Como silenciar alguém em Instagram quando não quiser deixar de o seguir ou bloqueá-lo

Foto de perfil de Karen Lin, autora

Karen Lin

Instagram Dicas | Feb 02, 2023

Quer mais seguidores reais em Instagram ?

When you feel that certain posts are unnecessarily cluttering your feed or are giving you negative vibes, it’s a relief to know how to mute someone on Instagram. You get to decide, after all, the types of content that want to show up on your feed. Without much ado, let’s look at the different ways that you can use Instagram’s mute feature to improve your experience on the platform.

Grayscale photo of a woman doing the shushing sign to represent muting someone on Instagram.

How to Mute Someone’s Account on Instagram

So you don’t want to unfollow or block a certain user but you don’t want to see their content on your feed anymore. You have a few options to mute someone’s account on Instagram. Keep in mind that person won’t be notified that you muted their account. We have Instagram tips to share about how to mute someone on IG.

How to Mute Someone’s Posts on Instagram via Your Feed

If you’re browsing through your feed and you encounter another triggering or yawn-inducing post from someone, no worries, you can still save your day. You can also set Instagram daily limits to cap your social media scrolling for the day by utilizing the mute feature.

Here’s how to mute people on Instagram:

  1. Na sua alimentação, toque nos três pontos ao lado do posto da pessoa. 
  2. Toque em "Esconder".
  3. Toque em "Mudo" e depois em "Posts de Mudo".

Fotografia de grande plano de um dispositivo com três botões de silêncio.

How to Mute Someone on Instagram via Their Profile

Se quiser aprender como silenciar no Insta e evitar ver outro posto deprimente ou irritante de uma certa pessoa. Pronto, vá directamente para a fonte! 

  1. Vá ao seu perfil tocando no seu nome de utilizador numa publicação de notícias ou escreva o seu nome de utilizador na barra de pesquisa. 
  2. Abaixo da informação do seu perfil, toque em "Seguinte".
  3. Toque em "Mudo", depois toque no botão de desligar ao lado de "Posts".

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Como silenciar uma conta via Dms

Não deixe ninguém estragar o seu humor com DMs indesejados. Pode ignorá-los durante o tempo que quiser. Basta seguir estes passos:

  1. Open your Instagram messenger and find the chat with the user you want to mute. 
  2. Toque no nome de utilizador da pessoa no topo do seu chat. 
  3. Toque no botão de desligar ao lado de "Mensagens em mudo" ou "Notificações de chamada em mudo".

How to Mute Someone’s Story on Instagram

Of course, it’s highly likely that you also want to stop seeing the person’s Instagram stories. Here’s how to mute someone’s stories on Instagram. 

  1. No topo da sua alimentação, encontre a imagem do perfil do utilizador cujas histórias não quer ver mais. 
  2. Toque e segure o seu dedo na fotografia do perfil deles. 
  3. Seleccione "Mudo", depois toque em "História do Mudo".

Grayscale image of  a woman covering her ears while laughing to demonstrate how to mute someone on Instagram.

Reflexões finais: Porquê Inseguro Quando se Pode Silenciar?

Whatever your reason for not wanting to see their news feed posts and story posts, knowing how to mute someone on Instagram is a good alternative. 

Perhaps you don’t want them to know that you unfollowed them because they’re family or your boss. Or perhaps you feel that unfollowing the person is going “too far.” You may want to learn more about whether you can see who views your Instagram profile. If you have a business account, deciding when to unfollow or not to unfollow on Instagram could lead to additional implications. Unfollowing people will most likely affect your numbers, so that mute button will really come in handy when you want to curate your news feed content. In case you have a change of heart and want to see the person’s posts and stories again, here’s how to unmute someone on Instagram just as easily with step-by-step instructions. 

If you’re still struggling with how to unfollow on Instagram, here is everything you need to know to customize and enhance your experience. And if you are looking for support to grow your follower and engagement numbers, why not team up with a trustworthy growth service like Path Social? Rest easy that you’ll get organic growth that lasts when you take advantage of Path Social’s advanced targeting technology and in-house team of social media experts. Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!