Como ser pago por carretéis - Um guia completo

Foto de perfil de Karen Lin, autora

Karen Lin

Instagram Crescimento | 05 de maio de 2023

Quer mais seguidores reais em Instagram ?

Instagram has become the top social media platform for creating and sharing high-quality video content and generating revenue. Video content creators earn approximately $1000 – $10,000 per month, some even more, solely from creating reels on Instagram. 

If you are an emerging influencer unable to reap the financial rewards, you’re probably wondering where your money is going. Certain monetization policies must be met to understand how to get paid for reels. Let’s see how you can earn dollars and grow your revenue on Instagram.

O que são Instagram Reels?

A person creating and editing an Instagram video to post online and get paid for reels

To compete with its rival, TikTok, Instagram launched a new feature called reels in August 2020. Reels are short, full-screen videos that lasted only 15 seconds when this feature emerged. However, to become the next video content king, Instagram worked with full dedication to push reels to the next level. It does this by regularly offering new and improved features.

 Content creators can now edit videos, insert sounds and songs, add audio, and use filters. These features help them take their content from ordinary to extraordinary. Even better, Instagram has removed the 15 seconds video restriction and now allows a 90-second record time for reels. Simply swipe to the left or click on the reels at the bottom to start recording.

However, a simple 90-second video isn’t enough. If you’re wondering how to get paid for reels, you must create eye-catching videos. On the recording screen, you have a list of all the options needed to transform your video into something amazing. You can use these features at any time during your video creation. According to statistics, Instagram reels get at least 22% more interaction. This helps creators secure more followers compared to an average video. 

Already a popular platform, Instagram had no problem driving users toward its new video content feature. Especially after introducing Play Bonus, allowing creators to monetize and get paid their reels on Instagram and generate a monthly income after completing the goals.

How To Get Paid for Reels Posted on Instagram?

If you are a full-time or part-time influencer, your main question would be: How do I get paid for reels on Instagram?

Instagram has provided various monetization options, making it easier to earn money.  Content creators use different methods to boost their revenue on Instagram. Here is a list of some of those options:

  1. Instagram Reels Play Bonus (most popular)
  2. Marketing de afiliados
  3. Anúncios
  4. Conteúdo de marca

No entanto, é necessário cumprir as condições de elegibilidade.

How To Get Paid for Reels Using the Instagram Play Bonus?

A woman showing how much she got paid for a month for reels on Instagram

Since the reels launch in August 2020, Instagram has been updating this new feature. Various tools are released to make it easy for content creators to produce and monetize videos. The most well-known way of getting paid for reels is the Instagram Play Bonus program, which is invite-only. 

Alguns dos principais influenciadores conseguem obter rendimentos mensais elevados, tudo graças a este programa.

Como funciona o bónus Reels Play?

O método de ganhar dinheiro com o Bónus Reels Play baseia-se no número de rolos criados e no número de jogadas por rolo. Tenha em atenção que não deve ser um conteúdo de vídeo qualquer. O rolo publicado deve ser fantástico, único e cativante. A publicação de conteúdo 100% exclusivo é um requisito, não uma recomendação. 

The strategy behind this program is simple: the more plays your reels get, the more you earn. The only way to get more views is if your video is engaging for the user. If you have many plays on the reels you’ve created, Instagram will send you an invite to join this program. So, whatever type of video you create, you must ensure that it will attract more people to play your reel, not once, but repeatedly.
 To know how to get paid for reels using Play Bonus, you must first be eligible for this program.

Quem é elegível para o Bónus Reels Play?

A profile of a content creator on Instagram who is eligible for the reels play bonus program.

Unfortunately, this program is not available for everyone. Instagram will only allow you to participate in this program after you have passed the eligibility requirements. 

  1. This is an invite-only program, so to participate, Instagram will send you an invitation.
  2. É necessário ter uma conta de criador ou de empresa.
  3. Para participar, é necessário estar presente nos Estados Unidos.
  4. Para participar, é necessário ter 18 anos de idade ou mais.
  5. You must meet Instagram’s monetization policies.
  6. O número de seguidores deve ser inferior a um milhão.

Começar a utilizar o bónus Reel Play - Como ser pago?

Aqui está um guia completo que explica como se tornar elegível para este programa e como ser pago pelas bobinas publicadas.

