Aumente el número de seguidores de su empresa en Instagram : Buenas prácticas

Foto de perfil de Karen Lin, author

Karen Lin

Instagram Crecimiento | 15 de septiembre de 2023

¿Quieres más seguidores reales en Instagram ?

Running a business is a numbers game. It’s about the number of customers you have, sales, the number of successful years, and the number that represents customer reviews, among others. Growing your Instagram followers for your business is equal parts challenging and rewarding.

Pushing to get new followers every day is a tough climb for most. But with the right tools and strategy, you can power up your follower growth and improve your business performance. Here’s your guide to the best practices for growing your Instagram followers for your business.

Una tienda llena de clientes.

Growing Your Instagram Followers for Your Business: What’s a Good Number?

Watching businesses and influencers on Instagram drawing in thousands of followers per post and raking in the dollars can either inspire you or frustrate you. Every brand wants to be the next big thing on the platform. The many successes made possible by Instagram make growing your followers for your business seem easy peasy.

For businesses, follower count is not just a vanity metric. It determines your authority in your niche/industry, credibility, page value, and how much you can make. It can keep doors to more opportunities wide open or tightly shut. It can attract even more followers or leave you unnoticed. When it comes to growing your Instagram followers for your business, what’s a good number?

Depende de varios factores, como tu nicho, la demografía de la audiencia a la que te diriges y tus objetivos empresariales. Los influencers, por ejemplo, deben alcanzar un determinado número de seguidores para subir en el ranking y ganar más. Puedes ser un nanoinfluencer si tienes entre 1.000 y 10.000 seguidores. Pero tendrás que superar los 10.000 seguidores para convertirte en microinfluencer.

Para hacerte una idea de cuántos seguidores necesitas para tu negocio, echa un vistazo a otras marcas de tu nicho. Puedes aspirar a tener tantos seguidores o más que tus competidores. Pero lo mejor es que mires más allá de su número de seguidores.

Engagement rate is a more critical metric than follower count. If you have 20,000 followers, but only a tiny percentage actively engages with your content on Instagram, then you’re performing poorly. If you only have 2,000 followers, but hundreds of them engage with you daily, then you’re a superstar, at least within your community. With higher engagement, you can have more significant opportunities to grow your Instagram followers for your business.

The line graph on paper represents Instagram follower growth.

Growing Your Instagram Followers: The Whys

While engagement is a better indicator of business performance, steadily growing your Instagram followers is still crucial to your overall growth. New followers can translate into additional likes, comments, views, shares, and sales. Even after you’ve reached the 10k or 50k mark, you should keep growing your Instagram followers for your business. Here are all the reasons why.

  • Más seguidores transmiten credibilidad. Es más probable que los usuarios te tengan muy en cuenta y te consideren fiable cuando has acumulado un número decente de seguidores. Un número elevado de seguidores aumenta tus posibilidades de atraer a nuevos seguidores.
  • A más seguidores, más ingresos. Para las personas influyentes, alcanzar un determinado nivel en el número de seguidores puede significar mayores pagos. Para las empresas, los nuevos seguidores son nuevas oportunidades de hacer más ventas.
  • Más seguidores significa mayor influencia para las marcas cuyo objetivo es convertirse en una autoridad o un líder dentro de un área de especialización concreta. El aumento de seguidores puede representar una mayor concienciación sobre una causa, una influencia social o política significativa y más conexiones que aprovechar.
  • Más seguidores aumentan su alcance orgánico. Su base de seguidores actual crea una red de nuevos seguidores potenciales a los que puede llegar de forma rápida y orgánica. Cada nuevo seguidor que consigas puede ramificarse de muchas formas para conectarte con otros seguidores.
  • More followers determine the strength of your brand. Growing your Instagram followers for your business will help you build a stronger community. The stronger your community is, the longer your brand will be successful.

A Woman jumping while holding an umbrella symbolizes Instagram follower boost.

