tout moment ou, du moins, capable de le faire dans un délai raisonnable. Cela garantit que l'entreprise a à cœur de cultiver une bonne relation avec ses clients. 
  • Comparez les prix entre les différents fournisseurs, mais tenez également compte de la qualité du service. Recherchez les avis des clients, bons et mauvais, pour mieux évaluer si vous en aurez pour votre argent. 

Check out these best sites to buy IG followers for 2021. Instagram has no specific policies against buying authentic followers. Paying for the services of Instagram influencers, for example, are acceptable and these influencers basically function the same way as legitimate growth services. We recommend that you try Path Social as your growth partner. The company has received great reviews from a number of well-known brands, and they deliver organic results.