Boost je Instagram post om het publieksbereik te vergroten en je inhoud de aandacht te geven die het nodig heeft

Profielfoto van Karen Lin, auteur

Karen Lin

Instagram Growth | Sep 14, 2023

Wil je meer echte Instagram volgers?

Your Instagram reach went down because the platform updated its algorithm again? Or you’re an IG newbie and finding it hard to compete with accounts that have the advantage of time and experience in your industry and on the platform? Perhaps you’re looking to improve your brand’s overall performance scores on Instagram. The solution: boost Instagram posts.

Red and white rocket icon taking off to demonstrate boosting an Instagram post.

What Does “Boost Post” Mean on Instagram

Social media opened the content floodgates and inundated news feeds with a deluge of posts that users are unable to keep up with. Even on Instagram, which has more than 1 billion active monthly users, there’s an oversupply of content — which means tons of posts are not getting the attention they deserve or need. If you want to increase your post’s visibility, you can effectively do so by using the boost Instagram post feature. What does “Boost post” mean on Instagram? 
Boosting a post on Instagram is the quickest way to turn any regular post into an ad so you can reach more people. But first, you need an Instagram business account. Once you’ve converted your account into a business profile, you can boost any of your previous posts, create a new post for boosting, boost posts that contain product tags if you have a shop on Instagram, or boost a Story.

Getting started page for how to boost Instagram post.

Wat gebeurt er als je een bericht boost op Instagram?

So what happens when you boost an Instagram post? These the things you can do with post boosting:

  • Geef een doel aan. Wilt u meer profielbezoeken om uw naamsbekendheid te vergroten? Wilt u mensen naar uw directe berichten sturen, zodat u een één-op-één gesprek kunt voeren met uw volgers? Wilt u verkeer naar uw website sturen om de online verkoop te verhogen, verkeer naar specifieke pagina's sturen, of mensen aanmoedigen om een afspraak te maken? 
  • Identificeeruw publiek. Wie wilt u bereiken met uw advertentie? U kunt uw eigen publiek creëren of kiezen voor automatische doelgroepen.
  • Specificeer uw budget. Hoeveel wilt u dagelijks uitgeven aan uw advertentie? Hou in gedachten dat uw budget zal bepalen hoeveel mensen uw advertentie zullen zien. 
  • Specify the ad duration. How long do you want your ad to run? Instagram recommends starting with at least 7 days to give the platform’s delivery system sufficient time to find your ideal audience.

After you boost an Instagram post, it will appear on people’s feeds, Story feeds, and Explore pages. You can track your ad’s performance via your Insights.

Instagram getting started page showing how boosting posts drives more traffic to a profile.

Hoe een boost te geven Instagram Verzenden

There are two options for how to boost an Instagram post: from the post itself or from the Ad Tools feature on your profile page.

Steps to Boost an Instagram Post Directly From the Post

  1. Go to your profile and select the post (or Story) you want to boost. Alternatively, you can start creating a new post to boost. Instagram recommends boosting posts that feature images no greater than 8 MB.
  2. Onder de afbeelding, tik op "Boost."
  3. Vul de details van uw advertentie in: doel, publiek, budget en duur. 
  4. Tap “Next.” You will be prompted to connect your Instagram business account to a Facebook account if you haven’t done so yet. You can choose to “Skip” this part. If you skip this step, it won’t appear again when you boost future posts. But you can still link your Instagram to a Facebook account at any time. 
  5. Tik op "Advertentie aanmaken" onder "Controleren". Uw advertentie zal ter beoordeling worden ingediend en zal beginnen te lopen nadat deze is goedgekeurd. U ontvangt een notificatie voor elke stap van het proces.  

When you boost an Instagram Story post, the Story will appear in the Story carousel of users who don’t follow you yet but belong to your target audience. The boosted Story will continue to run after 24 hours and for the specified duration of your ad.

Screenshot showing a boosted post on Instagram

Use Ad Tools Feature to Boost an Instagram Post

  1. Ga naar je profiel en tik op "Advertentiegereedschap".
  2. Tik op "Kies een bericht" en selecteer vervolgens het bericht dat u wilt stimuleren. 
  3. Tik op "Volgende" voor iOS of op de pijl vooruit voor Android in de rechterbovenhoek. 
  4. Again, unless you’ve already linked your Instagram business profile to a Facebook page, you’ll be prompted to do so. Or you can “Skip” this step. 
  5. Vul de details van je advertentie in en tik op "Volgende" voor iOS of op het pijltje vooruit voor Android als je klaar bent. 
  6. Tik op "Advertentie maken" onder "Controleren" om het maken van uw advertentie te voltooien en deze ter controle en goedkeuring in te dienen.