Growing Your Instagram Followers Organically: The Hows

Growing your Instagram followers is considered by many as the golden standard for growth. It takes time and dedication to gain highly engaged and loyal followers. Here are five innovative, organic strategies for growing your Instagram followers for your business.

1. Reaching New Audiences by Conquering Instagram Reels

Reels are a relatively brand-new format for Instagram and mimic TikTok’s widely popular short-form videos. With Reels, you can use visual, audio, and other creative tools to create more entertaining content.

With users mindlessly scrolling through their feeds without actually seeing and appreciating posts, making them stop in their tracks is tricky. Videos compel users to pause their scrolling so they can see more. Videos also require a longer viewing time than still photos. This will help you increase the number of views and even prompt viewers to like, comment, or share your post. The higher your views and engagement, the higher your odds of having your Reel featured on Instagram Explore. It’s where you can get discovered by new followers.

Persona grabando un vídeo con un smartphone.

2. Growing Your Instagram Followers for Your Business Through a Rewards Program

Growing your Instagram followers for your business through a rewards program has been proven effective by many big brands. Rewards such as discounts or freebies in exchange for followers facilitate a mutually beneficial arrangement and one that many customers find difficult to resist. Here are some ideas you can use for your rewards program:

  1. Shoppers can earn additional points or gift cards by following your account on Instagram. 
  2. Los seguidores pueden ganar puntos extra invitando a sus amigos a seguirte a través de contenido generado por el usuario. Cuando los amigos etiquetados pulsan tu botón de seguir, pueden conseguir estos puntos extra.
  3. Los seguidores pueden convertirse en miembros de su Programa de Fidelización y disfrutar de ventajas especiales por traer nuevos seguidores.
  4. Customers can earn a free service (manicure, foot spa, etc.) or dessert on their next visit when they follow your Instagram account. 
  5. Los seguidores pueden ganar puntos de fidelidad compartiendo su publicación destacada, de modo que puede llegar a más público. 

3. Aumenta tu visibilidad utilizando geoetiquetas en tus publicaciones

Hashtags are not the only valuable tags you can add to your posts to optimize your content for relevant searches. Tagging your location is relevant to your brand/target audience works the same way in growing your Instagram followers for your business. Tagging your business location is, of course, given when you have a physical store. If yours is purely an online business, you can still tag locations such as:

  • Su entorno general, como su ciudad. 
  • Un monumento famoso o un lugar turístico cercano. 
  • Zonas frecuentadas por su mercado objetivo. 
  • La ubicación de un evento al que vas a asistir. 
  • Lugar donde sus clientes utilizan sus productos o donde pueden utilizarlos. 

Alfileres en un mapa que indican las ubicaciones etiquetadas.

4. Encouraging Audience Participation by Running Instagram Polls

You can increase your engagement and visibility by running Instagram polls in Stories, Reels, and regular feed posts. Polls also allow you to interact directly with your followers and get to know them better. You can get as creative as you want with your polls.

Utilice encuestas para saber qué opinan sus clientes sobre un nuevo producto. Pídales su opinión sobre el tema de sus próximas fiestas. Los resultados de las encuestas son información práctica y en tiempo real que puede utilizar para mejorar sus estrategias de marketing y crecimiento.

5. Growing Your Instagram Followers for Your Business With Interactive Stickers

Stories are a huge favorite among Instagram users, and you can make a story even more engaging with interactive stickers. Stickers like the Questions, Emoji slider, and Quiz give users a fun break from the repetitious content that fills their feeds. Giving your followers an entertaining and interactive story-viewing experience makes them more likely to engage with your other content. And with higher engagement comes greater follower appeal.

How to Grow Your Instagram Business Account Like a Pro

Growing your Instagram business account like a pro involves using tried-and-tested promotional tools that require investment. Some tools don’t require marketing knowledge or experience, and others that would deliver more bang for your buck with the help of experts. Let’s take a look at each one.

