How to Unfollow on Instagram: Everything You Need To Know
There are many ways to customize and enhance your Instagram app experience. You can toggle privacy settings, tailor your discover page and manage your Instagram followers and follows. But how do you stop following someone on Instagram? It seems like a simple enough task, right? However, you’ll need to play by specific rules to keep your Instagram account in good standing. We’ll cover those rules. We’ll discuss how to unfollow on Instagram, reasons why you should hit unfollow, and alternative features to use instead.

Why Would I Want to Unfollow on Instagram?
If you’re asking the question “How do I unfollow on Instagram?” There are a few things to consider. First, let’s discuss why you’d want to unfollow Instagram users. Everyone has their own motivations for manually removing someone from their Instagram feed. But here are the four most common ones. If you’re debating whether or not to delete one of your friends, use this as a guide.
Mental Health
Multiple studies link social media to declining mental health, especially in teens and young adults. This is why experts recommend limiting time on Instagram or similar apps in general. Following certain users amplifies these adverse effects even more. For example, you should delete anyone who uses their platform to bully you or your loved ones.
However, some Instagram users hurt your mental health unintentionally. For instance, loads of folks use IG and Twitter as news sources. But constantly seeing bleak headlines takes a toll. Or what if you have a friend who continually posts bikini photos, and you’re struggling with body image issues? Again, this person isn’t purposefully putting you down. But you’re not in a healthy place to engage with them.
Not Interested in Content From an Instagram Account
You’re on Instagram because you want to connect with others and check out content. The main reason to follow any Instagram account is your interest in the photos or videos they post. When that stops being the case, it’s time to say goodbye.
Unfollow Instagram Accounts for Professional Reasons
One of the trickiest things to navigate in the internet age is work-life boundaries. What you do privately on Instagram and any other social media app can bleed into your professional life. Including who you follow and your followers. If you have a public IG account or plan on befriending anyone at your workplace, you need to clean house. You don’t want your boss or a potential employer to catch you following an account that posts inappropriate photos. Certain Instagram features revoke access to viewing your followers and follows. But it’s better to be safe than sorry.
The Follow/Unfollow Method
Another reason to hit unfollow accounts on Instagram is the “follow/unfollowed method.” This is a get-followers-quick scheme some users employ as a helpful way to gain followers.
The idea is that you request to follow a list of accounts, hoping they’ll follow you back. Then, once you’ve gotten your follower count up, you stop following them. While this technique sometimes works, it can get you into trouble with IG’s limits.
The Instagram Unfollow Limit Explained
Did you know about the unfollow limit on Instagram? That’s right: the app has rules for this action. You can’t just run around following and unfollowing people on Instagram willy-nilly. You don’t want people to see you as a serial Instagram unfollower! Here are the two essential rules:
- Instagram imposes a daily and hourly limit on certain platform activities, including unfollowing and following multiple accounts. This reduces mass unfollowing.
- Instagram considers following and unfollowing the same action. This means that the number of follows and unfollows per day all go towards your daily limit.
How Many People Can You Unfollow on IG?
Now that you know the Instagram unfollow limit exists, we know your next question. “How many people can I unfollow on Instagram?” Technically, you can stop following as many people as you want over the lifetime of using the app. However, here’s more information on Instagram limits per day and hour:
How Many People Can You Unfollow on Instagram a Day?
Instagram doesn’t “officially” specify the rules of daily limits. Collected evidence suggests that the Instagram unfollow limit per day varies for different accounts. This depends on the age of the account, the number of followers, and the engagement rate. The best estimates further suggest that up to 150 unfollows/follows a day are safe for accounts older than three months. Accounts 3 months and newer can go up to 100 Instagram profiles.
How Many People Can You Unfollow on Instagram per Hour
Wondering “How many people can you unfollow on IG per hour?” Like daily limits, IG keeps mum on the official number per hour. But from testing, we’ve found that 10 unfollows an hour is a safe range. This keeps your account activities organic. We’ll expand on the importance of this in the next section.
Why Does Instagram Unfollow Limit Count
The daily limits exist to deter abuse, spam, and/or automated activities. It’s a way to level the playing field for all users. Small businesses, for example, won’t be able to compete against big names buying followers and other app statistics. Those with financial resources can easily hire a list of people to follow as many accounts as possible. Or they can use Google Play or App Store to buy unfollow apps that automate activities on the platform.
Instagram’s algorithm can detect if a certain action, such as unfollowing, occurs too often in a very short period. Mass purges flag as bot-like activity or spam. That’s why it’s best to do things manually. Don’t download third-party apps claiming to mass unfollow IG accounts for you. Your account may be temporarily suspended or permanently banned for such activities.
How Do You Unfollow Someone on Instagram?
