Comment obtenir plus de vues sur Instagram: Maximiser la portée des vidéos

Photo de profil de Karen Lin, auteur

Karen Lin

Instagram Croissance | 18 septembre 2023

Vous voulez plus de vrais followers sur Instagram ?

Making Reels, Stories, and other video content for Instagram is hard work. You write the perfect script, wake up early, do your hair and makeup, shoot the video, and edit it tirelessly. But it can be disheartening to post that video and realize little to no views are finally coming in. If you want to know how to get more views on Instagram, you’ve come to the right place.

If you’re not getting as many Story views or engagements on your Instagram Reels as you wanted, don’t worry. There’s still hope! With some tweaks to your content type, you could soon be reeling in tons of organic views.

Today, we’ll talk about how to gain views on Instagram, whether for Reels, Stories or your regular feed posts. Keep reading to find out more.

Deux filles filmant une vidéo pour leurs Instagram Stories.

Dans tous les domaines, l'engagement est essentiel

The answer to how to get more views on Instagram videos is simple. Make your content as engaging as possible, and Instagram will push it out more. You aim to get as many likes, comments, taps, and rewatches as possible. The result? More and more views for your Instagram Reels and Instagram Stories.

Il existe de nombreuses façons de stimuler l'engagement pour votre contenu. Le moyen le plus évident est de rendre vos vidéos pertinentes et intéressantes. Les histoires convaincantes et les bobines virales obtiendront à coup sûr le plus grand nombre de vues. Vos vidéos obtiendront plus de likes, de commentaires et de partages si elles sont pertinentes.

Videos are also considered engaging if they spark conversation. Reply to direct messages and comments you get about your Instagram Reels and Stories to get the convo going.

Another way to get people to engage with your videos is to include a call-to-action to comment. If you’re a business, leave product tags and links to your website for viewers to click on. These will also boost engagement in your Instagram Stories and Reels.

If your videos get a lot of engagement, it signals to Instagram that your content is relevant. That means the next time you post, Instagram may push your videos to people’s feeds. It’s a domino effect!

How do I gain views on Instagram with engaging video content? We’ll take you through the best practices of each type of content.

Personne qui commente le message d'une autre personne, ce qui stimule l'engagement.

“Reel” in Your Audience: How To Get More Views on Instagram Reels

First, let’s talk about Instagram Reels. People have been obsessed with this type of content for the past few years. They’re quick, funny and brilliantly edited, so it’s easy to scroll and watch them for hours mindlessly.

But how do you go “viral” in the first place? Let’s talk about how to get more views on Instagram Reels.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Reels: Be Funny and Relatable

The first thing you need to know about how to get more views on Instagram is that funny and relatable always win. You can make authentic, relatable Instagram Reels about relationship problems, boy problems, strict parents, etc.

People are sure to have a laugh and relate to these topics. They might repost it on their Instagram Stories or DM it to friends. These kinds of Reels get the most organic views and become viral.

Another way to be relatable on Instagram Reels is by hopping on popular trends. Join viral dance challenges and make Reels against trendy audio clips. If you see a Reel you want to recreate, save the audio clip immediately to go back to it later.

Friends coming together to do a fun dance challenge for Instagram Reels.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Reels: Keep It Short and Loop-Worthy

The length of Instagram Reels can be up to 90 seconds long. However, if you want more organic views, stick to shorter Reels of around 3-15 seconds.

People’s attention spans can drop in as quickly as eight seconds. You must tell your Reel’s entire story before then or get them interested enough to finish it. So, if you’re wondering how to get more views on Instagram Reels, shorter ones are always better.

The shorter your Instagram Reels are, the more likely viewers will watch them on a loop. Think about it—are you more likely to rewatch a five-second clip or a one-minute video?

Si vous n'avez pas d'autre choix que de créer une bobine assez longue, utilisez vos compétences en matière d'édition pour "boucler" votre vidéo manuellement. Il s'agit de modifier le début et la fin de votre vidéo de manière à ce qu'elle soit lue en boucle sans interruption. Cette opération est délicate, notamment en ce qui concerne l'audio et la voix off. Mais cela en vaut la peine. Les internautes peuvent rester longtemps à regarder une bobine de ce type, ce qui augmente le nombre de vues organiques !