Instagram Groei Gids

Bekijk hoe bedrijven en ontwerpers de nieuwste tips gebruiken om hun Instagram accounts te laten groeien - GRATIS!

How Much Does It Cost to Boost Posts on Instagram

How much does it cost to boost posts on Instagram? It depends on how much you want to spend — which means you get budget flexibility. You’ll set the total budget for your ad, which is the total amount you want to spend for the duration of your ad; and the duration of your ad, which will determine how much of your total budget will be allocated per day. 
The budget you set for boosting an Instagram post will affect how many people will see your ad. The bigger your budget, the more of your target audience you can reach. Keep in mind that if you’re in a competitive industry, the cost will also be higher. When you’re setting your budget, Instagram will show you the estimated number of people your ad will reach so you can adjust your budget according to your preference. Instagram recommends starting with at least USD 5 for an ad duration of 3 days. This budget will allow you to reach the ideal number of people and give Instagram’s delivery system adequate time to find them.

Instagram page showing how to set a budget and duration to boost Instagram post.

How to Pay for an Instagram Ad

There are two ways to pay for boosted Instagram posts: via the Instagram app or via your Meta Ad account. 

To pay from your Instagram app, just follow these steps:

  1. Tik op uw profielpagina op het menu in de rechterbovenhoek. 
  2. Tik op "Instellingen", tik dan op "Zaken" en tik op "Advertentiebetalingen".
  3. Tik op "Betaalmethoden" en selecteer vervolgens credit card/debet card of PayPal.

If your Instagram business account is linked to a Facebook page, you’ll use the same payment option you’ve set for your Meta Ad account.

Why Should You Boost an Instagram Post?

Is organic reach extinct? It would be more accurate to say that it has become a highly desired privilege that you can only earn once you’ve established a big enough audience base. For example, if you looked at who has the most Instagram followers, you’d see that these accounts don’t usually boost Instagram posts because they don’t need to. With a reach numbering millions, their posts will organically reach a high number of users — tens or hundreds of thousands of them — because the law of probability is on their side. To enjoy the same privilege, you can start by boosting your posts. 

You should boost an Instagram post if: 

  1. U wilt een kosteneffectieve manier om een specifiek publiek te bereiken. Het boosten van een bericht geeft u controle over de buyer persona die u uw advertentie wilt laten zien, en hoeveel u wilt uitgeven en voor hoe lang.
  2. You want to increase brand awareness. Boosting an Instagram post is the ideal solution if you’re still in the early stages of building your brand’s presence on the platform. Boosting posts will effectively let you reach more of the right people, so you can gain more followers and increase your engagement — both of which will create a snowball effect and help your brand become more visible and well-known. 
  3. You want to collect data for your marketing strategy. Boosting an Instagram post gives you access to Insights. From your Insights, you can find out how well your boosted post is doing in terms of traffic and engagement, and the demographics you have reached. You can use this information to identify weaknesses in your strategy and build on your strengths so you can create better marketing campaigns in the future.    
  4. U wilt de verkoop van een bepaald product verhogen. Je kunt dit doen door een post te boosten met een product tag. Het is een geweldige oplossing als je een product wilt promoten dat het niet zo goed doet als andere, of als het deel uitmaakt van een promotie die je voert.

Man holding a tablet and studying graphs showing performance of boosted Instagram posts.

Laatste gedachten: Vang de juiste aandacht voor uw berichten

Boosting Instagram posts is a must for your content strategy if you want your post to reach and engage more of the right people, or if you want to use your content to put the spotlight on your brand. 

Paid social media content promotion, like Instagram’s boost feature, helps ensure that your efforts deliver worthwhile returns. Especially if you’re still in the early stages of your growth journey and aiming to gain more followers, boosting a post is a good way to spend some of your marketing budget because you’ll be able to target the right audience for your business — users who are most likely to be interested in what you have to offer and, therefore, will give you a follow and provide engagement. 
You can achieve the same results by partnering with a reliable growth service, like Path Social. Path Social offers their advanced, proprietary AI targeting technology to deliver followers who are genuinely interested and engaged. Their in-house team of social media experts will expertly handle your content promotion to give you quality engagement and help you build a strong community around your brand. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!