How to Grow Instagram Followers for a Small Business

Growing Instagram followers for a small business is often challenging, given the fierce competition on the platform. Here are a few options that are worth a try. 

  1. Set up and optimize Instagram Shopping

Make shopping convenient for your customers by setting up your shop on the platform. Growing your Instagram followers for your business requires preparing your shop for sales by creating and managing your product catalog. It also requires making your products easy to discover with product tags and encouraging customers to buy from you through Instagram’s promotional offers.

  1. Collaborate with Instagram Creators

Collaborating with creators will help you get discovered by new audiences. Creators will also give your brand greater authenticity and the benefit of their creativity. When you use Instagram’s Creator Marketplace, you’ll be able to “find the best creators to promote your brand with advanced search and recommendation features.” You can select potential creator partners according to your budget, the creator’s follower count and portfolio, and the specific collaboration project you have in mind, etc.

  1. Únete a los nanoinfluyentes

Nano influencers are an excellent choice for growing your Instagram followers for your business for several reasons. First, they’re cheaper and are more flexible about what they can get in return for their promotional and creative services.

Las personas influyentes pueden aceptar una colaboración a cambio de productos complementarios. En segundo lugar, aunque su base de audiencia sea pequeña, la audiencia/comunidad de un nicho suele ser entregada y muy comprometida. Así que puedes estar seguro de que las personas a las que llegarás a través del influencer están realmente interesadas y se convertirán en tus nuevos seguidores.

Un cartel de tienda diciendo "Abierto".

Growing Your Instagram Followers for Your Business With Instagram Tools

Growing your Instagram followers for your business through boosted posts is SOP these days. The good news is that you don’t need any knowledge or experience in digital marketing or SEO to get started.

Boosting a post is the simplest way to convert a post into an only takes a few steps. You can reach more people by boosting a post and specifying your target audience. You can choose how long your boosted post will run according to your budget. You can also promote an Instagram Story, a Reel, or feed posts with product tags.

When you’re ready to level up your ads game, you can build multi-platform campaigns via the Ads Manager. Campaigns allow you to create ads across Instagram, Facebook, and more so you can reach a broader audience to fuel your growth.

Instagram Followers Growth Service

If you need expert help growing your Instagram followers for your business, you can subscribe to an Instagram followers growth service.

Remember that accelerating your follower growth should not compromise your brand’s integrity, so stay away from services that instantly deliver thousands of followers. Your priority should be high-quality Instagram followers and not a quick fix using counterfeit followers.

A good Instagram growth service should have advanced audience targeting capability and social media expertise for organic content promotion. Growing your Instagram followers for your business with the help of a growth service should mean getting real followers. Users who are genuinely interested via precise audience targeting and skillful and human-powered promotion. You should expect a gradual increase in follower numbers within a short period.

El servicio de crecimiento se encarga de todo el trabajo pesado que implica localizar a la audiencia adecuada para su marca y poner su contenido delante de ellos. De esta forma, puedes dedicar más tiempo a crear contenido único para tu página. Esto hace que los nuevos seguidores potenciales no duden en pulsar tu botón de seguir cuando te descubran.

Phone screen displaying analytics for an Instagram business.

Growing Your Instagram Followers for Your Business the Right Way

You could fill a whole book with strategies for growing your Instagram followers for your business. Some are more effective than others, but only some formulas work the same for everybody. Your type of business, brand image, business goals, and target audience, among many others, will determine the right strategies to help you grow.

Getting expert help from a service with a proven track record in Instagram growth will take all the guesswork out of the equation. Path Social is such a company. You can rest assured that your business will grow with real followers who are genuinely interested and highly engaged. Path Social achieves this through its proprietary AI technology. Designed for precise audience targeting, combined with the established content promotion strategies employed by their in-house social media specialists.

Con la confianza de más de 20.000 marcas de Instagram en todos los nichos e industrias, Path Social es su mejor apuesta para un crecimiento duradero y gratificante. ¡Empieza a crecer y a ganar seguidores en Instagram hoy mismo!