How To Get More Views on Instagram Reels: Make It High-Quality and Original

Instagram’s algorithm prioritizes original content. That means if your Reel is merely a repost of another Reel you downloaded, it might not get good traction. The lesson here on how to get more views on Instagram Reels is to use high-quality, original content 100% of the time.

Lorsque vous filmez vos clips vidéo, ne vous contentez pas d'images de mauvaise qualité. Recherchez la lumière naturelle ou investissez dans un éclairage circulaire pour tourner vos vidéos en intérieur. En ce qui concerne le son, essayez autant que possible d'utiliser le son original.

Not all ideas behind Instagram Reels are original. Trending Reels and challenges are usually the same idea, just made repeatedly by different people. If you plan on hopping on trendy Reels, always give your own unique spin on it.

Woman using a ring light for high-quality videos on Instagram Reels.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Reels: Share It on Your Story

If you’re wondering how to get more views on Instagram Reels the easiest way possible, here it is. Sometimes, Instagram Reels get buried under other posts on your followers’ feeds. By reposting your Reel to your story, you “bump” it up again. This gives it a second chance to rake in more organic views.

Here’s how to repost your Reels to your Instagram Stories:

  1. Allez sur votre profil Instagram .
  2. Allez dans l'onglet Bobines en tapant sur l'icône du tableau.
  3. Choisissez la bobine que vous souhaitez partager dans votre histoire et ouvrez-la.
  4. Sur le côté droit de l'écran, cliquez sur l'icône de l'avion en papier. Elle devrait se trouver sous les icônes "J'aime" et "Commentaires".
  5. La page suivante vous permet d'envoyer la bobine à vos amis par DM. Regardez au-delà et trouvez le bouton "Ajouter à l'histoire" en bas de la page. Cliquez dessus.
  6. Personnalisez votre histoire en ajoutant du texte, des autocollants et des GIFs si vous le souhaitez, puis publiez votre histoire !

Storytelling 101: How To Get More Views on Instagram Story

Next, let’s talk about Instagram Stories. Much like boosting Reel views, getting views on your Stories depends on the type of content you post. The key to how to get more views on your Instagram Story is making engaging, compelling Story content.

Are you wondering how to get more views on Instagram Stories just by tweaking your content and posting schedules? Let’s look at three ways to do it.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Stories: Use Interactive Stickers

A tried and tested way to boost engagement (and, therefore, views) on Instagram Stories is using interactive stickers. By swiping down on the Story Editor screen, you can access tons of cool stickers and tags. These include polls, quiz stickers, and sliders.

Vous pouvez également utiliser l'autocollant Q&R pour recueillir l'avis de vos abonnés. Vous pouvez l'utiliser pour demander des choses simples, comme des recommandations sur le meilleur endroit où manger dans votre ville. Mais vous pouvez aussi faire preuve de créativité et leur poser des questions qui font réfléchir ou qui sont drôles pour susciter la conversation. Plus vous obtiendrez de réponses, mieux ce sera pour vos vues organiques.

Un autre autocollant interactif populaire est l' étiquette "Add Yours". Ces autocollants proposent des invites qui encouragent les gens à publier des photos ou des vidéos. Parmi les incitations les plus populaires, on peut citer les photos de fin de mois et les photos de fin d'année. Vos visiteurs peuvent contribuer à cette incitation en publiant leurs propres Stories. Cela augmentera votre engagement et, par conséquent, le nombre de vues.

Pro tip: it’s best to put interactive stickers in your first Story of the Day. That way, you can rake in engagements that will increase views for the Instagram Stories afterward.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Stories: Add Your Location and Hashtags

Do you know you can use stickers to win more views from people outside your circle? Here’s how to get more views on Instagram Stories from people who don’t follow you: add location and hashtag stickers.

Si vous ajoutez un autocollant hashtag à votre Story, les personnes qui suivent ou explorent ce hashtag le verront. Il en va de même pour un lieu spécifique en utilisant l'autocollant géotag sur votre Story. Si vous avez de la chance, ces personnes pourraient même vous suivre après avoir découvert le contenu convaincant de votre Story !

