How To Find Instagram Users? A Detailed Guide

Profile photo of Karen Lin, author

Karen Lin

Instagram 101 | Jan 01, 2024

Want More Real Instagram Followers?

Social media is all about connections. With over 500 million daily active users, Instagram is a bustling platform. Amidst this vast user base, finding individuals with unique names can be a challenge. But there is always an out.

This detailed guide will help you find Instagram users. Have you got their location, know their username or email, or are you randomly looking for someone? It does not concern us, but rest assured that you will find them by hook or crook. 

We have compiled the most effective search methods to track down Instagram users, backed by in-depth research. So, without further ado – let’s find out where they are hiding. 

A person has found the Instagram user he was looking for. 

How To Find Blocked Users on Instagram 

Have you recently blocked someone and now find yourself curious about their whereabouts? Fret no! That’s the case with every other millennial. Curiosity is always there, no matter what. You can check or unblock that person if your heart changes.

Learn how to find blocked users on Instagram by following these quick steps:

  1. Start by tapping your profile picture at the bottom right, your gateway to your personal Instagram world.
  2.  Look for the More Options icon at the top right of your profile. Tap it, and then select ‘Settings and Privacy’.
  3. Under the ‘Who can see your content’ section, find the ‘ Blocked ‘ option. This is your list of blocked accounts.
  4. If you have had a change of heart and want to give someone another chance, tap ‘Unblock’ next to their name. It’s that simple to reconnect.
  5. If your Instagram is connected to other accounts via the Accounts Center, you may receive suggestions to block various accounts. The algorithm will show these options after accessing your Facebook blocked list.

You can block any of these suggested accounts by following the steps above. Then, you can select ‘You may want to block’ at the bottom of your list. On the other hand, you can block by just tapping ‘Block’ next to the account’s name. 

Remember, it’s your Instagram, and you set the rules! Manage your blocked list to keep the toxicity out of your way and create the best experience for yourself.

The girl has found the Instagram dog account she was searching for. 

Find Instagram Users by Location 

Did you know that you can find Instagram users by location? The app serves as a global locator, connecting you with people who’ve visited similar places, from cafes to busy beaches. Sounds cool, doesn’t it? 

Here’s how you can tap into Instagram’s location magic:

  1. Open the Instagram app to initiate your search.
  2. Click on the Magnifying Glass icon to start exploring.
  3. Tap on ‘Places’ to narrow down your search to specific locations.
  4. Type in the exact place you’re interested in – a restaurant, beach, club, or even a city. The more specific, the better.
  5. Scroll through the photos under that location to find the person you’re looking for.

This method is effective for finding someone you recently met at a specific place, assuming the person is an active Instagram user.

Remember, you can also filter photos by their publication date to refine your search. This trick can also help you track Instagram users near you.

The man in the pink hood is unable to find a user on Instagram. 

How To Find Instagram Users Near Me 

Did you spot a fashionista living nearby, and now you want to find her Instagram? The nifty location feature is your secret tool for finding Instagram users near you.

You’re probably familiar with this feature if you’re a seasoned Instagram user. As discussed earlier, it lets you track the location of someone’s Instagram account, making the tracking easy. 

Learn how to find Instagram users near me by following these simple steps.

  1. Open the app and head straight to the search bar.
  2. Type in your city or neighborhood. It’s like setting out on a digital adventure in your backyard!
  3. Tap on the “Places” tab. This is where the secret unfolds.
  4. A list of accounts tagged in your chosen location will pop up. It’s like having a local social directory at your fingertips!

This method is a goldmine for finding top Instagram users and those who’ve recently shared posts from your area. While this method might not work for everyone, don’t worry — more tricks are up our sleeve!

Three girls are looking for each other’s usernames on Instagram. 

How To Find Out an Instagram User’s Email 

Are you on a mission to connect professionally and need to find someone’s email address? You’re not alone; many are still puzzled over how to find an Instagram user’s email.

Let’s dive into a quick and straightforward guide to uncovering Instagram emails. We will check the importance of compliance and the risks involved. Remember the golden rule: Use Instagram’s mobile app, not the desktop version. Desktop Instagram won’t show you email addresses.

Here’s how you can smoothly find an Instagram email.

  1. Open Instagram’s mobile app.
  2. Search for the desired profile and navigate to the profile you’re interested in contacting.
  3. Spot the ’email address’ button and check their bio for an ’email address’ button.
  4. Tap and choose your email app.
  5. Click the button and select an app like Gmail to view their business email.

It’s that simple! If your app looks different, ensure you’re using the latest version of Instagram.

While this method is effective for finding individual emails, a more efficient approach is best for collecting emails on a larger scale.

Gathering even a handful of emails this way can be tedious, especially if you need to transfer them to a desktop for outreach.

So, gear up and start connecting with professionals on Instagram with ease!

