Définissez des objectifs pour votre croissance Instagram

Photo de profil de Karen Lin, auteur

Karen Lin

Instagram Croissance | 18 septembre 2023

Vous voulez plus de vrais followers sur Instagram ?

You must know how to define goals to kickstart and sustain your Instagram growth. The great thing about social media is that you can have more control over your brand’s marketing with a carefully crafted content strategy. Indeed, many e-commerce startups are born on Instagram because it provides an accommodating and user-friendly platform for small businesses that can only afford a “hands-on” approach. Many enterprising individuals soon discover, however, that growing their brand and gaining more followers on Instagram is not as easy as it seems

When you’re taking your first steps toward Instagram growth, you have to define your goals to have a clear view of where you’re going.

A white arrow painted on a sidewalk to represent defined goals for Instagram growth.

Properly Define Goals to Optimize Instagram Growth

There are two key measures of Instagram growth: the rate of increase of your follower numbers and sustained engagement levels. But in order to achieve good numbers for both and optimize your growth journey, you must properly define your goals to get started on the right track and to make sure that you stay on it.

Keep in mind that Instagram gives your brand direct access to your target audience. This presents both wonderful opportunities and challenging goals to reach and engage with them on a personal level. This is where your defined goals come in, as they’ll help you determine the appropriate content strategy that will attract the right people and encourage them to follow you and interact with you on Instagram. 

When you set the right goals for your Instagram growth, you’ll be able to:

  • Élaborez une stratégie de contenu adaptée et à long terme pour une gestion de compte plus efficace. 
  • Gérez correctement votre budget pour les annonces sponsorisées et les autres besoins en marketing des médias sociaux. 
  • Définissez des attentes et des objectifs clairs en matière de retour sur investissement. 
  • Diriger habilement votre entreprise vers le succès.

Fixer des objectifs intelligents pour une stratégie de croissance intelligente

When defining your goals for Instagram growth, remember that they have to be SMART goals: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.

Définir des objectifs spécifiques

When you define goals, ask yourself this: What are your brand’s specific needs? Your Instagram presence should specifically address these needs, first and foremost. Do you want to build brand awareness, boost conversions or sales, increase traffic to your website, provide customer service, or boost Instagram engagement? Aligning your Instagram goals with your brand’s needs will help streamline your growth strategy.

Dart board with two darts representing hitting business goals on Instagram.

Définir des objectifs mesurables

You should be able to measure your goals using reliable and quantifiable performance indicators. For Instagram growth, you can evaluate the performance of your organic content strategy and/or your boosted posts using Instagram Insights, which will also help you determine if your current strategies are suitably aligned with your goals. You can set your goals and assess your progress on the platform based on these insights:

  • Les faits marquants récents, qui vous montrent toute augmentation notable des performances du compte. 
  • Comptes atteints ou comptes engagés, qui fournissent des chiffres classés en fonction de données démographiques spécifiques. 
  • Total followers, which show follower growth, top locations of your followers, age range and times they’re most active on Instagram.
  • Les informations sur le contenu, qui comprennent les interactions, les informations sur les découvertes et les informations sur les publicités pour les posts enrichis.

Instagram Guide de croissance

Découvrez comment les entreprises et les créateurs tirent parti des dernières astuces pour développer leurs comptes Instagram - GRATUITEMENT !

Si votre objectif spécifique est d'accroître la notoriété de la marque, par exemple, les mesures couramment utilisées pour évaluer le succès comprennent la portée des messages, le taux de croissance de l'audience, la portée potentielle, les partages et les mentions sociales. Si votre objectif est de stimuler la conversion, vous pouvez obtenir diverses informations sur la conversion en vous basant sur votre taux de conversion, votre taux de clics et votre taux de rebond.

Man looking at graphs on a tablet and evaluating Instagram business growth according to defined goals.

Définir des objectifs réalisables

Vous pouvez vous mettre sur la voie du succès en définissant des objectifs réalistes, ce qui n'exclut pas des objectifs ambitieux pour l'avenir de votre marque. En matière d'affaires, la portée de vos ambitions n'est souvent limitée que par la hauteur du succès que vous pouvez envisager pour votre marque. Mais pour réaliser vos grands rêves ou les objectifs de votre vie, vous devez fixer des objectifs plus modestes, réalisables, qui vous mèneront finalement au grand prix.

For your Instagram growth, smaller goals can be a specific follower growth rate per month according to industry standards, a monthly sales target that may vary according to seasonal trends, or a target number for app installs by the end of an ad campaign.

Définir des objectifs pertinents

If you’re exclusively growing your business on Instagram, your brand goals and Instagram growth goals are usually the same. But if you’re only using Instagram as one of your brand’s marketing platforms or for customer service purposes, then you have to define goals that are relevant to your Instagram account’s specific purpose. Setting relevant goals also means setting milestone goals that fit together perfectly to create the big picture — which is your ultimate vision for your business.

Relevant goals for your Instagram growth strategy could include reaching certain demographic groups through enhanced targeting or reaching a target number of participants in a Facebook contest to driving more traffic to your Instagram account. 

Définir des objectifs limités dans le temps

When you define your goals for your Instagram growth, you must also set a timeline within which you should achieve said goals, both short-term and long-term ones. If goal attainment does not occur within the specified amount of time, then your goal/s may not be specific or attainable or your timeline may not be realistic. You can determine the appropriate time frame for a certain goal based on your brand’s historical data on the platform or your competitors’ numbers for the same goal, or both. 

 Two young professionals discussing business goals for lasting Instagram growth.

Final Thoughts: Start With a Goal-Oriented Approach for Lasting Instagram Growth

You have to know exactly what you want to achieve so you can formulate and execute the right plan to achieve it. Every business needs a road map to lead them to Instagram success. Best practices for Instagram growth serve as general landmarks that let you know where you are on the map; your defined goals are the specific markers you set for your brand based on your specific needs and targets.

With the right goals, you can be self-sufficient and achieve impressive organic Instagram growth. You can also go much farther with the help of a reliable growth partner, like Path Social. Path Social understands that lasting growth can only be attained if it’s organic and through proper audience targeting. Take advantage of their proprietary AI targeting technology and in-house team of experts, and start growing and gaining instagram followers today!