Veillez simplement à ce que votre profil soit "public" afin que les personnes qui ne vous suivent pas puissent vous donner plus de vues.

#Girlboss—a hashtag sticker working women use on Instagram Stories.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Stories: Don’t Make Too Many!

Our final tip on how to get more views on Instagram Stories is not to post too many of them. You’re in trouble if the little bars on top of your Instagram Stories start looking like never-ending dots and dashes.

If you have dozens of Stories up, people might get bored and disinterested in the middle of them and drop off. The more people drop off from your Stories, the more Instagram will tag them as irrelevant. After that, they may not push your Instagram Stories into people’s feeds anymore.

Publiez donc entre 3 et 5 histoires par jour. Au-delà, vous risquez de submerger les internautes. Vous augmentez également le risque que les gens abandonnent au milieu de vos Stories qui n'en finissent plus. Laissez toujours vos Stories expirer avant d'en publier de nouvelles le lendemain.

Put multiple photos in one Story to lessen how many Stories you post while still showcasing all your beautiful content. You can do this with Instagram’s built-in Layout templates in the Story Editor. These templates allow you to post two, four or six photos simultaneously.

Classic Feed Posts: How To Get More Views on Instagram Posts

Instagram Reels and Stories aren’t the only places on the app to post videos. You can also post a video as a regular feed post—perhaps part of a multiple-photo post.

The principles of getting more views on Instagram posts on the feed are similar to Reels and Stories. Make them compelling, interesting, and engaging. However, you must also incorporate two of the classic best practices of posting on Instagram.

It’s not all about how cute or viral your content can potentially be. Sometimes, it’s all about strategy, too. Here’s how to get more views on Instagram feed posts in two strategic ways:

How To Get More Views on Instagram Feed Post: Get Engagements in the First 30 Minutes

After pushing Instagram Reels so much in 2022, the app is now back to showing people more feed posts again. But because they’re considered posts and not Reels, they won’t appear on the Reels discovery tab. So, how to gain views on Instagram posts is different.

You can increase feed post views by boosting engagement as soon as the post is up. As a popular (but unconfirmed) theory goes, the first 30 minutes after you publish an Instagram post is pertinent. Rumor has it that based on your engagements in 30 minutes, Instagram decides whether to push it to people’s feeds.

While Instagram has not said this rule outright, it’s a good, sensical principle. The more engagements you reel in right away, the more relevant your content will be tagged as. So, the algorithm will push it more to people’s feeds, giving you more organic views.

“Likes” on a new Instagram post that could potentially boost its views.

How To Get More Views on Instagram Feed Post: Post When People Are Active

Enfin, publiez votre contenu lorsque vos followers sont en ligne. Si votre communauté est active lorsque vous publiez vos vidéos, elle peut interagir immédiatement. Cela peut contribuer à accroître la visibilité de votre vidéo sur les fils d'actualité des internautes.

One way to check what time your followers are most active is by checking Instagram Insights. Granted, this feature is only available for professional accounts. Micro-influencers and businesses should maximize this feature if they want more video views.

Here’s exactly how to get more views on Instagram by posting when your target audience is online.

  1. Allez sur le profil de votre compte professionnel et cliquez sur "Insights".
  2. Cliquez sur l'onglet "Audience".
  3. Parcourez la section "Heures les plus actives" pour voir quels sont les jours et les heures où la plupart de vos followers sont actifs.
  4. Planifiez votre calendrier de contenu en fonction de ces périodes afin d'assurer un bon engagement immédiatement après votre publication.

The Instagram Insights dashboard can help you check your followers’ most active times.

H2: Get Instagram Views With the Help of Path Social

To get Instagram views across all your video content, it’s essential to keep it exciting, engaging, and relevant. Do the best practices for Instagram Stories, Instagram Reels and feed posts above, and you’re set to get many organic views soon.

Want to learn another secret on how to get more views on Instagram? Work with Path Social! Our proprietary AI targeting platform helps push your content out to people, giving you organic views from those who matter. You’ll also get a severe boost in follower growth. So, what are you waiting for? Start growing your community with Path Social today!