A young Asian girl is happy to find the Instagram user she was searching for. 

Find Instagram User ID With Hashtags 

Are you looking for a specific post or account linked to a unique hashtag on Instagram? It’s simpler than you think! Just tap into the power of the ‘Tags’ option, located right under the search bar. 

Here’s how to find Instagram user ID with Hashtags:

  1. Jump into Your Instagram Account to begin.
  2. Whether you’re on the app or browser, reach the search bar.
  3. Choose ‘Tags’ located right under the search bar.
  4. Enter Your hashtag with “#.”

Remember, always precede your keyword with a ‘#’ sign. That’s the rule of thumb on Instagram and across all media platforms.

Hashtags only lead you to accounts that have chosen to associate themselves with them. If your friend loves sharing makeup looks but doesn’t tag their photos, you won’t find them through a hashtag search. 

Keep this in mind to refine your search strategy and find exactly what you’re looking for on Instagram!

A person is liking the photo on Instagram with coffee on the table. 

Search by Number To Find Instagram User

When we make new friends or interact with people for any reason, we exchange numbers in the first place. But did you know? These numbers can help you find the Instagram account of that specific person. 

There is a feature on Instagram known as ‘Discover People.’ It is handy if you want to search by phone number for an Instagram user. 

Here’s a quick guide to finding someone on Instagram using their mobile number:

  1. Open Your Instagram Profile.
  2. Tap the Menu Icon on the top right-hand corner.
  3. Select the ‘Discover People’ option. 
  4. Choose ‘Connect,’ and you’ll sync your contacts with Instagram.

Once you activate ‘Discover People’, Instagram will display a list of phone contacts from your phone who have linked their profiles. If the person you’re searching for has connected their number to their Instagram, you’ll find them here.

However, remember that linking a mobile number isn’t mandatory on Instagram. So, if you don’t find them, don’t worry — there are other methods to try!

A girl wearing glasses is searching for Instagram users on her phone and laptop. 

Instagram User Finder at Your Service 

Have you ever heard about Instagram User Finder? If you consistently make new friends on Instagram, we bet you are familiar with it. But if you are new on Instagram or have recently begun increasing your social networks, this thing can help.

Diving into the world of Instagram, have you ever wondered how to find the best influencers in your niche? Instagram user finders or tools are your secret weapon in navigating the vast social media landscape.

Like there are tools to manage Instagram profiles, these tools offer a unique lens to view and find Instagram accounts. It makes your journey exciting and strategic.

Imagine you have a name or a username. Some search engines are like digital detectives, providing a deep dive into accounts with just that snippet of information. They reveal layers of details about the account, turning a simple search into deep insights.

But what if you have something different at your disposal, like a location or a specific interest? Some tools act as your GPS, guiding you to a curated list of Instagram users who match your criteria. It’s like having a map to the hidden corners of Instagram tailored just for you.

Why Should You Embrace Instagram User Search Tools?

Ask yourself, why shouldn’t you embrace Instagram User Search Tools? If you are in the race, you will have to run. It is important to utilize such tools if you want to compete and get an edge in the market.

We have highlighted seven reasons why you should capitalize on such tools.

  • These tools are a goldmine for connecting with influencers. Imagine finding the perfect collaborator with just a few clicks. You can be armed with analytics to make informed decisions.
  • Have you ever looked at your brand through an outsider’s lens? Type in your username and get ready for revelations. These tools offer a fresh perspective on your Instagram strategy, showing you what’s working and what’s not.
  • Knowledge is power, especially when it comes to understanding your competitors. By comparing their analytics with yours, you’re not just observing — you’re strategizing.
  • It’s like having a bird’s-eye view of your industry. See where you stand among peers and competitors, and tweak your strategy for maximum impact.
  • Beyond profiles, these tools can unveil trending hashtags, popular content styles, and emerging themes in your niche. It’s like having a crystal ball for Instagram trends.
  • By understanding the landscape, you can tailor your content to resonate with your audience, boosting engagement and fostering connections.
  • With these insights, you can refine your marketing tactics, ensuring your efforts hit the mark every time.

Find the Right Audience & Rule Instagram With Path Social 

Now, you know how to find Instagram users with a variety of techniques. Being an influencer or marketer, reaching the right audience is paramount. When you address the target audience, you get the desired results. 

But finding the right audience will not get the job done. You need to reach them potently and learn about the Best Time to Post on Instagram. That’s where Path Social comes in to aid you. With our cutting-edge tools and strategies, we’re ready to take you on an extraordinary Instagram journey.

If you want to get real Instagram followers, we can provide them. Our advanced AI-targeting algorithm actively works to make your profile stand out in the vast sea of creators. The marketing experts in our team leave no stone unturned in drawing genuine and engaging followers. 

So, find the right audience and rule Instagram with Path Social. Get in touch to start growing and gaining Instagram followers today!