Passo 1: Verificar o seu estatuto de elegibilidade

As mentioned above, you must meet the minimum requirements to earn revenue. If you are not in the United States, you should regularly check your eligibility status for the Play Bonus program in your professional dashboard. Why? Well, because Instagram is continuously working to make the program available worldwide. So, check the eligibility status often. Otherwise, you will be looking for other alternatives on how to get paid for reels.

 Eis como pode verificar se o Bónus de Jogo está disponível para si:

  1. Tem de mudar para o seu perfil de empresa ou de criador.
  2. A ligação para o painel de controlo profissional estará disponível na sua página de perfil.
  3. Localize e clique em "Bónus" no menu, que lhe mostrará a lista de programas a que tem direito.
  4.  Se Reels Play estiver na lista, é elegível para este programa de bónus.

Passo 2: Activar o programa de bónus e ser pago pelos carretéis

Depois de determinar a elegibilidade, o próximo passo importante é activar o programa de bónus o mais rapidamente possível. Se o fizer, a sua elegibilidade pode manter-se activa.

Eis o que tem de fazer para configurar os bónus:

  1. Aceda ao seu painel de controlo profissional, localizado no seu perfil de empresa ou de criador.
  2.  Toque em bónus no menu para ver o programa Reels Play.
  3. Scroll down, press the Get Started button and agree to the Instagram terms and conditions.
  4. Tem de introduzir as informações da sua empresa e seleccionar o método de pagamento preferido.

Etapa 3: Completar os objectivos do bónus de jogo

Depois de ter activado os bónus, receberá uma lista de objectivos e um prazo para os atingir. Tem um prazo de 30 dias, a partir do momento em que activar o bónus Reels Play.
Pode ver o seu progresso em relação ao seu pagamento mensal no seu painel de controlo profissional.

Passo 4: Criar conteúdo cativante e ser pago pelos rolos

Randomly posting reels on Instagram will get you somewhere. Artificial intelligence is evolving. Gone are the simple days when you could profit from simply throwing content online. Instagram is looking for 100% unique content that will capture the interest of your target audience.

Suponhamos que está a pensar como é que pode ser pago pelas bobinas ou aumentar o seu rendimento. Eis algumas directrizes que deve ter em conta.

  1. Partilhe as suas bobinas nas suas publicações e histórias.
  2. Descubra o seu público-alvo e o conteúdo que ele quer ver.
  3. Identifique os dados demográficos do seu público e crie conteúdos em conformidade.
  4. Certifique-se de que o seu carreto oferece valor.
  5. Encontrar ideias originais para as suas bobinas.
  6. Crie um calendário de publicações semanais e cumpra-o.
  7. Use third-party Instagram tools such as Napoleoncat to automate tasks.
  8. Check your Instagram engagement statistics to determine the best time to post a reel on Instagram.

Lembre-se sempre de que a chave é criar conteúdo envolvente. Se os seus vídeos não tiverem valor, será difícil atingir os objectivos do bónus de jogo. Isto levará ao desânimo e não perceberá como ser pago pelos rolos.

2 Formas alternativas de obter pagamento por carretéis

Apart from the famous Reel Bonus program, there are other ways creators can earn from Instagram. Plenty of influencers use a combination of these monetization options to boost their revenue.

Parcerias com conteúdos de marca

Influencers with a decent follower count can partner with brands looking to sponsor. To boost brand content, influencers need to join the Creator Marketplace. This is where creators can showcase their popularity on Instagram. Those with many followers and who post quality, unique reels have a higher chance of getting partnership offers.

The only eligibility requirement is to follow Instagram’s monetization and community guidelines policies.

Once a brand gets in touch, you need to negotiate the fees before posting the brand content. The reels will have the partnership labels. So, you need to enable the Add paid partnership label.

Partnering with branded content is another great way how to get paid for reels on Instagram.

Ganhar com o marketing de afiliados

Se o Reels Play Bonus não estiver disponível no seu país ou se precisar de uma presença forte para obter um patrocínio, existe sempre o marketing de afiliados. Muitas empresas, como a Amazon, permitem-lhe registar-se num programa de marketing de afiliados. Isto permite-lhe tornar-se um embaixador da marca e publicitar produtos. Assim, pode criar rolos que mostrem as características, as vantagens, etc. de um produto, fornecer uma ligação para o produto e ganhar uma comissão. A percentagem da comissão depende do programa de marketing de afiliados em que se registou.