Here are the five easy steps on how to unfollow someone on Instagram on the app:
- Log on to your Instagram account.
- Tap on your Instagram profile picture in the bottom right corner.
- Click on the “Following” section. You’ll see a list of your friends and Instagram followers.
- Scroll down to the account you want to unfollow, or type the name into the search bar.
- Tap the “Following” button next to their name to unfollow.
Here’s how to do it on a desktop:
- Log on to
- Click on the “Following” list on your profile. Or if you know they’re one of your followers as well, click on your “Followers” list.
- Scroll through until you find the user, and click the “Following” button.
Congratulations! You’ve successfully unfollowed someone. You won’t see any more of their posts on the app.
Alternatives To Hitting Unfollow on Instagram
Tapping unfollow on Instagram isn’t the only way you can curate your newsfeed. There might be moments when you don’t want to go with the “nuclear” option and want something less intense. You might not want the other person to know you went as far as to delete them. On the other hand, sometimes unfollowing isn’t enough, and you need to take things a step further. Here are your options for all of those scenarios.
Mute Accounts Instead of Using Instagram Unfollow
The mute option on IG is an excellent alternative to unfollowing. It eliminates a user’s content from your Instagram page while keeping them on your list of followed accounts. Not sure how to mute someone on Instagram? Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of any of their posts. Should you change your mind later on, you can easily unmute them.
Blocking an Instagram Account
When unfollowing isn’t enough, you can block followers altogether. You don’t have to tolerate harassment, spamming, or trolling from any Instagram user. If reporting them does not solve the problem, don’t hesitate to declare them blocked from your Instagram account. When blocked, users can’t find you on the app, and you can’t find them. This option hides your Instagram posts from specific followers and all of your other activity on the app. At the same time, you can’t see anything from their page either.
Want To Avoid Unfollowing on Instagram? Be More Selective
Do you know what the best way to avoid having to go down the Instagram unfollow rabbit hole is? Not following them in the first place. Don’t just add an account because you have mutual friends or want them to follow you back. Before hitting the follow button, spend some time browsing through a user’s profile. Ensure you have shared interests and that their content will be of value to you. This way, you’ll avoid having to scrub the Instagram account later.
Keep an Eye Out for Fake Accounts or Ghost Followers
Like other apps, Instagram is teeming with inactive or fake accounts. These accounts exist to inflate follower counts of different profiles falsely. Bots are a big no-no on Instagram. Don’t feel obligated to reciprocate a new follow immediately. Again, do your research and verify that your new follower is a real person.
How to Check Who Unfollowed You on Instagram
Lots of people ask “On Instagram, can you see who follows you then unfollows?” The truth is, there’s no quick way to find out if someone unfollowed you in the IG app. Instagram doesn’t send a notification for unfollowing. If you’re really curious about who stopped following you, you’ll have to don your detective hat and investigate.
If there’s a particular user you’re interested in, you can go to their profile and check their following list. Once there, look for your name. Another option is to check your list of followers. Type the user’s name in the search box. If their name doesn’t appear on your list of followers, then they may have recently unfollowed you.
It’s tempting to download third-party Instagram apps, like Follower Analyzer, that claim to keep track of follows and unfollows. Instagram doesn’t authorize such apps, and using them could put your account at risk. Practice extreme caution before using unauthorized Instagram third-party apps. Most of these apps use bots and have privacy issues. Your curiosity about who unfollowed you could lead to more severe problems, including account suspension.
How to Unfollow on Instagram: Final Thoughts
Maintaining a standard of quality makes for a more enjoyable IG app experience. Especially since social media is synonymous with a toxic environment these days. Creating a place of comfort and value online is the smart thing to do.
Learning how to unfollow on Instagram is valuable to your account’s regular “quality maintenance.” If you want to grow your account and ensure you’ll get genuine and quality followers, check out Path Social. Path Social offers organic growth through proprietary AI targeting technology and an in-house team of social media app experts. With our tools, you’ll reach real, targeted, interested, and engaged users. Ready to build an Instagram community that lasts? Start growing and gaining Instagram followers today.
How do you unfollow on Instagram in one click?
To unfollow someone on Instagram, follow these steps:
- Go to the “Following” section of your Instagram profile.
- Scroll down to the account you want to unfollow.
- Tap the “Following” button next to their name to unfollow.
How do I unfollow everyone on Instagram in one tap?
You can’t unfollow everyone at once on Instagram. This is because the platform has unfollow limits. But Instagram doesn’t tell us that magic number. Most agree that around 10 unfollows per hour and 150 unfollows per day are in the safe range.
How do I see who unfollowed me on Instagram?
Instagram doesn’t notify you when someone unfollows you. However, you can go to their profile and check their following list to see if you’re still on it. Or you can check your own list of followers. If they’re not on your list, they may have recently unfollowed you.
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