Alguns criadores de conteúdos podem não preferir o marketing de afiliados porque o pagamento é feito com base na comissão. Se não conseguir efectuar vendas suficientes, não conseguirá obter um rendimento elevado. No entanto, esta continua a ser uma das formas mais populares de receber pagamentos por carretéis.

Instagram Payout Requirements Needed To Get Paid for Reels

It is very important to complete the Instagram payout requirements. Otherwise, you may not get your monthly payout even if you have achieved the Play Bonus goals. It is also crucial to understand the payout requirements. Many content creators panic when they don’t receive their first monthly earnings because they must carefully review the terms and conditions. You need to understand a few things related to Instagram’s payout requirements.

Let’s look into when and how to get paid for reels. This is something you are no doubt trying to figure out. First, you should know that Instagram has set a $100 minimum payout amount. It is necessary to reach this target; otherwise, you will not receive any money for that month. Instagram will release it to you the next month, along with any additional earnings only if the amount is $100 or more.

If you have earned over $100, the money will be transferred to your bank account or PayPal, depending on your preferred payment method. Another important thing to note is that you cannot release your funds whenever desired. Instagram will release your earnings. A payout release date is set: the 21st of every month for the earnings made in the previous month.

If you are eligible for your bonus earnings, which means you have reached $100 or more, Instagram will transfer the amount to your account. The transfer process could take up to 1–7 business days. Another thing to be aware of is that if you need to change your payment method details, you must do it at least 10 days before the payout date. Since the payout date is the 21st of every month, the payment method details should be updated on or before the 11th.

Configurar a sua conta de pagamento

On activating a bonus program, Instagram prompts you to set up your payout method. You should add your valued payment method at this step of the bonus setup so as not to remember to add it afterward. You will only receive your earnings if you add a payment method now. This may lead you to ask questions about how to get paid for reels.

Instagram’s preferred payout option is Paypal. During the initial set-up, you need to provide your PayPal email address. 

 If you need to update your payment method or add a new one, go to your professional dashboard and scroll down where it says bonuses. Tap to open it, and you can see the Payout Account option in the settings section. Tap on this option, and it will show that Payouts to: is set to PayPal or your bank account. Click on this to update or add a new payment method. If you are looking for multiple ways on how to get paid for reels, that is not possible. Instagram allows you to set up different payment methods, but you can only choose one to receive payments. 

Quantas visualizações são necessárias para ser pago pelos rolos?

A woman viewing and pressing the like button on Instagram to show her support as a follower

Every content creator knows how to get paid for reels, but no one knows how many views are needed to get paid for reels on Instagram. Creators frequently inquire about this question because they want an estimate of the profits they will achieve from their hard work. The issue is that Instagram keeps everyone in the dark. They haven’t made any official statements about the minimum number of views required to earn a certain amount of money. Why Instagram has kept the bonus payout, a secret is a mystery. However, after researching Instagram’s payout system, some creators have provided clues on how it works.

  • Contas diferentes têm detalhes e requisitos diferentes para ganhar o Bónus Reel.
  • Os ganhos variam de conta para conta. Os tweets de criadores que partilham o número de bónus mensais que ganharam com um número específico de visualizações confirmaram esta informação.
  • Os pagamentos variaram entre $600 e $35.000.
  • Há um limite para o montante que um criador pode ganhar e para o número de visualizações que pode contar para o bónus.

This information may be an approximate answer to the question, but it provides insight into the earning potential on Instagram.

How Many Instagram Followers Are Needed To Get Paid for Reels?

To succeed on Instagram and understand how to get paid for reels, followers are a must. You will only attract and gain more fans by creating high-quality reel posts that are engaging and unique. However, no specific number of followers is needed to get paid for reels. Having at least 1000 followers or more is recommended to start earning decent revenue.  

Path Social is here to help take your Instagram content creation to the next level! Our experts are dedicated to providing you with the tools and strategies to succeed in today’s competitive environment. Our algorithm targets interested users who will be engaged in your content. So why wait? Grow your audience and boost your engagement. Sign up for Path Social and start growing and gaining Instagram followers today. Take advantage of this chance and reap the benefits Instagram has to offer for top influencers.